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Guide Event - Bristlebane server 11-28-17Follow

#1 Nov 28 2017 at 6:57 PM Rating: Excellent
1,028 posts
[Tue Nov 28 18:26:36 2017] Starrix shouts, "Do ye long to hear a tale of bravery and treachery? Come meet me in the Plane of Knowledge in front of the library. Me tale begins in 15 minutes, so make haste!"
[Tue Nov 28 18:35:40 2017] Starrix shouts, "Do ye long to hear a tale of bravery and treachery? Come meet me in the Plane of Knowledge in front of the library. Me tale begins in 5 minutes, so make haste!"
[Tue Nov 28 18:38:04 2017] Starrix says, 'Sit, lads and lasses!'
[Tue Nov 28 18:38:07 2017] Starrix motions for everyone to sit down.
[Tue Nov 28 18:40:08 2017] Starrix says, 'Sit, lads and lasses!'
[Tue Nov 28 18:40:11 2017] Starrix motions for everyone to sit down.
[Tue Nov 28 18:40:13 2017] Starrix says, 'Rest yer weary bones fer a spell, while we wait for others to arrive.'
[Tue Nov 28 18:41:30 2017] Starrix says, 'Okay, we will get started. I do hope you enjoy my story )'
[Tue Nov 28 18:41:49 2017] Starrix says, '`Twas long ago, ere your time. Even the dwarves have lost their memories of that event.'
[Tue Nov 28 18:41:52 2017] Starrix says, 'After Veeshan had brought life to Norrath, she settled into the Plane of Sky and drew a Veil across the chasm separating the dragon plane from us.'
[Tue Nov 28 18:41:57 2017] Starrix says, 'Then she fell into a long and peaceful slumber. So too, did the dragons still left on Norrath, as their strength was derived from the Plane, and the Veil kept them from exercising their magical powers.'
[Tue Nov 28 18:42:03 2017] Starrix says, 'Ya see, lads, the Ring of Scale dinna take kindly to mortals meddling in their affairs, and the Veil did well to prevent that.'
[Tue Nov 28 18:42:18 2017] Starrix says, 'Aye, but the dragons slept, and the Veil fell into neglect, until mortals began to find cracks and once more made inroads into the Plane of Sky.'
[Tue Nov 28 18:42:24 2017] Starrix says, 'On Norrath, the dragon Zavo`Zatanov and her accomplices were determined to remove the Veil and restore the power of the Ring of Scale.'
[Tue Nov 28 18:42:31 2017] Starrix says, 'Not your normal group of travelers were these. Though they called themselves brother and sister, they were clearly not so: Zavo, a High Elven woman of exquisite beauty; Rals`Zezonis, strongly human; Sarethsin`Kaz, a typically snobbish Erud'
[Tue Nov 28 18:42:38 2017] Starrix says, 'and rounding out this already peculiar group, a troll named Soreg`Sslisn.'
[Tue Nov 28 18:42:47 2017] Starrix says, 'Great reward and dangerous adventure they promised, fortune and glory to all that would hear, and not an ear in the land missed their call.'
[Tue Nov 28 18:42:52 2017] Starrix ponders whether some enchantment might have lain behind the irresistable call to arms..
[Tue Nov 28 18:42:57 2017] Starrix says, 'And what could possibly be the goal of such a motley group, forcing them to enlist the aid of total strangers? Like a knife, the next two words sliced through the cold night air, silencing all within hearing.'
[Tue Nov 28 18:43:02 2017] Starrix says, 'Lady Vox.'
[Tue Nov 28 18:43:10 2017] Starrix says, 'Lady Vox holds that which we seek.'
[Tue Nov 28 18:43:13 2017] Starrix draws a quick breath as if she herself had been present..
[Tue Nov 28 18:43:18 2017] Starrix says, 'Through Blackburrow did they venture, the gnolls rejoicing that they did not stay their journey. Thence through Everfrost, which some say melted a little under the presence of such a horde.'
[Tue Nov 28 18:43:23 2017] Starrix says, 'On to Permafrost they went, to the lair of the Lady Vox.'
[Tue Nov 28 18:43:33 2017] Starrix says, 'They paused, casters with their noses buried deep within their books, murmuring arcane phrases, warriors unsheathing their blades, donning helms, while some of the smaller folk faded in and out of view.'
[Tue Nov 28 18:43:40 2017] Starrix says, 'That's when they first heard:'
[Tue Nov 28 18:43:45 2017] Starrix says, '"Vile children of Scale, your efforts are wasted this day! You were fools to think that you could stand against the fury of Mistmoore!"'
[Tue Nov 28 18:43:50 2017] Starrix says, 'The sound echoed off the canyon walls. Out of the shadows sprung the horror, three Teir`Dal soldiers, agents of the dreaded Vampire Lord.'
[Tue Nov 28 18:44:05 2017] Starrix says, 'Lord Galendor, nightmare of Castle Mistmoore and chief enforcer of Mayong Mistmoore himself, led the charge, leveling a furious attack at the High Elven woman, Zavo, before any had time to react.'
[Tue Nov 28 18:44:12 2017] Starrix says, 'Khasra Vei`Ras was not far behind, and a Teir`Dal priestess lent support from the shadows . . . D`shar was her name.'
[Tue Nov 28 18:44:17 2017] Starrix slows, seeming to drift away to another time and place as she speaks..
[Tue Nov 28 18:44:22 2017] Starrix says, 'Now, fighting a Teir`Dal agent of the Vampire Lord might not seem to be such a difficult task, until you turn to your comrade and see his very life draining away, dripping down his tunic and staining the ground.'
[Tue Nov 28 18:44:37 2017] Starrix says, 'This unholy union of rage and wit, chaos and order . . . it sticks with you.'
[Tue Nov 28 18:44:41 2017] Starrix seems to be speaking as someone with more than a passing acquaintance with the issue.
[Tue Nov 28 18:44:46 2017] Starrix says, 'Zavo and her companions defended themselves well, but they never could have lasted on their own.'
[Tue Nov 28 18:44:51 2017] Starrix says, 'Luckily, they had prepared themselves, enlisting the aid of some of the greatest that Norrath offered.'
[Tue Nov 28 18:45:06 2017] Starrix says, 'The battle was bloody, and before they even had time to organize themselves into some semblance of order, forty had become twenty.'
[Tue Nov 28 18:45:13 2017] Starrix says, 'The tide finally began to turn for the heroes when one of the young half-elf warriors discovered the Teir`dal cleric D`shar hiding in a corner and quickly dispatched her.'
[Tue Nov 28 18:45:18 2017] Starrix says, 'Without a healing force, the Teir`dal had no hope for victory. Galendor fell almost immediately, and Khasra, badly wounded, stumbled backwards, uttering a few cryptic words.'
[Tue Nov 28 18:45:22 2017] Starrix says, 'What followed sent a chill through the bones of all who were there to witness, and these were battle-hardened veterans of the worst that Norrath had to offer.'
[Tue Nov 28 18:45:39 2017] Starrix says, 'Ya see, the shadows crept out from the very stones beneath her feet, reaching up from the ground to envelop the Teir`dal woman, swallowing her into darkness. Little did they know that while this was taking place,'
[Tue Nov 28 18:45:46 2017] Starrix says, 'a dwarf rogue by the name of Kivgor Illbria had snuck into Vox`s lair and purloined the Shard. Loud and foul were the cries of anguish rumbling through the bowels of Permafrost when Vox discovered the Shard missing.'
[Tue Nov 28 18:45:53 2017] Starrix says, 'Just as loud were the cries of glee from Kivgor, taunting Vox for letting down her guard. His luck failed him, though. As he was about to make good his escape through the gates of the cavern, Kivgor ran headlong into Zavo`s group.'
[Tue Nov 28 18:45:59 2017] Starrix says, 'Proud of his accomplishment, Kivgor waved the Shard before them, but his pride quickly turned to anguish when he discovered that this was the very Shard that they were hunting.'
[Tue Nov 28 18:46:16 2017] Starrix says, 'He attempted to flee, but they caught him and challenged him for rightful ownership of the Shard. Badly outnumbered, Kivgor stood nay chance at all, but he still fought for the Shard. His dying words echoed through the chamber.'
[Tue Nov 28 18:46:22 2017] Starrix says, ''Fie on you, accursed Mistmoore! I fall in your favor, but now you be without your precious trinket!''
[Tue Nov 28 18:46:29 2017] Starrix looks puzzled..
[Tue Nov 28 18:46:34 2017] Starrix says, 'Mistmoore, mentioned twice now? What role could Mistmoore possibly play in this drama?'
[Tue Nov 28 18:46:46 2017] Starrix knows that the party was soon to discover the answer to that question..
[Tue Nov 28 18:46:52 2017] Starrix says, 'Ya see, Mayong Mistmoore was the bitter enemy of the Ring of Scale, and he wanted nothing more than to possess the Shard and thereby control access to the Plane of Sky.'
[Tue Nov 28 18:46:57 2017] Starrix says, 'With all due haste, Zavo`s group journeyed to the Rathe Moutains, where the final partitioning of the Veil was to take place. Surrounded by their mortal supporters, Zavo and her friends shed their illusions,'
[Tue Nov 28 18:47:03 2017] Starrix says, 'and stepped forward to reveal their true dragon nature. However, before Zavo could reveal herself, the sky was suddenly filled wi` shadows, while faint laughter swirled through the rising wind.'
[Tue Nov 28 18:47:22 2017] Starrix says, 'A harsh voice, filled wi` hatred and disgust, echoed through the mountainsides, `Children of Scale! You shall not succeed this night, I shall make sure of it.'
[Tue Nov 28 18:47:28 2017] Starrix says, '`For centuries, you have evaded me. Now this shall end. Everything you possess . . . is but a waste.''
[Tue Nov 28 18:47:33 2017] Starrix says, 'challenging them for possession of the Shard.'
[Tue Nov 28 18:47:45 2017] Starrix says, 'Quickly the mortals sprang to the defense of the Scale, but it was too late for the doomed party. One by one, Mistmoore's cold touch enveloped them in misty vapor, draining their life and strengthening his.'
[Tue Nov 28 18:47:52 2017] Starrix says, 'Fighting valiantly, the humans appeared to be on the verge of sure victory, when suddenly Mayong faded from view, eluding their attacks.'
[Tue Nov 28 18:47:58 2017] Starrix says, 'The shadows quickly retreated back to the corners and stones from which they had issued, their tendrils rising in the air and the sound of a thousand shrieks echoing across the Mountains of Rathe.'
[Tue Nov 28 18:48:05 2017] Starrix says, 'As the shadows slithered from view, a voice was heard, faintly hissing these words of defeat, `You have won this day, Children of Scale, but it shall not be the last battle that you will face.'
[Tue Nov 28 18:48:19 2017] Starrix says, '`Rend your veil and harness your power, it shall do nothing for you, as in the end, you all shall perish, dragon and mortal alike. Your corpses shall rot at my feet; this I can assure you.'
[Tue Nov 28 18:48:25 2017] Starrix says, 'Until that night comes, I bid thee a good morrow, and sleep well. The voice trailed off into sadistic laughter that hung within the air for what seemed like an eternity before fading into the wind.'
[Tue Nov 28 18:48:31 2017] Starrix says, 'Alas, Zavo mourned the loss of her beloved companions, cursing the name of Mistmoore.'
[Tue Nov 28 18:48:36 2017] Starrix lowers her head to conceal the tears in her eyes..
[Tue Nov 28 18:48:47 2017] Starrix says, 'Determined to complete the quest which she had started, Zavo called for the human who had most distinguished himself in the battle to step forward.'
[Tue Nov 28 18:48:52 2017] Starrix says, 'She asked him if he was ready for the final task, to die by the Shard, spilling his blood on the earth of Norrath so that the Veil would be sundered forever. He paused not a moment before nodding in agreement.'
[Tue Nov 28 18:48:58 2017] Starrix says, 'After performing the sacrifice and resurrecting the hero, Zavo presented him wi` the Shard, which became known thereafter as the Crystalline Claw of Veeshan, a mighty and powerful weapon.'
[Tue Nov 28 18:49:04 2017] Starrix says, 'Forevermore in the realms of the Scale was his act of bravery sung. Thus did the Veil of Veeshan become torn, and the realms of mortals and Scale did mingle.'
[Tue Nov 28 18:49:19 2017] Starrix says, 'And so the dragons of Norrath were once more restored to power and glory, a fitting position for the Ring of Scale.'
[Tue Nov 28 18:49:25 2017] Starrix wonders what Mistmoore did next..
[Tue Nov 28 18:49:26 2017] Starrix says, 'Of the outcome of the battle between Mistmoore and the Ring of Scale, we can only guess, for I am certain that the final pages of that Act have not yet been written.'
[Tue Nov 28 18:49:33 2017] Starrix says, 'Thank you all for listening to my tale. I do hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.'

5x Drink of Timeless Energy
5x Decadent JumJum Cake
Guide Event Reward (5x dose essence of race of your choice)
Guide Event Reward (5x
#2 Nov 28 2017 at 9:02 PM Rating: Excellent
Good to see guide events still exist. Thanks for the post!
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#3 Nov 29 2017 at 7:45 AM Rating: Excellent
458 posts
As another member of the Bristlebane community, I thank you for posting.
#4 Nov 30 2017 at 5:47 PM Rating: Excellent
They do exist, hehe. I'm a former senior guide myself. I left the program a couple years ago (personal stuff, long story). Still good to see guides still about, I miss the program a lot these days.
EQ1: Gooshy:
EQ2: Gwenythe:
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