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On the subject of in-game same-sex marriage....Follow

#227 Aug 09 2004 at 3:45 PM Rating: Good
1,851 posts
Warlord Lefein wrote:
"And what gives the apples the right to deny rights and freedoms to the oranges?"

Nothing is being denied, it's all just in your head. Noone is stopping you from loving and being with whomever you want. Something can't be taken away that was never there. You NEVER had the right to marry same sex before. Not EVER throughout ALL time. Despite great expanses of water, societal differences, and no means of contact has any culture throughout time allowed same sex marriages. It has always been a natural union of a man and a woman. You're making up a right and feeling discriminated against for not having it... That's not right. A lot of people see it that way. This whole "gay movement" for marriage is like a spoiled child screaming in a WalMart. Noone wants ot hear it anymore. Everyone HAS to hear it because the kid can scream loud enough. Everyone wants the kid to be taken home and dealt with. And America looks like the typical bad parent that doesnt know what to do...

Don't be an ***. You are talking about people who sometimes get physically attacked in the streets for no reason. Sounds to me like there are plenty of people willing to stop them from loving whoever they want. As long as these couples pay taxes and are willing to die for this country (we DO have a Navy Smiley: tongue), they ought to have every single right and privilege as everyone else, and not have to jump through legal hoops to have a little security. To say that it's a walk in the park smacks of incredible ignorance. Find a gay friend and ask them what it is like before you open your mouth. As for your comparison to something no one wants to hear anymore, maybe these people don't want to be made to feel inferior because of people like you and your ignorant, bigoted bullsh*t. The difference is, these people march and yell about it, whereas, people like you take bats to their heads to shut them up. Great civilization you are defending there.
#228 Aug 09 2004 at 3:45 PM Rating: Decent
"And what gives the apples the right to deny rights and freedoms to the oranges?"

Nothing is being denied, it's all just in your head. Noone is stopping you from loving and being with whomever you want. Something can't be taken away that was never there. You NEVER had the right to marry same sex before. Not EVER throughout ALL time. Despite great expanses of water, societal differences, and no means of contact has any culture throughout time allowed same sex marriages. It has always been a natural union of a man and a woman. You're making up a right and feeling discriminated against for not having it... That's not right. A lot of people see it that way. This whole "gay movement" for marriage is like a spoiled child screaming in a WalMart. Noone wants ot hear it anymore. Everyone HAS to hear it because the kid can scream loud enough. Everyone wants the kid to be taken home and dealt with. And America looks like the typical bad parent that doesnt know what to do...
#229 Aug 09 2004 at 3:46 PM Rating: Decent
I'm going to go buy the Game Of Life boardgame and put 2 baby blue pegs in the front seats of all the cars.

#230 Aug 09 2004 at 3:54 PM Rating: Decent
289 posts
Manukriki, there is a huge difference between redefining a scientific unit and a tradition that has been held worldwide since the dawn of humanity....

Social definitions changes too. Governemnt changed to include more type of government, citizen definition was changed to include women. Redefining political's marriage definition (as the religious one cannot and should not be changed because of the right to choose your religion) could easily be changed to two willing human beings instead of a man and a woman. No one lose anything in it. There's only 10% of the population that will gain the right to be equals.

Someone where I live once said: "We say gay pride because pride is the opposite of shame. However what I really want is just gay dignity".


Edited, Mon Aug 9 16:54:55 2004 by Manukiriki
#231 Aug 09 2004 at 4:04 PM Rating: Good
562 posts
Saboruto, chill. It'll all be alright. If they/we want to discuss religion, we can. Just because you started this thread, it doesn't give you the right to proclaim what can and cannot be discussed. You should have expected this, especially on a topic as controversial as this. But by posting complaining about people rating you down for your opinions, it only gives them another post to camp. Just shrugg it off and move on. It'll be ok man.

Lefain, the problem with your main argument is that throughout history, gay marriages have not existed, and therefor should not now. Yes, it is not traditional or customary for gays to marry. But, times have changed since then. Life isn't as precious as it once was, and with more modern day miracles extending the average life expectancy and the recovery of babies, the pressure to have a male heir isn't there anymore in NA. The other problem is that you are selectively chosing which traditions we can change, and which ones we can't. There are literally hundreds of traditions that are no longer in practice today. I won't go into them all, but for example in the original Olympics, athletes competed nude so that they could not hide any weapons on their being. Times change, and with it so must our views and practices as a society.

In past history, men have almost always been the head of the house, and women subservient. This was fine by society's standards for thousands of years, not in all cultures but in all Christian cultures. However, they are not today. Who are we to decide what we can/cannot do? Women protested for equal rights in America. They never had those rights to begin with, but they still wanted them and they got them. Even the Bible did not put women on equal ground as men, as it was woman who first sinned. How is this different from gay marriages? Just because it was never given, doesn't mean it shouldn't be given.

These people want their freedom, a freedom that has been denied to them. It doesn't matter whether or not it was given to them at one point in time. The US waged war against Britain because they wanted something that they never had. Settlers came to NA shores originally to get something they never had - religious freedom. In a land where freedom is held sacred, it is disheartening that we are not trully free, despite what anyone says. The government is looking over our shoulder and saying "nono, you can't do that." Until we have the right to marry whomever we want, for whatever reason (granted they meet the age of consent), we will never truly be free.

We have the freedom of speech, of press, the right to bare arms, to think how we want, to feel how we want, to love whom we chose. Why can we not marry whomever we want, if we are truly the country of the free?
#232 Aug 09 2004 at 4:05 PM Rating: Good
94 posts
Interesting thread.... I came into this 4 pages in, so bear with me as I try to encompass what I have read...

First off, I should state I am an out and proud gay man. My official stance on the issue is that SE made a mistake bringing marriage into the game, at least into the NA market, when it has been such a prevalent political issue. By doing so, they have broadcasted their political views, and as a result helped to influence younger players and further intolerance in a self proclaimed "community" platform. The fact that marriages can ONLY occur between M/F characters, discussions MUST have been made by SE deciding on this course of action. Gay marriages were not an oversight, they were deliberate. Along the same lines, multiracial marriages are allowed, which leads ME to believe SE made that decision deliberately as well to avoid being singled out as a racist organization....

By the way, I am Canadian, living in Toronto. I can legally get married to another man.

There has been quite a bit of religion tied into this thread. I do not proclaim to be an expert on Christianity, but I have read the bible, and I do not consider myself a Christian. Quoting scripture at me makes me laugh, because MY personal belief, (let the flames come), is that organized religion is the worlds biggest joke. Obviously there was reason for the creation of religions to provide explanations for the unknown, as a method of creating a morality base, to teach life lessons (same as fables), and provide a means for politicians and leaders as a method of control. The joke lies in the telling that the bible is divine, and that its scriptures are true retellings of what actually happened. The victor writes the history books. I respect Christianity in terms of most of the moral structures it teaches, but I abhor the way people take every word as gospel, and twist passages to promote a position. Times have changed, which creates misunderstandings in the religions that were created. [refer back to posts about Leviticus previously]. The population is supposedly more educated as well now and can comprehend things told them without the guise of entertaining stories of wonder and glamour (i.e. miracles). Let movies and television do that. The churches wield power over the masses because people let them, and allow ancient dogma to be the framework of their own belief systems. I do not fear that my soul will burn in hell because I lay with man, and I do not fear that your soul will burn if you associate with me, witness men holding hands, getting married, or having equal basic human rights. I support your right to your beliefs... I do not support your beliefs trampling on my rights.

In terms of the genetics/evolution thread.. Most of it went above my head cause I skimmed... There are more cases than the three mentioned... I saw a nature special that showed lions exhibiting homosexual behavior (so there is hope for the Mithra lesbians gaining marriage). Regardless of the number of species, it does show that it exists in nature, so I would appreciate it if people stopped saying "homosexuality is unnatural" ... By definition it is not. Also along the same thread, there was an argument around evolution requiring heterosexuality... Maybe I don't understand the gist of the debate, but, Yeah, if it wasn't for heterosexuals having sex there wouldn't be any of us homosexuals... So keep up the good work and breed away! I think you were trying to point out that homosexually is not the common trait for succession of species and therefore is abnormal. But if only heterosexuals creates offspring, why would homosexually keep appearing and not be extinct... If it doesn't go away because it got bred out, does that not say in some form that it is a normal occurrence?

Just a side note while talking about breeding... marriage and procreation are not mutually inclusive, so that is not an argument for anti-gay marriage.

As a counterpoint, how would you feel if homosexual marriages were implemented and all of the 12-year-old kids out used the system to mock your beliefs and lifestyle? There might even be more "joke" homosexual marriages than real ones.

There is nothing stopping the jokes as it is! You may not have noticed the extent of hate speech in the game because you are not sensitive to it. Every time I turn around, someone is using gay as a descriptive in a derogatory sense. Most of the time I let it pass because I am on to play a game instead of spark a debate, but I have frequently made an issue of it. You don't see any hate speech towards any racial groups or cultures (with the exception of the NA/Japanese rivalry). How do you think it would go over if someone called another <insert racial slang here>, or was complaining about Summerfest, and said "This event is so <insert religion here>. ?

-I do respect other gay people considering I think of them as equals having chosen a different, but somewhat regrettable style of life, compared to mine.
-I believe in total equality, pride groups amongst race/sex are distasteful to me, even though I wholly accept them as being there.
Why does acceptance always come with words like regrettable or distasteful? I do not regret my life, my choices, or the fact that I am homosexual. I hardly feel that homosexual sex is any more or less distasteful then non-procreating heterosexual sex.
I don't condone gay/lesbians, as a matter of fact... it honestly makes my stomach turn. I feel that it is not natural. I feel that it is fundamentally wrong.

Thanks for your input... You have your right to believe that, and this is a forum to express it. I don't mean this to come across as a flame, but I think you are quite ignorant judging people you don't understand. You could have left your sentence as I don't condone gay/lesbians. Was it really necessary to add "stomach churn", "not natural", & "fundamentally wrong"? You took a standpoint, and furthered it with an insult, not to mention any backup.

I guess I will end my ranting now. I did not want to take all the RL issues into this, but it is all in response to others pulling it that way.

(And to those that ask what have I done to make things better, I will let you know I volunteer my time to a number of organizations and have participated in a number of activist activities.)

Human rights are for everyone, even if you are a Galka

#233 Aug 09 2004 at 4:10 PM Rating: Decent
In Ancient Rome

"...and he married him with all the usual ceremonies, including a dowry and a bridal veil, took him to his house attended by a great throng, and treated him as his wife."

Though he did castrate the guy first ....

#234 Aug 09 2004 at 4:14 PM Rating: Decent

Edited, Mon Aug 9 17:14:36 2004 by Lefein
#235 Aug 09 2004 at 4:22 PM Rating: Good
41 posts

"Your making up a right and feeling discriminated for not having it"


When the womens won the right to vote, there were no societies anywhere in the world and in history that allowed the women to vote. Therefore, that quote of yours also applied to them.

Thats truly your line of thinking right?
#236 Aug 09 2004 at 4:23 PM Rating: Decent
94 posts
If you can find any historic evidence of a gay marriage before this decade I'll let it slide. Marriage could have been redefined by the Romans, Greeks, Babylonians, Mongols, Assyrians, or hell even the Sumerians... It hasnt changed throughout all of human history. Even before Christianity, or in parts of the world that don't even harbor beliefs resembling Judaism (also note ancient Native America). Marriage between same sex individuals just hasnt happened. Im sorry, but we cant call apples oranges to make the apples feel better... It's just the way it is.

Ancient civilizations did not have the red tape, tax laws, spousal benefits, ... that our society does now.
#237 Aug 09 2004 at 4:24 PM Rating: Decent
Not true King. matter of fact Women could be Samurai in Japan.. Oh, and archaological evidence suggests that many prehistoric villages were matriarchal. Women held the power back in the cavemen times because they had the power to give birth.
#238 Aug 09 2004 at 4:48 PM Rating: Excellent
3,094 posts
First, let me confess that I am a forty-year-old, politically conservative, heterosexual with no gay or lesbian friends (that I know of). Like some who have posted here, I, too, am weary of listening to the debates and marches and exhibitions for and against same-sex marriage. Where I differ from those other posters is how I’d like to silence the cacophonous din. I’m in favor of governmental recognition of same-sex marriage. I’ve studied the issue closely and I’ve concluded that allowing gays and lesbians to suffer through marriage just like straight people simply does not affect me. It in no way diminishes my relationships. I feel no unease when I see a gay or lesbian couple, so what the hell do I care if they’re filing joint tax returns?

I suppose my only concern over the issue is that allowing same-sex marriages will lead to further “mainstreaming” of what is, IMO, an alternative lifestyle, thereby artificially elevating what is still a small minority to equal status with the majority of conventional relationships. By “equal status” I refer to the perceived proportion of homosexuals to heterosexuals. As adults, we have the ability to retain perspective. I’m not sure about children though. I’m not sure what messages will get misconstrued by children, who are already impressionable and imitative. I worry about what will be taught in our schools.

So, yeah, I have concerns, but they’re not so dire as to warrant depriving people legal recognition of their relationships. Adding the imprimatur of the State to their union will not create any new rights … all of the “rights” sought by gays and lesbians already exist, just currently only for hetero spouses. Anyway, “gay marriage” means there will also be “gay divorce” and that means more business for my colleagues who practice family law.

And for the person who mentioned their wills, as long as the lawyer you used knows what he’s doing, there is no problem. I’m unaware of any state that restricts beneficiaries of a will. Your families have no claim to your estates. In fact, in most jurisdictions, the only person who has the right to take part of an estate without being a named beneficiary is a spouse … and it seems doubtful you need to worry about that.
#239 Aug 09 2004 at 4:54 PM Rating: Excellent
Saboruto, chill. It'll all be alright. If they/we want to discuss religion, we can. Just because you started this thread, it doesn't give you the right to proclaim what can and cannot be discussed. You should have expected this, especially on a topic as controversial as this. But by posting complaining about people rating you down for your opinions, it only gives them another post to camp. Just shrugg it off and move on. It'll be ok man.

I'm not saying you can't discuss religion at all, I'm just asking everyone to tread a little more carefully around other people's most basic beliefs. Just respect others is all. ^_^ As for my karma, I'm not overly concerned about it but I guess it goes back to respecting others again. If people rate me down for a post in which I express my opinions, I'm fine with that. But if people rate me down for saying "Thanks for the offer of a worldpass, but I think I'll stay where I am! ^_^", then that's just being petty. Perhaps I was expecting too much but I was expecting the maturity level here to be higher than that of, say, GameFAQs, where I couldn't even BEGIN to have this debate.

And I guess we've veered away from game-related to real-life. So, I guess I'll share my particular circumstances, and perhaps it will clarify my stand on things (for those of you who choose to read it and try to understand it).

I'm 25 years old. I was born in Florida, in the USA, and grew up there. After I reached adulthood, I moved around a lot to experience more of the country. I lived in Milwaukee, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Seattle, Kansas City, and a number of small towns around the country. When I was 23, I met my boyfriend Max while he was visiting a mutual friend in LA. Max is from New Zealand, and I thought his accent was just so wicked cool. We got to know each other and started talking on a regular basis online, and became good friends. Eventually I fell in love with him and he with me. So, we started to look into the legality of him moving to the USA. And guess what? There isn't one. The United States has absolutely NO provisions to allow same-sex partners ANY sort of immigration rights. Now, if Max had been Maxine, it wouldn't have been an issue at all. So instead, we had to look at the option of moving me to New Zealand. Guess what? New Zealand is infinitely more progressive and open-minded and accepting than the USA. In New Zealand, same-sex relationships are afforded the exact same immigration rights as opposite-sex relationships, and whether or not you're married is irrelevant. We have several openly-gay members of Parliament and one MP who is a post-operative transsexual. Prostitution is a legalised industry here because government realised that it's going to happen regardless, and at least if they legalise it they can do things to protect the prostitutes from abuse, train them in safer-sex, and give them regular medical exams. Compared to the USA, New Zealand is a harmonious utopia. The people here are mostly earthy farm-types (at least on the south island), but 99% of the population is totally non-judgmental and accepting of other cultures and ways of thought. So, I moved over and now I'm here. And New Zealand is currently looking at legalising same-sex marriage in an effort to extend relationship rights and protections to ALL its citizens. However, if I were to go back to the USA it would be almost impossible for Max to come with me. If we were in the USA now and I were to die, Max would be out on the street but for the kindness of my parents (who love Max as much as I do). If Max were to go into the hospital, I wouldn't even be allowed to see him or inquire how he's doing because the USA refuses to acknowledge me as family. If we were to separate, I could literally take everything Max owns. I'm very very fortunate that Max is a kiwi and that New Zealand is as open and accepting as it is, because the USA is perfectly content to invalidate my relationship. Yes, it IS discrimination.

Marriage is NOT a religious institution. It is a legal institution. You cannot have it both ways, either it has over 1000+ federal rights and protections attached to it (as it does in the USA), or it has nothing to do with law at all. But you can't say marriage is a matter purely of religion and then attach over ONE THOUSAND legal protections to it, and still say you're not discriminating. The USA needs to pick one side or the other, but it needs to stop straddling the fence about it. Either remove all the laws involving marriage and leave it to organised religion, or admit that marriage isn't about religion at all.
#240 Aug 09 2004 at 4:56 PM Rating: Decent
Legal unions... problem solved
#241 Aug 09 2004 at 4:58 PM Rating: Decent
289 posts

Very nicely said argument however there's one part I would like to reply to:

I suppose my only concern over the issue is that allowing same-sex marriages will lead to further “mainstreaming” of what is, IMO, an alternative lifestyle, thereby artificially elevating what is still a small minority to equal status with the majority of conventional relationships. By “equal status” I refer to the perceived proportion of homosexuals to heterosexuals. As adults, we have the ability to retain perspective. I’m not sure about children though. I’m not sure what messages will get misconstrued by children, who are already impressionable and imitative. I worry about what will be taught in our schools.

By this you seem to fear than more homosexuals will appears because because it is talked about openly (I may be wrong about your fear here though so correct me if I am). However this is assuming that you can become gay. Maybe if it is fully accepted you'll see more, but this will only be the gays who were hiding themselves who will show up. However this is not a disease you get or a choice you make. You're hetero, bisexual or homosexual. Teaching that being gay is not something bad won't lead to more gay, only more respect and acceptance I think.

#242 Aug 09 2004 at 4:58 PM Rating: Excellent
388 posts
Warlord Lefein,

Allow me to point out the following to you (taken from Wikipedia). I hope this clears up some of your questions about gay marriage in history.

(Ironically, as stated in the follow up article on homosexuality in China, it was the importation of Western Christianity that firmly established homophobia in China.)


History of same-sex unions

The east

For detailed information, please see Homosexuality in Japan, Homosexuality in China, History of homosexuality.

Same-gender romantic love or sexual desire has been recorded from ancient times in the east. Such desire often took the form of same-sex unions, usually between men, and often included some difference in age (there is far less information available on relationships among women in ancient times. This may in part reflect a philosophy that saw writing about women as unnecessary or inappropriate, or may be because same-sex attraction between women was not valued as it was between men, or may even be because women were not afforded equal status with men, so that, while men were free to pursue sexual and romantic pleasure both within and without marriage, women often were not).

In China, especially in the southern province of Fujian where male love was especially cultivated, men would marry youths in elaborate ceremonies. The marriages would last a number of years, at the end of which the elder partner would help the younger find a (female) wife and settle down to raise a family.

The west

There is a long history of same-sex unions in the western world. That many early western societies tolerated, and even celebrated, same sex relationships is well-known. Evidence of same-sex marriage, however, is less clear, but there exists some evidence, often controversial, of same-sex marriages in ancient Rome and Greece, and even in medieval Europe. Same-sex unions have also been recorded among Native Americans and Africans.

In ancient Rome, for example, the Emperor Nero is reported to have married, at different times, two other men in wedding ceremonies. Other Roman Emperors are reported to have done the same thing. The increasing influence of Christianity, which promoted marriage for procreative purposes, is linked with the increasing intolerance of homosexuality in Rome.

Same-sex marriage has been documented in many societies that were not subject to Christian influence. In North America, among the Native American societies, it has taken the form of two-spirit-type relationships, in which some members of the tribe, from an early age, heed a calling to take on female gender with all its responsibilities. They are prized as wives by the other men in the tribe, who enter into formal marriages with these two-spirit men. They are also respected as being especially powerful shamans.

In Africa, among the Azande of the Congo, men would marry youths for whom they had to pay a bride-price to the father. These marriages likewise were understood to be of a temporary nature.

Finally, in Europe during Hellenic times, pederastic relationships between Greek men (erastes) and youths (eromenos) who had come of age were analogous to marriage in several aspects. The age of the youth was similar to the age at which women married (the mid-teens), and the relationship could only be undertaken with the consent of the father. This consent, just as in the case of a daughter's marriage, was contingent on the suitor's social standing. The relationship, just like a marriage, consisted of very specific social and religious responsibilities, and also had an erotic component.
#243 Aug 09 2004 at 5:12 PM Rating: Decent
I'm going to move my family to Mars. Hopefully it will be okay and encouraged to be normal there.
#244 Aug 09 2004 at 5:22 PM Rating: Decent
This game was made in japan, not america where se can do what ever we want, when we want with a dew exceptions. I have never seen a gay man that was raised in Japan or near that rgion. As im sure they're are, its just not as common. Japanese have very high standards and probly dislike the idea...But this is just a game after all. There are no benefits of getting married, no special treatment, nothing besides a ring or something. besides, how many of you really wanna see a Galka or Male Elvaan run around in a wedding dress...
#245 Aug 09 2004 at 5:25 PM Rating: Decent
homosexuality is okay in japan. They dont make any big deal of sexuality. Unlike the gay community here, they believe "what goes on in the bedroom stays in the bedroom." Sadly, what goes on in your bedroom gives you a right to shove it in everyones face over here. I think its sad. I suppose I belong in the unvocal majority...
#246 Aug 09 2004 at 5:25 PM Rating: Decent
4,512 posts
Lunaras, I told myself I wasn't going to reply again, but JEEZ.

Did you read the thread? In Japan, the family is viewed as more important then sexuality. Someone can be gay, but they still have a family, and they go to brothels for their sexual activity. They don't view it as hetero or homosexual, they view it as man or women.

And why the hell would a male wear a wedding dress?
#247 Aug 09 2004 at 5:26 PM Rating: Excellent
3,094 posts
By this you seem to fear than more homosexuals will appears because because it is talked about openly (I may be wrong about your fear here though so correct me if I am). However this is assuming that you can become gay. Maybe if it is fully accepted you'll see more, but this will only be the gays who were hiding themselves who will show up. However this is not a disease you get or a choice you make. You're hetero, bisexual or homosexual. Teaching that being gay is not something bad won't lead to more gay, only more respect and acceptance I think.
I'm not concerned over whether legal recognition increases the actual percentage of homosexuals in our population, rather the perception. IMO, the jury is still out regarding the "choice vs. genetics" debate, but I'm not really worried about people becoming "indoctrinated" into an alternative lifestyle. I'm just sensitive to the fact that there is no easy way to deal with the education issues. One man's lesson in "respect and acceptance" is another man's violation of freedom of religion (for those who base their opposition to homosexuality on religous sources). Just as I won't minimize your desire for legal recognition of your unions, I won't disregard someone else's right to raise his children according to his family's religious tenets.
#248 Aug 09 2004 at 5:30 PM Rating: Good
I'm not concerned over whether legal recognition increases the actual percentage of homosexuals in our population, rather the perception. IMO, the jury is still out regarding the "choice vs. genetics" debate, but I'm not really worried about people becoming "indoctrinated" into an alternative lifestyle. I'm just sensitive to the fact that there is no easy way to deal with the education issues. One man's lesson in "respect and acceptance" is another man's violation of freedom of religion (for those who base their opposition to homosexuality on religous sources). Just as I won't minimize your desire for legal recognition of your unions, I won't disregard someone else's right to raise his children according to his family's religious tenets.

This person can raise his kids however he wants. Hell, if he wants to teach them to be racist or even neo-*****, it's his prerogative. But what does me being able to marry Max have to do with his religious freedoms? I'm not telling him to stop being Christian. I'm not even telling him to stop being a bigot. I'm telling him to stop making my decisions FOR me and setting limits on MY rights. He can view it as wrong all he wants to, but considering that every scrap of scientific evidence proves that it does NOT "harm society", regardless of HIS moral code he has no leg to stand on when trying to say that MY relationship shouldn't be afforded the same protections as his.
#249 Aug 09 2004 at 5:36 PM Rating: Good
184 posts
The bible is quite clear, that it is THE means of salvation, not one of many means. There are plenty more references in light of Scripture calling itself the only way of salvation.

I would be interested to see if you can even come up with one within context of the Bible that states otherwise.

*shrug* I'm not going to get into a Bible-quoting contest. I'm not a biblical scholar, nor do I believe you have to become one in order to be Saved. I'm well aware of the many inferences in biblical text saying that it is THE means of salvation. I'm simply going to have to disagree with you on this religious doctrine...I interpret the Word a bit differently than you.

Ive only invalidated it to you because of what you believe about the Bible. So where in the Bible does it say take whatever road you chose? Where does it say that as long as you worship something 'Godly' that you will be saved?
Why did God tell the Israelites to kick everyone else out of Canaan?

I'm not going to tell you what a godly life is, because I think that's something one has to find for oneself. I don't know where or if it says there's roon for choice in the Bible. And I *don't* know why God had the Israelites kick everyone else out of Canaan. The God I believe in is a merciful God, who loves all of humanity on a personal basis. I realize you believe the Bible is an iron-clad text with absolutely no human influence upon it. So I guess I'll just have to be one of those "Heathens-in-Christian-Clothing" I keep hearing about.

Did Christ not say he was THE way THE truth and THE life, no one comes to the father but by him?
Did he not also say that narrow is the road to eternal life, but broad is the path to destruction??

He did. I don't think he capitalized his THEs quite as much. I also think Christ is an aspect of God. I believe that what he is saying is vice and sin are easy...rightful living is difficult.

I think sexual preferences are, in the end, none of anyone's business. I'm just glad that the writer of the fall of Sodom and Gammorah didn't say they all wore purple clothes. I like purple.
#250 Aug 09 2004 at 5:39 PM Rating: Decent
Whether or not you are born that way or choose to be that way makes no difference. You still choose your own actions in life. There are some in this world who cast aside all sexual emotion in pursuit of spirtuality. There are even some people who accepted homosexuality but have become straight. The fact of the matter is, when it comes to the issue of homosexuality I completely agree with the Japanese view on this subject. Whatever you do to get your jollies is your business. Noone is a victim of anything unless they choose to be. If it pleases you to be with someone of your gender then by all means go out and fulfill your desires. Don't act like you are out of control of yourself and that everyone has to accept you for it. The truth of the matter is noone needs to know. When you see people prading around at gay pride marches and crap like that. It only shows that those who have the least to say yell the loudest. There are no gay rights or hetero rights or any rights inbetween in the matter of the subject. Its all people proclaiming that they get their jollies doing something and feel like you need to know or somehow accomodate them for it. Some people actually get their jollies while looking at pictures of cartoons too. Do I think it's normal? No! Do I think it's bizzarre, yes! But, do i think it's any of my business? HELL NO! I don't want to know what gets you off. I could care less what gets you off. Do I need to accomodate you or treat you special in any way because of what you get your jollies on? HELL NO! Do you need to treat me a certain way because I like girls? Nope, I work with a lot of gay guys who say Im cute, or that some movie star or another is cute... Does it bother me? Only in the sense that they are so outward about sexuality and it's politically correct of me to just let it be. I'm sure if I started talking about Jenna Jamesons gozangas however I would get sued for harrassment and have a hard time finding a job.. But, hey! Noone needs to know what I think about Jenna Jameson's boobs anyways, right!? Exactly!

Think about it...
#251 Aug 09 2004 at 5:41 PM Rating: Good
289 posts
This person can raise his kids however he wants. Hell, if he wants to teach them to be racist or even neo-*****, it's his prerogative. But what does me being able to marry Max have to do with his religious freedoms? I'm not telling him to stop being Christian. I'm not even telling him to stop being a bigot. I'm telling him to stop making my decisions FOR me and setting limits on MY rights. He can view it as wrong all he wants to, but considering that every scrap of scientific evidence proves that it does NOT "harm society", regardless of HIS moral code he has no leg to stand on when trying to say that MY relationship shouldn't be afforded the same protections as his.

I don't think that what he meant. I believe he's more concerned with what will be taught to children to stay correct for both gay right and religion right. Of course I tend more for the gay right over religion point of view right, but that not the case for everyones. However I think the: "Everyones is born equals" should answer that issue.

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