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Final Fantasy Prison.....Follow

#52 Jul 18 2004 at 6:40 PM Rating: Decent
1,463 posts
simply better at this game than you are by virtue of having it longer, and maybe, JUST MAYBE, it's not because they're cheating, botting, hacking, duping, being racist, or anything like that.


How dare you imply that I am not the bestest, superest, most smartest and greatest FFXI player EVAR?!!!


And, for those of you who need it spelled out, here's a grain of salt.
#53 Jul 18 2004 at 6:51 PM Rating: Good
815 posts
I've seen "JP ONLY" probably 1000s of times by now.

But not once, have I seen "EN ONLY" or "NA ONLY".
#54 Jul 18 2004 at 7:20 PM Rating: Excellent
3,473 posts
Karthtwo wrote:
Hey, Haggan, any official word on this?

It's Sunday, give me until tomorrow to get a reply.
#55 Jul 18 2004 at 10:19 PM Rating: Decent
349 posts
i have had to call GM's several times for harrasement and have had sucess for the most part. none of this we will look into it. i also have reported two bots and saw them booted shortly afterwards. so they do, do more then "Look into it". as for the auto translator it does really need some fixing >_<
#56 Jul 19 2004 at 10:02 AM Rating: Excellent
Bump, just interested to see if Haggan heard anything from Maotut
#57 Jul 19 2004 at 10:09 AM Rating: Good
213 posts
It's early yet, at least give him to the close of the business day. ^^
#58 Jul 19 2004 at 10:14 AM Rating: Excellent
3,473 posts
Official Response:

Game Masters (or GMs) are people who assist players in the game. You can request the help of a GM if you are being harassed by another player, or if you encounter problems that prevent you from playing the game normally. Based on what Claude posts there does not seem to be any reason that ANY GM would take action. But there are always two sides to a story, meaning that there may be more to the story than Claude posted, or a GM did take action exactly how it is stated. But without the character and world to look up the details of the case, I can't really tell for sure. We have a good quality control process in place to help eliminate the latter issue if it did happen. However, let me add, that we have a strict policy about not commenting on any action taken by GMs against other players publicly. I would be happy to discuss it more privately with Claude if he/she desires. That is a perogative that anyone has. The best way to do this is to send in an email using the "Service and Support" --> "Support" --> "Email Support" -->"Other Inquiries" option from the PlayOnline Viewer.

#59 Jul 19 2004 at 10:17 AM Rating: Default
601 posts
The GM was prolly a JP. What I think you did is close to crossing the line.....but not enough for a GM call. Its just some people in this game happen to be pricks. A lot of those pricks are JP. I have run into a few nice JP. One even helped me with my rank 3 mission. But lets not turn this game into a big racial issue.
#60 Jul 19 2004 at 10:18 AM Rating: Decent
Here is my question that I don't ever recal seeing in any of these posts before. First lets look at the facts. All servers are located in Japan. All servers are mingled with people from all nations. So why do people assume there are specifically NA and JP GMs? I am sure there are some GMs that deal with NA players due to thier ability to speak english, but my guess is they can also speak Japanese and they also deal with JP players. There are probably some GMs that probably only can speak japanese and primarily deal with JP players. Still, that does not mean the english speaking GMs can not deal with the JP players, as I am sure a non-english speaking GM can also deal with NA players, either through his own resources or the aid of another GM. But still I ask, why is it assumed there are specific NA and specific JP GMs?
#61 Jul 19 2004 at 10:25 AM Rating: Decent
115 posts
Ok Caude, then test this thing a bit more.

When your playing capabilities are reinstated, change it up. Put in your info:

"English = No Thanks!" "Japanese Party ONLY"

If you get pinched, at least you know that GMs are hyper-sensitive in general, not just when it has to deal with the nation of the game's origin. If nothing happens to you, well then you have every right to come back here and complain about the horrible double-standard and the injustice you've suffered. Unfortunately, you'll likely be unable to do much more than that...but at least you'll have the support of additional forum goers (a wonderful consolation, I'm sure).

...hooray for so-called "political correctness!!!"
#62 Jul 19 2004 at 10:27 AM Rating: Decent
Enymee wrote:
Ok Caude, then test this thing a bit more.

When your playing capabilities are reinstated, change it up. Put in your info:

"English = No Thanks!" "Japanese Party ONLY"

If you get pinched, at least you know that GMs are hyper-sensitive in general, not just when it has to deal with the nation of the game's origin. If nothing happens to you, well then you have every right to come back here and complain about the horrible double-standard and the injustice you've suffered. Unfortunately, you'll likely be unable to do much more than that...but at least you'll have the support of additional forum goers (a wonderful consolation, I'm sure).

...hooray for so-called "political correctness!!!"

He'll probably get a GM called on him for false advertising in his search comment. :-)
#63 Jul 19 2004 at 10:41 AM Rating: Decent
184 posts
What I really want to see is more apologetic and friendly translating with the interaction between Japanese and English. This definitely smacks of misinterpretation, on the same level as the /check translating to a stalker-like inference in Japanese. We have enough problems like outright racism and stereotypes...can't we just get some more accurate wording used in the Auto-Translator?

BTW, I've been to Moridon Gaol. It's not just a place to put banned players....It's also used as a GM waiting room for FFXI planned events, like weddings. :)
#64 Jul 19 2004 at 10:43 AM Rating: Decent
See, what I want to see is a special event where they stock up Moridon with a mishmash of all kinds of Dynamis-level stuff and then send out the access item to it to all of the lv72+ people on the servers, and let them all see each other cross-server. :->

That'd be funny, and totally OFF TOPIC :-)
#65 Jul 19 2004 at 10:46 AM Rating: Excellent
BTW, I've been to Moridon Gaol. It's not just a place to put banned players....It's also used as a GM waiting room for FFXI planned events, like weddings. :)

Yeah, I was on the way to Sandy to be best man person thing in my friends wedding. Got teleported in there, choco and all XD
#66 Jul 19 2004 at 11:16 AM Rating: Excellent
806 posts
Hey Pomposity, why do you automatically assume that the poster is lying? Can't you give the runner a chance? Is there a reason why your name always pops up in threads and it's always automatically a one-sided defense of the JP point of view? Do you always assume that NA players lie when it's about a conflict with JP players?

That's a lot of questions, answers would be interesting. I'll be honest, I've got a serious problem with your attitude. And no, I didn't rate you down.

As far as this issue goes, looking through people on invite with tons of kanji and "JP ONLY" as the only thing I can read happens every time I make a party (which is every time I xp). Last weekend when I made a party for lvl 47 -> 49, I had 6 rejections in a row from JP player that didn't have "JP ONLY" in their comments. The 7th one accepted, and he was pretty happy he came after the 5th or 6th #5 chain in a row. We were also happy he was there, and we parted in very good terms.

However, now we see that a NA player that openly gives the same up-front "I will not play with you" attitude can received harsh in-game punishment, and that is just plain wrong. So now, you will either :

A) Prove that the original poster is wrong and he lied about the content of his search comment, or
B) Go back under your bridge, because I'm pretty sure you don't realize it, but you're the troll in this discussion. Also, stop whining about your karma, your posts got the ratings they deserved, and I'm pretty sure lots of people agree.

The future may hold further clarifications, but as it stands now you're just plain wrong.
#67 Jul 19 2004 at 12:23 PM Rating: Decent
Is there really a "jail" in this game where you log on and your behind bars? Or are you just being suspended from the game and your calling it jail.

#68 Jul 19 2004 at 12:32 PM Rating: Excellent
Is there really a "jail" in this game where you log on and your behind bars? Or are you just being suspended from the game and your calling it jail.


There's really a jail area called Mordion Gaol (or something close to that) it's basically just a castle-looking room with no exit and you can't talk to anyone outside.
#69 Jul 19 2004 at 12:34 PM Rating: Decent
346 posts
just curious, can you logout when you are in jail, and log back in when jail time's up?

#70 Jul 19 2004 at 12:38 PM Rating: Decent
That is freakn insane! and cool at the same time. How many of you been locked up? How long were you in for? Whats it like in there? When you got out, did you feel like a change person or did you find yourself more prone to "breaking the law?"

Whats a minor offense I can commit to get in there? I just wanna check it out.

#71 Jul 19 2004 at 12:43 PM Rating: Default
1,463 posts
Hey Pomposity, why do you automatically assume that the poster is lying? Can't you give the runner a chance?

My gut reaction was that he was full of it as well. I mean, the dude refuses to give any details? He expects us to take this at face value without any supporting evidence? Assume this wasn't a "negative" thread about Japanese players; would you still be so willing to trust this dude?

Let's say, instead, he showed up with a story like, "I have camped every NM in the game and gotten every drop, almost always on the first try! I know how to do this, but I won't tell you either my server name, my character name, nor how to make this work." Would you not be going, 'Pft, yeah right.'?

I view claims like this in the same light: Someone is trying to stir things up. Maybe they have a beef with a JP player or players, or got busted by a GM and are now trying to make all GMs look bad. To me, it's just some anonymous parade-rainer come to **** in the pool and pretend it wasn't them.

Edit: Wow, I got a karmic *****-slap for every post in this thread? I feel like one of the big kids now, sniff.

Edit II: Ahh, anyone who disagreed with the dude got rated down. Now I follow.

Edited, Mon Jul 19 14:44:40 2004 by KarmaBum
#72 Jul 19 2004 at 1:12 PM Rating: Decent
349 posts
i have to agree with karma on this. being a mithra player that likes to lvl all my jobs i have had to make way to many GM calls for harrasement due to spending way to much time in the newbie zones. and have never had any bad experinces with GMs. i also used to be a GM(well as close as that game ever got) in Phantasy Star Online and know that the kind of paper work involved makes it hard to do the kind of stuff hes discribing. not impossible but really hard because if the person in question complains they bosses can easily look up the info.
#73 Jul 20 2004 at 12:38 AM Rating: Decent
827 posts
Hey Pomposity, why do you automatically assume that the poster is lying? Can't you give the runner a chance? Is there a reason why your name always pops up in threads and it's always automatically a one-sided defense of the JP point of view? Do you always assume that NA players lie when it's about a conflict with JP players?

I'm not one-sided, I'm fair, at least in my eyes. Maybe I'm just lucky, but I have never, EVER, had any sort of problem with a Japanese player. I've even been in crap-*** JP parties that made almost no xp, and had bad equipment. And mostly, I'm tired of people that aren't intuitive or skilled enough to be good at the game whose knee-jerk action is to be blatantly racist and blame the JP community for their problems.

I mean, really. Do you honestly believe that if there was a NA-only server, NM's would be shared openly by all, everything would cost 5 gil, and we could all hold hands and sing? Get real. People are people, no matter what side of the ocean they're on. We've built up a huge mystique about how 'uber' JP parties and players are, and completely forgotten that they are human, just like us, and falliable. People will either idolize them for their wealth and/or skill, or hate them for it, it's as simple as that. They are, to most people, the 'upper class' citizens of the game, because they've got the best gear, the highest rank, blah blah blah. And, as in real life, what do people that aren't in the upper class feel about them? They either idolize them for their wealth and privilege and attempt to emulate it, or they fear and hate it because they don't have the same resources. This is the same damn thing. The vast, unwashed masses have made the JP player base into a straw man, a enemy to pin all of the evils of the game on, when it's mostly their own incompetence at work. And, honestly, I'm quite sure that there are a large, LARGE number of JP players that think the NA players are making the game horrible. But that's life. People are People. We're all going to ***** up, we're all going to make mistakes. But what's unacceptable is blaming our own failings on a subset of others that has no responsibility for us in the first place.

This was slightly off-topic, I know, but I think it needed to be said. Now whoever is camping me, go back to your regularly scheduled activites of trying to destroy a number by my name because you now think I am a 'bad person'.
#74 Jul 20 2004 at 12:47 AM Rating: Decent
pomposity the Mundane wrote:
I mean, really. Do you honestly believe that if there was a NA-only server, NM's would be shared openly by all, everything would cost 5 gil, and we could all hold hands and sing?

Depends on who's GMing the server, and how free a hand they have.

Personally, if I were a GM, I'd be filling the inventories of suspected bots with beastman seals and waiting for the complaint of OMMUG HAXX3D to come - if none comes, they're a bot :-).

I'd also make price-fixing a 12-hour suspension. :-)

(Heh. I wonder if we could convince Square to open up a user-GMed server. That'd be an interesting server, definitely.)
#75 Jul 20 2004 at 1:15 AM Rating: Decent
211 posts
MDenham wrote:
Personally, if I were a GM, I'd be filling the inventories of suspected bots with beastman seals and waiting for the complaint of OMMUG HAXX3D to come - if none comes, they're a bot :-).

Pfft, I'd take up botting just for the beastmen seals!
#76 Jul 20 2004 at 1:28 AM Rating: Decent
See, if we noticed you trading in your beastman seals for orbs, we'd KNOW you aren't a bot, and we'd give you back your equipment.

(Oh, it looks like I left out the part where we take all your equipment and put it in storage before we fill your inventory with beastman seals. Oopsie. :->)
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