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Something we may have neglected....Follow

#452 Mar 08 2005 at 12:34 AM Rating: Good
18 posts

Happens too much, too often.
I'm glad they at least got back together. great post!
#454 Mar 17 2005 at 4:15 PM Rating: Decent
43 posts
The story is awesome and made me think of how i play. I'm in a big ls and there aint really any relation between the players. Everyone plays for his own and if you ask for help you wont get any. You kind of feel alone even if there are 50 members. I would enjoy it much more if i had a little ls with ppl having the same lvl. Not only to lvl together but also to undergo adventures and have fun together, but everyone is only interested in lvling...
#455 Mar 17 2005 at 4:37 PM Rating: Decent
Thats probably the only thing that made me cry in RL ; ;....i love u guys
#456 Mar 17 2005 at 4:50 PM Rating: Decent
407 posts
Awesome story! /bow

My RL GF and I used to play a lot together. She's actually the reason I haven't quit the game a few times. But now she doesn't play nearly as much. I got her in my "first" LS and it was much fun. Now she doesn't play a lot and that LS has changed so much I hardly ever go there now. (My GF and I are doing fine in RL, btw. lol)

It is sad, because although this is just a game, it is an incredible game and the interaction with real people make it that much more wonderful.

#457 Mar 22 2005 at 3:19 AM Rating: Default
dang good story i myself would love to explore vanadiel more but no1 shares this interest with me and it is a hard and possibly spendy task for a WAR to do if i had the money to do it i would /cry ... great story kudos

peace and happy adventuring =D
#458 Mar 22 2005 at 3:20 AM Rating: Decent
dang good story i myself would love to explore vanadiel more but no1 shares this interest with me and it is a hard and possibly spendy task for a WAR to do if i had the money to do it i would /cry ... great story kudos

peace and happy adventuring =D
#459 Mar 22 2005 at 3:21 AM Rating: Default
dang good story i myself would love to explore vanadiel more but no1 shares this interest with me and it is a hard and possibly spendy task for a WAR to do if i had the money to do it i would /cry ... great story kudos

peace and happy adventuring =D
#460 Mar 25 2005 at 1:12 AM Rating: Decent
/cry /cry /cry /cry
I really cried at this...................
I want to meet them...
I really focused on EXPing at first...
So now I see people gaining lvls at 2x the speed I do and I know why, when I farm I explore...
;_; I'm glad I do.........................................................
#461 Mar 25 2005 at 4:58 AM Rating: Decent
that was a amazing story. nothing more to say really

i want a static like that ><

ff11 is too much like real life in a way
#462 Mar 25 2005 at 5:47 AM Rating: Decent

This story is so beutifull "sniff" "sniff". We all have forgotten about the REAL meaning of adventuring, to go out and explore new places, learn the history of a fantastic world... not wait for your AH items to sell or not wait for a PT the REAL meaning of adventuring is just that, exploring new places and learning the history of Vana'diel. I bought this game jus for that, to explore new places, to see beutifull landscapes... I'd love to do it in real life but since i can i do it in the game.
What has happened to us? When did we become blood thirsty leeches looking only to farm monsters for gill or to be the first to pull that beach pugil in Valkrum Dunes? We have forgoten our true mission, our mission to discover the history and secrets of Vana'diel and it's people. That is why i have 5 Chars, to experience what each class see's when they venture out into vana'diel. Then, it is not all our fault we have become like this. It's the n00bs fault, who disrupt other players while they don't get anything out of it. It's the gill sellers fault, ******* gill sellers who take away the sensation of triumph from defeating the Powerfull Notorius Monster just so they can make a few bucks in real like. /fume.
This is a call to all the serious gamers out there, Please, i beg you restore the dignity to Vana'diel, to adventuring. It is our job to save Vana'diel from becoming a dead MMORPG. So go, and take a few levels off from leveling to explore the beutifull bibiki bay, to have great LS events, to go camping on the beach in Valkrum Dunes with your friends. This is my finall call. Restore the dignity to adventuring! If you ever Come upon me in the Quectazocal server (check my signature to see my different Chars), i will be more than gratefull to sneak, invis and deodorize you to some of the more awe inspiring lands and sights of Vana'diel. Be strong, and explore this wonderfull world. Good Bye.

#463 Mar 26 2005 at 2:22 AM Rating: Decent
I posted yesterday... list of things I did today with LS friends:
Explored Bibiki Bay!
Camped Sea Horror!

Bibiki is huge! [lg][lg][lg]GO SEE!!!!![/lg][/lg][/lg]
#464 Mar 26 2005 at 5:17 AM Rating: Decent
Anyone got a working link of this? really good/sad story ;(

PS: Rate me down all you want for bumping this :) like it matters to me :) lol

I just wanna see the flash version if anyone knows :)

#465 Mar 28 2005 at 1:23 PM Rating: Decent
damn... thats really sad. when stuff like that happens u just wanna break down and cry
#466 Mar 29 2005 at 12:49 PM Rating: Decent
i dont know about you but since my first LS broke down i stayed alone for about 2-3 months chatting only with friends in my lists
all the LSs i got from then were pretty bad but i think newcomers are hardly accepted. I mean LSs members suppose to help each other right?Till now only the friends i had on my list aided me(i thank them all for that).Now i got a new LS i must say its better than the previous ones i had(althought sometimes i stay out of it seems
i got used to be alone).I think a good LS must have people that do things together then again thats hard if they are in different time zones.So as far as i know LSs exists only for a chat(exept the HNMs ones and Dynamis).No offence for people in the LS i am right now you guys are great im just the close type.At least thats my opinion.
#467 Mar 29 2005 at 8:28 PM Rating: Decent
holy **** im actually tearing at the eye...
#468 Mar 29 2005 at 8:41 PM Rating: Good
1,000 posts
you guys are probably making my server Admins really upset lol
#469 Apr 01 2005 at 2:11 AM Rating: Decent
550 posts
Ugh this reminds me of all the people I had fun with when I was a noob whom either quit or I lost track of. I miss some of those people, we used to have fun back in the day. Most of them are gone and won't be back ; ;. I miss Clumsy, Llaw, Demented, and Elly. I'll never forget when CLumsy tried to kill a yag in E Saru only to get killed. I found the little taru lying face down and couldn't help but laugh. Or Llaw constantly getting frustarting saying he was going to quit forever only for me to say "See you tomorrow" only to log on the next and see him on. We gathered our Kazham airship keys together. Or Demented and me running around with a higher lvl RDM in our LS trying to find that Ghoul for a magicked skull for our subjob. We were so scared of getting a Bogy's aggro, but I had fun because we ran all over the dunes trying to find that Ghoul. Or Elly the taru RDM, who I used to tease all the time about being a "midget" and typing "/em pats the small Taru like a dog" to her frustration while lvling in the Maze of Shakhrami. We were all from Windurst and we weren't content to stick to Valkurm, we wanted to go see new places and fight different things.

Back then we ptyied off worms in the Maze or Dhamels in Tahrongi and Buburimu. That was so much more fun, now everyone wants to go to Valkrum at level 10. I didn't set foot in Valkurm until I was level 15. I do miss the way I thought leaving East or West Sarutabaruta was a big deal, I was so awestruck when I entered Tahrongi Canyon and seeing Wandering Saplings. It's silly and naive but it was exciting. It was hard back then and sometimes got monotonous, and I know it's just a game but I miss things back then. Now I am in an LS with members way higher than me and no one in my level range to really talk to or bond with, so I rarely get to hang out with in game friends. I had one awhile ago, but he leveled ultra fast, we were going to make a static too ; ;. I still remember how amazed I was when a RL friend told em a story about how he tried to kill a Battering Ram only to die and see a pty of people on Chocobos ride in, dismount, and kill it. That seemed so cool to me, I thought I'd never get to ride a Chocobo, for some reason that seemed reserved to "high level" players. It still all makes me kind of sad.
#470 Apr 01 2005 at 3:21 AM Rating: Decent
477 posts
Damit I almost cried ; ;

Reading some of you guys' comments brings back memories, and it's good to know I'm not the only one who feels how I do! I was first given a linkpearl while beating up bunnies as a level 4 BLM or something by someone I never see around anymore, and seemed like he was an impossibly high level at the time, too. This person was rarely on his own shell, however it became a home for several of us newbies and we went on all kinds of crazy adventures. One of my LS members wanted to go to Jeuno one day, so we did; we had no reason to but it sure was fun. I remember gawking at how expensive it was; even still I believe I harbor some enmity for Jeuno simply because it's just not the place to be for a level 8 BLM! We did all kinds of crazy things that we shouldn't have done before level 10 and had a grand ol' time doing it. I could go on about the people, places, experiences, but I doubt anyone's going to read this far into the thread. :)

Unlike the protagonist in the SWF file and many of you, I'm extremely lucky. Despite some of us (including myself) going away for a few months at a time and losing a couple shellholders, we've managed to stick together and still interact almost daily on a linkshell we now own ourselves. Interestingly, the shellholder will probably be my roommate next month, actually. We invite new people and other friends we meet to join us on our adventures. I've had times where I've been linkshellless or frequented other linkshells for a while, but all of us keep becoming drawn back to our old group of friends, and it's with them that I feel most "at home" in Vana'diel.

If you're still reading this after all my sentimental bs, then I must be hitting a chord so urge you to do what I did the other day with an area you haven't explored. I was bored, and tired of farming or looking for xp parties. I accepted an outpost supply mission to an area I had never been to before and was well beyond my level, but it was the only one being offered at the time since Windy only owned like two areas this week. I figured out how to get there and was able to complete it easily with sneak/invis, even after I found out I had to go all the way through Altapa Desert and I didn't have a map of the tunnel I had to go through to get there. It was an adventure, but not enough. I decided that since I had gone through the trouble of completing the first chapter of CoP I might as well put my Lufaise Meadows access to good use. I explored the meadows, and eventually found my way to Tavanzanian Safehold. It was an amazing experience talking to the NPCs there and learning more about the darker history of Vana'diel. I even tried to visit Riverne - Site #A01 but was of course unable to do so quite yet. :)

Anyway, I'm blathering on but my point is that as easy as it is to get caught up in the level and gil grind, it's just as easy to escape it. I wish, too, that I was able to play this game with a group of true adventurers who were as clueless as me and have the paitence to spent time figuring out what to do next, or form a lv50 party just to get papyrii for that greedy ******* Maat. But we can still adventure in our own way, and make good friends in Vana'diel to go adventuring with. And would you know, just next week my LS is going to start a level 10 static where we'll go to exotic places like Carpenter's Landing instead of the stuffy ol' dunes. I look forward to it.:)
#471 Apr 04 2005 at 12:40 PM Rating: Default
ive got tears in my eye and im quivery lip, thinking about my first few friends, and how we are still together. <3 them
#472 Apr 20 2005 at 2:21 AM Rating: Decent
288 posts
hai!~ Make me cry a lot...still crying T_T /cry
make me happy...and sad...I am glad to have such good LS, though they all higher level than me, we have lots of fun exploring! even though they all explore before me...haha...but I still have lots of fun, they get humour out of my fun! ^_^; sadly, even my adventure spirit dwindle because of time contstraint., I want to go everywhere!~ no map? o well {excitement} ^_^

I remember my first time in Jeuno...I stared WIDE EYED at EVERYTHING!! for like 5 minutes...and the airships!~ I thought I never get there!

I feel better now!~ still teary-eyed, but that's ok!~ the feeling that was is back again! I am very happy. Next chance I get, I explore every corner of Vana'diel.

Can someone post this on all the server boards?? I think...everyone need reminder of what the real point of this game was suppose to be! {fun}, {excitement}, {adventure}!! \(^_^)/
#473 Apr 20 2005 at 2:33 AM Rating: Decent
good story.
but the ending part makes it like a advertisement for the event of "back to vaneldial"
#474 Apr 20 2005 at 3:56 AM Rating: Decent


man It hurts my heart, Damn thats why I am a Bst Freedom to explore without chains to the Exp wagon.

hope this thread never dies.
#475 Apr 20 2005 at 9:30 AM Rating: Decent
wow, almost makes me tear up everytime I read it...
#476 Apr 20 2005 at 9:45 AM Rating: Decent
Man, thats some sad *** ****. I started cry before i got half way through it. :(
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