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On the subject of in-game same-sex marriage....Follow

#352 Aug 09 2004 at 8:59 PM Rating: Default
22? lower?

w00t my page.
hail before your new king.

Edited, Mon Aug 9 21:59:17 2004 by Tarandor
#353 Aug 09 2004 at 8:59 PM Rating: Good
It's Just a Flesh Wound
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lower again
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#354 Aug 09 2004 at 9:00 PM Rating: Default
I've been active on numerous forums/fora and I know it's a ***** to search for answers through countless arguments going nowhere. I don't feel like arguing right now and there's no way it was being a debate.
#355 Aug 09 2004 at 9:00 PM Rating: Good
It's Just a Flesh Wound
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ill give you two more guesses then ill say it.
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#356 Aug 09 2004 at 9:00 PM Rating: Decent
18? lower?
#357 Aug 09 2004 at 9:01 PM Rating: Good
It's Just a Flesh Wound
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lower~ this is your last guess.
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#358 Aug 09 2004 at 9:01 PM Rating: Default
#359 Aug 09 2004 at 9:02 PM Rating: Default
#360 Aug 09 2004 at 9:02 PM Rating: Good
It's Just a Flesh Wound
22,702 posts
Nope, its 14, you like how i view things? and did i surprise you with my age?
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#361 Aug 09 2004 at 9:05 PM Rating: Decent
Somewhat, and Yeah O_o

11 posts
Score: Decent [3.00]

Stayed the same

By: Tarandor

481 posts
Score: Decent [2.83]


I'll never understand you people
#362 Aug 09 2004 at 9:07 PM Rating: Good
It's Just a Flesh Wound
22,702 posts
lol... ill agree with you there, i surprise lots of people with my age, i think i act more mature then most people my age anyway. But, probably one of my favorite things to do is debate..
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#363 Aug 09 2004 at 9:11 PM Rating: Decent
Somewhat, and Yeah O_o

11 posts
Score: Decent [3.00]

Stayed the same

By: Tarandor

481 posts
Score: Decent [2.83]


I'll never understand you people

It's 3.89 now...
#364 Aug 09 2004 at 9:14 PM Rating: Decent
It's Just a Flesh Wound
22,702 posts
he means default rating.
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#365 Aug 09 2004 at 9:55 PM Rating: Decent
24 posts
"MarcusD, big big rate up. If all Christians were as peacefully spiritual and as full of love and understanding as you are, a lot more people would be Christian. Thank you for sharing something as important as your religious beliefs with us. And don't worry, I know that there are a lot of Christians who "practise what they preach" and I NEVER hold someone's religious beliefs against them. "

Thanks Sabo, there are a lot of Christians who live a double standard. But there are a LOT of us who aren't like that. :D
#366 Aug 09 2004 at 10:01 PM Rating: Good
241 posts
Marriage is not required to show one's love. You can still love someone without being married to them. The only thing marriage does is make it "right" to have sex with someone. Society doesn't like gay people nor premarital sex. If two gay people love each other, that should be enough. You don't need to get married, especially if sex means nothing to you. You get NOTHING out of it.

You are wrong. You do get things out of being married. Taxes and insurance to name a few.

Personally, I think gays should be allowed at least a civil union, to have the rights of a married couple. That way the church won't be too offended, because they won't actually have to marry the couple.
#367 Aug 09 2004 at 10:08 PM Rating: Good
24 posts
Well, the church wouldn't have to marry them anyway even if it were called "marriage". In the modern day, even if the church marries you you still have to have a legal marriage certificate from the government to really be married. And you can be legally married without the churches being involved at all.
#368 Aug 09 2004 at 11:05 PM Rating: Excellent
Wow, just wow. I don't know what to say about all this. I guess I"ll ramble for a few moments about the few big points I've seen (I'll admit I havn't read every word of what's been posted, I do have other things to do, like eat, fish for my caps, and sleep soon).

Nonetheless I'd like to point out a few things.

First off, yes I "get off" by gay sex, but that's not the reason I "choose" to be gay. It just kinda happened, I realised I like chest hair and burly guys. Franly, big hairy women scare me so that debunks the theory that if sex wasn't involved I'd be bi. No I don't really "get off" on chest hair, I just enjoy it. I like to cuddle up with my cats and sleep too cause they're fuzzy, it's not like I want to have sex with them (you're all pervs for thinking that!)

Marriage, law, religion, etc... Back in the day marriage was used to unite people. Fathers married off their daughters for money and stature, to unite houses and tribes. It wasn't for love. Sometimes women were considered property. Religion wise people did it so that they could procreate and not be in sin when they did it, and on that note it could be said that men wanted to "get off" and not go to hell for it.
Then there's the tax/legal side. Nowadays couples get all sorts of benefits for being married. I'll admit that the only reason I see for getting married is those benefits. The last reason is weddings, some people love weddings. I've know gay guys that want to have a big elaborate wedding someday, even if it isn't recogised by god, the state, or even their dog. They want a wedding for the sake of a wedding (and no they didn't want to wear the dress).

There's also the fact of the matter that weddings and marriage aren't the sacred thing they used to be. Perhaps the Christians or the homophobes or whoever are trying to "protect" this sacred thing, but don't realize that it doesn't mean the same that it used to. Marriage SHOULD be for love and commitment and all that jazz. Legal/tax benefits of couples should be for couples, whatever sexes they are. Marriage shouldn't be the only defining couplement by law really. Maybe we just need something similar but different for same-sex couples that would give the legal paperwork needed for those benefits? My mother's GF of 20 years works at Coors, my mother gets same-sex partner benefits from this (I did too till I hit 21). What does Coors take for proof of this? They don't have any marriage papers, and I seriously doubt that the Coors HR people took em to a back room and have them "prove" they were together. Either way, what I was trying to say is, the str8s out there don't hold marriage in high regard for the most part, it's just expected that if you live with someone for some length of time, it's to your advantage to get that little slip of paper that give you other benefits. If things go bad, you get divorced. A coworker of mine was whining the other day that she hated how everyone considered her marriage a "start marriage" cause it was her first. She said she seriously wanted to stay with her hubby all her life. They got marrierd after being together for years.

Anywho, those are my thoughts. As it stands, I don't ever plan on getting married and it doesn't really bother me. One day when we've got the money, my BF and I will get rings. When that day comes it comes, but I'm not going to have a big celebration over it. Maybe it just doesn't mean the same thing to me that it does to those who can create children :)

Edited, Tue Aug 10 00:07:45 2004 by tekkub
#369 Aug 10 2004 at 12:05 AM Rating: Excellent
Warlord Lefein wrote...
The sexual impulse is a basic function of biological life. If some people direct this impulse in a direction other than reproductive activity or something that won't result in reproductive activity... Its just a kink.

I assume this includes heterosexual sex where contraception is used as well? Or sex between couples where one partner is infertile? My own mother had to have a... surgery-whose-name-I-don't-know-how-to-spell-that-removes-ability-to-reproduce... because becoming pregnant again would probably be life-threatening, but she is still sexually active. (I'd really rather not think about it, but that's an entirely different issue.)

For that to be an argument against anything, you must believe that there is no valid reason for having sex other than producing offspring. I happen to think that sex can be a natural expression of the love you have for someone. Certainly I think it's far more unnatural to have sex with someone you *don't* love, regardless of the genders and reproductive possiblity involved.

You know, I'm probably technically bisexual. The problem is, there's only 4 men I've ever found attractive, one it was because he looks like a girl, and they're all fictional. So I'm kind of stuck. Some psychologists think that *everyone* is bisexual to a certain degree. I'm not too convinced myself. But if every person you meet of the opposite/same gender you find either pysically unattractive or mentally repulsive, how does that make you any different from homosexual/heterosexual? Of course, some people don't think personality matters to homosexuals/heterosexuals in choosing partners. But I'm rarely interested in someone's body at all until I've learned something about their mind. (Exceptions usually involve wings.)

There are no gay rights or hetero rights or any rights inbetween in the matter of the subject.

That works about as well as saying there are no women's rights or black's rights... and no, I'm not saying that you're saying that. But the fact is that there are legal protections and things that are allowed to heterosexuals that are not to homosexuals, just as there were ones given to whites and males that were not given to non-whites and females before. Now, as you have said, civil unions would solve this problem. But then I wonder if the same argument that was used against segregated schools might come up. "Seperate but equal isn't."

The cleanest solution might actually be to make marriage the result of a religious ceremony, and civil unions the result of a legal contract. So, you could have the legal contract and get married in a church or whatever (like, say, my parents), and you have both a marriage and a civil union. You could get have an appropriate religous ceremony, but never have the legal contract, and be married but have no civil union. (And thus, would get no protection under the law.) If you have what I think of as a "courthouse marriage", with no religious component, then you have a civil union but are not married. (Yes, even if you are of opposite genders.) Basically, seperating church and state. The laws can be somewhat consistent, and religions can do what they want - long as they don't break the law anyway. It's perfect!

Of course, it'll never happen. *sweatdrop*

And what is so wrong with not wanting your kids exposed to sex of any type before they are old enough to have it?

The problem is that they *will* be exposed, whether anyone like it or not. The only thing accomplished by trying to shield children from sexuality is losing the opportunity to get to them *first* with what you believe on it. (I think *my* first exposure came from an *encylopedia*. It's kind of hard to get away from sex...)

Now, that certainly doesn't mean you need to go into *detail*. In fact, it'd probably be a bad idea for all sorts of reasons. But not knowing about something at all just makes it more likely that they'll do something incredibly *stupid* when it is brought to their attention.

See, people who buy into the conventional wisdom of the day are FRIGHTENED TO DEATH of this subject. Anyone who doesnt agree with you is subject to all kinds of mudslinging.

This I think is basically true, but at the same time isn't really much of an argument. Basically, there are some people on the gay rights side of things who are idiots. But that doesn't make everyone on that side inherently wrong, any more than everyone who is opposed to gay rights is inherently wrong because some of *them* are idiots. (It's pretty safe to say one of these groups *is* wrong, but if they are it's not because of their idiocy ratio.) I personally hate "political correctness", but that doesn't mean everything related to that is wrong. I think a lot of things under it are wrong ("he or she" < "he" || "she"), but I have to evaluate them on their own.

And... that's all. `.`

~sleepygirl, o.O;;;
#370 Aug 10 2004 at 12:21 AM Rating: Good
24 posts
Hahaha...nevermind. :-)

Edited, Tue Aug 10 01:22:38 2004 by MarcusD
#371 Aug 10 2004 at 1:03 AM Rating: Good
24 posts
Sabo, you seem like a really cool guy and it's awesome that you can be so brave as to stand up for yourself against all these flamers and still stay cool about it. If you ever wanna chat sometime, look me up. I share that email addy with my girlfriend so if you get some weird email back it's probably her. :P

Marcus's Cool-o-meter:
Michel Jackson |-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|Sabo|-| Sean Connory
#372 Aug 10 2004 at 1:05 AM Rating: Decent
It's Just a Flesh Wound
22,702 posts
ThThe problem is that they *will* be exposed, whether anyone like it or not. The only thing accomplished by trying to shield children from sexuality is losing the opportunity to get to them *first* with what you believe on it. (I think *my* first exposure came from an *encylopedia*.

heh... i second that >.>... <.< i didn't learn about it from an Encylopedia tho... it was probably from the TV/Dad/Games/Internet heh... sex is around us, you can only shield kids from it for so long.

Edited, Tue Aug 10 02:22:42 2004 by Deadgye
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#373 Aug 10 2004 at 1:33 AM Rating: Decent
The comedy Central show Daily Show wraped this up perfectly for me....

A top supporter of the marriage act in congress said this today on the issue. "If a man was allowed to marry a box turtle it wouldnt effect me directly BUT we would have to live in a society with such poor morals that allowed a man to marry a box turtle."

So the response from the shows host was the following...

"So let me get this right:

Man+Woman < Just a Man or Just a Woman < Man and Man or Woman and Woman = Man humping turtle???????

This was just hilarious had to share it. The Congress of today is populated with OLD farts who are stuck in the 50's thats why these issues come up and thats why the abbortion issue is still around. Until our more open acepting generation comes into power these issues will still be here. Its ******** that in a society that claims to be home of the free we are trying to take away a freedom from a group of people.

On the subjects of gay and lesbian discrimanation in the game, these games are a form of art and art reflects the soceity the creates it. Until our soceity and the soceities of the rest of the world accept gays and lesbians as a whole it will not show in mainstream art.
#374 Aug 10 2004 at 2:15 AM Rating: Decent
475 posts
Hm... well I guess I'm about 6 pages too late for intelligent conversation, but I felt like saying this anyway ^.^

One of the leading candidates for governor of I think it was Massacheusettes said this quote which I found particularly vital: "I was an opponent of gay marriages until I realized I didn't have to get one."

So all you people who it 'makes you sick' or whatnot whenever you think about same-sex marraiges... No one is making you have one, so don't worry about it so much because it's not going to affect you ^^
#375 Aug 10 2004 at 8:54 AM Rating: Excellent
1,851 posts
The best part about this whole thing is, even is we strip the "marriage" title from it - when confronted with civil unions, the same people would still throw a hissy-fit and complain about the collapse of society. They are disgusting, bigoted people, and it's clear that as time marches on, they will fall out of favor, along with their ignorant opinions and willingness to make others suffer for their insecurity.
They can't handle the fact that the guy next door likes some other guy, and looks better, makes more money, dresses better, and gives a damn about going to the gym. Do they blame their own laziness for not stacking up? No. They pull out the "I'm doing what's natural," thing, which in a way is true. In most animal kingdoms, a wannabe alpha-male tries to defend his crown. It's too bad he hasn't realized how to think like a human being yet.
#376 Aug 10 2004 at 9:02 AM Rating: Decent
It's Just a Flesh Wound
22,702 posts
ummm.. well... humans arn't the only ones that act homosexually.

animals do it do. heh... now.. where was that link.
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