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On the subject of in-game same-sex marriage....Follow

#327REDACTED, Posted: Aug 09 2004 at 8:38 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) If that were always the case, black people would not be living in America,
#328 Aug 09 2004 at 8:38 PM Rating: Excellent
2,225 posts
I did find a loophole in the marriage problem, but it takes more work for a couple.

As previously mentioned, both myself and my boyfriend are Mithra. We wanted to do the silly marriage thing in-game, so we each made a male character mule. We're in the process of leveling them up to 20. We named the mules almost identically to our mains, so the wedding rings will be obvious.

Sure, it's a pain to level to 20 with a's a pain to pay for two weddings (but hey, two spiffy wedding dresses!) but if you're determined, there is a way around it.

I just think it's a little unfair that there is no same-sex marriages allowed when they DO force certain genders on you if you want to be a certain race. I couldn't really see the heated arguments about Square being asses if they allowed both genders of all races, because then you could just play as whatever the hell gender you wanted, and you'd have no room to complain since you could both be whatever gender/race combination you wanted. But you can't entirely do that, and that's what sucks here.
#329 Aug 09 2004 at 8:39 PM Rating: Good
24 posts
But doesn't YOUR bible, that supports YOUR god, say homsexuality is wrong? I believe it does. So it's overexagerrating or a misinterpretation. Oh no. Would you be happier if I merely said "You god doesn't support" ****? It's the truth.

God is infallible. Humans are not. God did not write the Bible. Humans did. Therefore, everything in the Bible is subject to debate. God has given me the ability to tell right from wrong, and I know that descriminating(sp?) against gay people is wrong. Therefore, I know that the passages in the Bible about gays are either wrong or have been misenterpreted over the centuries or are being taken out of context or whatever.

My God kicks so much ***. He gave me (and all of us) the most amazing ability, to think for ourselves. He gave us free will, He did not intend for us to be stupid or mindless. And thanks to that incredible gift, I can make up my ***own*** mind on moral and religious problems. And I know that gay people are in no way different from straight people. They're nasty and sleazy, so are we. They're amazing and strong-willed, so are we. They have to struggle, so do we. They fall in love, so do we. They sleep around, so do we. They do drugs and rape kids and rob banks, so do we. They volunteer and work for charities and try to make the world a better place, so do we. They are a group of varied, unique people, so are we. They are US. You can't make broad statements like "**** are evil" because some gay people are and some aren't, just like some straight people are evil and some arent. I just hope Sobo and anyone else who is reading this knows that all straight people arent sick hateful creatures like you're making us out to be. Love is never EVER evil. God gave us the gift of love, and Satan gave us the "gift" of hate. You seem to enjoy one of those gifts much more than the other. I pity you.
#330 Aug 09 2004 at 8:39 PM Rating: Excellent
1,656 posts

This debate reminds me of something.

Have any of you ever read the book "The Forever War"? It's a sci-fi piece based on the Vietnam War.

Part of the idea is that a military force is sent out through a highly accellerated form of travel to fight a war far away, with the practical effect of stasis. This means that when they eventually return to Earth, it is many, many years later than from when they left.

Upon returning, the entire world is Homosexual. It became encouraged as a method of controlling overpopulation. The main character's discovery of this, especially the fact that his own Mother is now homosexual, bears great relevance to this debate in my opinion.

I suggest giving it a read, not only for its relevance here but also because it happens to be a fantastic book.
#331 Aug 09 2004 at 8:41 PM Rating: Good
One more thing.... God hates noone. Hatred is the greatest sign of weakness. I dont care which side you stand on any issue. God never once stood for hatred in ANY book. At least any book worth reading..
#332 Aug 09 2004 at 8:42 PM Rating: Default
Ok, let's think about this for a second.

Your fighting for your "rights" on an Online-Game so you and your boyfriend can get married? Why dont you put your energy torwards more USEFUL things like maybe fighting for your gay "rights" in the real world?

Waste your time ******** about it on a forum isnt going to get anything you "Want" done. Nobody is really going to go outside with a smile on their face the day gays can get married in FFXI just because they cant ******* accept the world.

If you and your boyfriend want to be married so much why dont you go DO something about it, instead of ***** to people who obviously dont really care.
Nobody will honestly praise 2 gay couples on a server can get married because the vast amount of STRAIGHT couples wanting to get married already outnumber them. Congratulations, your going to be able to get married! Just set it ahead a few months so you can afford the 130k it costs for the wedding!

FFXI already has alot of people betting this game is going to fail and I cant see adding a gay marriage will benefit anybody but a good 20 people that cant afford the wedding anyways.

Let this thread die. It's going nowhere. This post isnt going to get Square-Enix to think "Maybe we SHOULD allow gays to get married.. hmm.."
But personally I cant see a world of Strange races, Magic, unexplored amazing things, be all that damn worried about gay equal rights.

Stop wasting your time ******** about the equal rights of a video game, and go put that wasted energy torwards things that benefit others.

Wait nevermind... this is about the gays .. soo.. uh.. okay well NOBODY IS GOING TO CARE WHAT YOU ACCOMPLISHED IN A VIDEO GAME.

Now im done. I dont care what your opinion is.It's fact your all wasting your time talking about equal rights in a video because it will CHANGE NOTHING.

Thank you for your time.

Thanks for rating me down by the way. I love the "I wont rate you down for sharing an opinion" comment yet you rate me down for sharing an opinion with someone.

Edited, Mon Aug 9 21:46:05 2004 by Tarandor
#333 Aug 09 2004 at 8:42 PM Rating: Excellent
It's Just a Flesh Wound
22,702 posts
ok... .. .. now.. your name... if god hates ****, when why in the hell, would animals with low inttellagence love the same sex, and pay no to very low attention to the opposite sex animals.

I mean... god made them... if he hated ****, wouldn't he had prevented it.

Dear people I don't like: 凸(●´―`●)凸
#334 Aug 09 2004 at 8:43 PM Rating: Good
2,259 posts
I didn't say Lincoln did no good. I was pointint out what he did wasn't for black people, he owned slaves himself and wasn't fond of black people. He did what he did out of fear, but because of that, US, for the most part, is free of slavery.

I also responded by saying that he could not have done it out of fear, and I clarified as to why. You are free to re-read my post if you did not understand this on your first go around.

In addition to that, I suppose that this is another rumor that you have heard, for it is completely incorrect. You may also verify what I am about to say through various accurate sources of history, since it is entirely true.

Abaraham Lincoln was raised in a religious, Baptist household that taught him to be against slavery, since it was morally wrong, and went against God's teachings to "love all" creatures. He did not change his opinion later on in life, nor did he come upon it for political gain, but it is how he was taught since he was a toddler. His mother and father passed their strong opposition on to him, so he did not "dislike blacks" as much as you may think. Any source which you may quote that claims such a thing is as erronous as the statement you made earlier, that within the Bible, it states that God hates gay people.

You can post more if you'd like. I'm enjoying gunning you down. ^^
#335 Aug 09 2004 at 8:44 PM Rating: Good
It's Just a Flesh Wound
22,702 posts
Your fighting for your "rights" on an Online-Game so you and your boyfriend can get married? Why dont you put your energy torwards more USEFUL things like maybe fighting for your gay "rights" in the real world?

if you didn't see it yet... were sorta doing both...
Dear people I don't like: 凸(●´―`●)凸
#336 Aug 09 2004 at 8:44 PM Rating: Default
You bring up such great points. I didn't think many would realize what you have, but I was damn wrong. You're right, you CAN'T rely on the bible because it's interpretations will be based on who wrote it. You need to think for yourself. I don't recall every saying I disliked gay people, sure my username implied the hell of it, but it's nothing but a label. It's all labels.
#337 Aug 09 2004 at 8:45 PM Rating: Good
2,259 posts
Waste your time ******** about it on a forum isnt going to get anything you "Want" done. Nobody is really going to go outside with a smile on their face the day gays can get married in FFXI just because they cant @#%^ing accept the world.

Did you ever bother to read the original post in the thread? It was wonderfully peaceful, and welcomed intelligent criticism. Unfortunately, posters such as yourself have participated in skepticism and hatred, and have completely ruined the thread. He would have welcomed your opinion, and you could have had a kindly debate, if only you were capable of such.
#338 Aug 09 2004 at 8:46 PM Rating: Good
It's Just a Flesh Wound
22,702 posts
ok... how do we bring this up against the US, how do we contact them.... i want to debate with them... I want to see what was said to lead them to make it so Gays could not marry.
Dear people I don't like: 凸(●´―`●)凸
#339 Aug 09 2004 at 8:48 PM Rating: Good
It's Just a Flesh Wound
22,702 posts
I don't recall every saying I disliked gay people, sure my username implied the hell of it, but it's nothing but a label. It's all labels.

or a sockpuppet.
Dear people I don't like: 凸(●´―`●)凸
#340 Aug 09 2004 at 8:48 PM Rating: Default
if you didn't see it yet... were sorta doing both...

Your fighting for your rights in the real world.. on a forum.. I have given you all more credit than you deserve.
#341 Aug 09 2004 at 8:49 PM Rating: Good
It's Just a Flesh Wound
22,702 posts
i said i was doing both, meaning that only 1 part is being shown here, and i have requested info on how to bring this up with the officials of the US.
Dear people I don't like: 凸(●´―`●)凸
#342 Aug 09 2004 at 8:52 PM Rating: Decent
MarcusD, big big rate up. If all Christians were as peacefully spiritual and as full of love and understanding as you are, a lot more people would be Christian. Thank you for sharing something as important as your religious beliefs with us. And don't worry, I know that there are a lot of Christians who "practise what they preach" and I NEVER hold someone's religious beliefs against them.

GodHatesFags, if it's just a "label" and you don't actually "hate ****", then I suggest you change your label.

To everyone who gets the point of this topic, thank you.

To everyone who clearly doesn't... I am SIMPLY trying to make a topic to debate (in a courteous, considerate manner), the issue of gay marriage in-game (and I guess in real life too). I am not trying to change anyone's belief system, I am not championing any cause, and I'm not hoping secretly that something in this topic will convince S-E to change their policy. Honestly, for the sake of their company I hope they DON'T change their policy. Go back and reread every one of my posts in this topic, and stop telling me that I'm trying to marry my boyfriend in-game. That's not true at all. I'm simply pointing out that S-E willfully chose to mirror the real-life situation of discrimination against gay couples by limiting marriage in the game to people of opposite genders. WHY did they do that? They could have just added a general "marriage function" and left it up to the players who they want to marry. There wouldn't have been any controversy, no big splashes at all. But now they CANNOT go back and change their policy. My only complaint is, why did they feel the need to make special programming to PREVENT same-gender marriages?
#343 Aug 09 2004 at 8:52 PM Rating: Default
Do research. Get more support. Look into how things were done in the past.
#344 Aug 09 2004 at 8:52 PM Rating: Decent
It's Just a Flesh Wound
22,702 posts
seems like nobobdys posting anymore... guess this is dead now? ok... bet no one here can guess my age >.>
Dear people I don't like: 凸(●´―`●)凸
#345 Aug 09 2004 at 8:53 PM Rating: Excellent
2,259 posts
Your fighting for your rights in the real world.. on a forum.. I have given you all more credit than you deserve.

Have you written to various medical institutions about your protest against the "lisp" word? According to your signature, you are obviously highly opposed to such an unfeeling form of torture, so I'm sure you're the pioneer behind the "Lisp-Impared Speakers' Society to Have the Word Lisp Changed to Something Else." I couldn't even count on one hand the amount of times I've heard about your rallies, polls, petitions, and lobbying. It's an incredible group, and I commend you for creating it.

Obviously, I wrote all of that in satire, but it was for a reason. The internet is as legitimate of a communication medium as the spoken tongue, the written word, the telephone, the telvision, and such and such as the list goes on. It is merely another evolution of the means by which to speak with others. Therefore, it is no more artificial than a real life event, for people can join in, fight with you, and have their voices heard on any platform they choose to speak on.

I always find it amusing when people treat intelligent internet arguments as if they are unworthy sessions of bickering. Your ancestors opposed the creation of the telegram and the television, did they not? ^_~
#346 Aug 09 2004 at 8:54 PM Rating: Decent
seems like nobobdys posting anymore... guess this is dead now? ok... bet no one here can guess my age >.>

#347 Aug 09 2004 at 8:55 PM Rating: Decent
It's Just a Flesh Wound
22,702 posts
nope, guess again.
Dear people I don't like: 凸(●´―`●)凸
#348 Aug 09 2004 at 8:56 PM Rating: Default
why did they feel the need to make special programming to PREVENT same-gender marriages?

It's a rash assumption, but maybe some higher up in SE doesn't like gay people. If you're creating a game, why put what you don't like in it.

Maybe they thought it was immoral or wrong. There's ton of reasons that might be why, but I doubt you'll get the real reason here unless they mentioned it elsewhere and that gets posted here.
#349 Aug 09 2004 at 8:57 PM Rating: Decent

Higher or lower?
#350 Aug 09 2004 at 8:57 PM Rating: Decent
It's Just a Flesh Wound
22,702 posts

Edited, Mon Aug 9 21:57:36 2004 by Deadgye
Dear people I don't like: 凸(●´―`●)凸
#351 Aug 09 2004 at 8:58 PM Rating: Excellent
2,259 posts
It's a rash assumption, but maybe some higher up in SE doesn't like gay people. If you're creating a game, why put what you don't like in it.

Maybe they thought it was immoral or wrong. There's ton of reasons that might be why, but I doubt you'll get the real reason here unless they mentioned it elsewhere and that gets posted here.

Your posts have become much better and more enjoyable to read. This is how a knowledgable, civil debate is held. I hope you have been honest with your latest statements, and that my compliment is not in vain. ^^
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