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#1 Mar 22 2012 at 9:58 PM Rating: Excellent
320 posts
Lost the old thread for this, so I thought I'd start is back up, some fun ones I remember.


That there is a game inside a game, type in the command /gem when playing Everquest, to enjoy a fun mini time-waster!

That there was a bow released in the original Everquest (1999) that had the stats of 120 dmg/20 delay? Check out Oakwynd.

There was one a mob called Kerafym, the Sleeper? The mob, once awakened would zone thoughout Vellious killing everyone in its path, this was a ONE TIME only event per Server, and the ONLY server to kill him, was actually from the all out PVP server, Rallos Zek (everyone fought everyone)?

Did you know, there used to be 3 PVP servers?

The First Epic questline to be created was the Paladin Epic?


Edited, Mar 23rd 2012 12:00am by LuckyPoseidon

You're talking to me all wrong... It's the wrong tone. You do it again and I'll stab you in the face with a soldering iron.
#2 Mar 22 2012 at 10:16 PM Rating: Excellent
320 posts

I found it after adjusting forum search :) feel free to repost some from here that you like.

You're talking to me all wrong... It's the wrong tone. You do it again and I'll stab you in the face with a soldering iron.
#3 Mar 22 2012 at 10:25 PM Rating: Excellent
902 posts
They had a best of the best tournament between all the servers. Each server had a representative from each class.

This is the link for the rogue tourney. Some of the old sweet graphics from 2000.
#4 Mar 23 2012 at 7:15 AM Rating: Good
8 posts
The tournament was great-- I remember watching this on Erollisi Marr. The fights took a decent amount of time, unlike PvP in most games these days.
Klarencee 71 Beastlord - Test Server
1999 EQ player from E-Marr (Davus, Manifex, Klarence)
#5 Mar 23 2012 at 9:37 AM Rating: Good
902 posts
It was fun...I was on Vallon at the time, and I remember that the SK winner was a human, which was a real surprise because the "dark" side was running away with the server at the time. Be interesting if they brought this back...Smiley: sly
#6 Mar 23 2012 at 3:43 PM Rating: Excellent
320 posts
It was fun...I was on Vallon at the time, and I remember that the SK winner was a human, which was a real surprise because the "dark" side was running away with the server at the time. Be interesting if they brought this back... Smiley: sly

Lol it would be like watching Gods fight now.

Did you know...

...that the bard songs "Song of Highsun" and "Song of Midnight" were originally castable during daylight and nighttime hours, respectively? In 2002, SOE decided to remove the restrictions and allow each to be sung at any time. I don't know of any other spells that had a time of day restriction.

Shift-T (default setting?) will bring up your 'Title' window, which can be useful/fun while kiting and you need a rear-view mirror.

When Everquest first came out, there was an introductory movie that would play while the game was loading or patching or something. I think you were able to skip it by pressing a key. At some point they changed the game startup file to no longer play the movie.


You're talking to me all wrong... It's the wrong tone. You do it again and I'll stab you in the face with a soldering iron.
#7 Mar 23 2012 at 4:30 PM Rating: Excellent
320 posts
Did you know.....?

-- In the early days of EQ, the winner of a duel was announced server-wide. A number of players were well known simply for their constant dueling.

-- The /consent command used to grant the consented person full ownership of that corpse, including the ability to loot it. This became a common trick for selling no drop items; you would bank all of your gear, duel the person and let them kill you, then consent them so that they could then loot the no drop item from your corpse.

--- There used to be a lot of players who set up a toon as a "link bot" -- that you could send a specially worded tell to and get an item link back. Recipes too. You could then relink the links.

You're talking to me all wrong... It's the wrong tone. You do it again and I'll stab you in the face with a soldering iron.
#8 Mar 23 2012 at 7:02 PM Rating: Good
3,021 posts
Anyone remember the ORIGINAL tutorial? I barely remember it myself. It wasn't on-line and there were no mobs in it. It was just to practice moving and hailing NPCs and the like. You could "play" it (if you can call it "play") on your PC without even being on-line since the whole zone was on the client.

Remember when DOTS were much less stackable? Different players of the same class could NOT stack the same dot on a mob... only the cast from the highest level player would land. This change made a huge difference on raids. Same thing for individual players with DOTS of the same line. You could only stack the highest-level spell on a mob.

At one time mounts had no acceleration issues. Not sure if this was a patch change or was from the beginning. I do remember quad-kiting with my druid and the mana regen while fighting made for fast kills. Then one day they nerfed it and mounted kiting was no longer practical.

Remember when wizards could stack manaburn on a mob? Timing their casts right, a full group of wizards could insta-kill Old World dragons without any of them getting summoned. Thus was born the old "wizard mafias" on various servers. You could hire them to kill a quest dragon for you, without needing to get the help of an entire guild. Then they nerfed it so only one manaburn could land on a mob in a period of time.

Remember when EQ expansions came on disks and in boxes with "extras"? Remember the last one of that type had like 10 disks? I can remember installing 9 of them and then the installation failed on the 10th disk because it was scratched and I had to start all over with a new set.

Did you know at one time there were no chat channels? Raids would have to be conducted using /ooc. Made for real confusion when two guilds were running raids in the same zone.

More to come as I reflect...

Edited, Mar 23rd 2012 9:10pm by Sippin
Sippin 115 DRU **** Firiona Vie ****Agnarr
FV: 115 WAR ENC CLE MAG WIZ SHD SHM Master Alchemist ROG Master Tinkerer & Poison-Maker
Master Artisan (300+) * Baker * Brewer * Fletcher * Jeweler * Potter * Researcher * Smith * Tailor
#9 Mar 23 2012 at 11:55 PM Rating: Good
902 posts
Remember when you could bind anyone, and not be in a group with them....Smiley: sly

led to "bind-camping" on the pvp servers, which you could only get out of by crashin your comp...:)
#10 Mar 24 2012 at 12:00 AM Rating: Good
902 posts
When zek first started you could loot from any non-bag slot on the person you killed. It was fun to watch peoples gear disappear when they knew they were gonna die but didn't know how to key map...Smiley: lol
#11 Mar 24 2012 at 6:43 AM Rating: Good
1,074 posts
In the beginning, when you looted a corpse there was no message to the group. This caused a lot of problems with people looting items and telling the group "nothing dropped."
After 16 years, I'm not listing every friggin character.
#12 Mar 24 2012 at 10:20 AM Rating: Good
4,580 posts
The dot stacking change was huge...

As a chanter (already low dps in a group, especially if the group was scared of charmed pets --which most were) having all your pathetic dots overwritten by other classes was truly frustrating.

For classes like necro and druid (that get quite a few dots 30-60) this change was huge as it allowed you to make a dot-heavy spell rotation. The old enchanter in me wishes they had given chanters more dot options and better dots overall.

I concede this would only have helped for a bit anyways because group dps scaled so fast over the next few expacs that burst damage made dotting and crowd control obsolete for most group level content. Swift dots on my chanter during GoD era would have been really nice...

Thanks for reviving this thread (as a new one) with a link to the old one Luckyposeidon. Things weren't always better back in the day.
#13 Mar 25 2012 at 1:16 AM Rating: Good
320 posts
snailish wrote:
The dot stacking change was huge...

As a chanter (already low dps in a group, especially if the group was scared of charmed pets --which most were) having all your pathetic dots overwritten by other classes was truly frustrating.

For classes like necro and druid (that get quite a few dots 30-60) this change was huge as it allowed you to make a dot-heavy spell rotation. The old enchanter in me wishes they had given chanters more dot options and better dots overall.

I concede this would only have helped for a bit anyways because group dps scaled so fast over the next few expacs that burst damage made dotting and crowd control obsolete for most group level content. Swift dots on my chanter during GoD era would have been really nice...

Thanks for reviving this thread (as a new one) with a link to the old one Luckyposeidon. Things weren't always better back in the day.

Always happy to bring back the past :)

Did you Know...?

There used to be 4 Freeports? North, South, West, and East, in which there was a good side, and an evil side...

After Freeport was revamped, there was a way to get back to the old one? The way was by going through to East Commonlands, then zoning back through the same ZL.. Which means that the files for Freeport are still in game :)

You actually used to have to LEVEL UP sense heading? It didn't start out maxed, which actually was used to help people move around, since there were NO maps.

That the Expansion that many believe "killed" Everquest is actually PoP? Before PoP there was no centralized zone, no guild lobby, no guild hall, no instant transports (save a certain room in Timorous deep.. ehehe) to ANYWHERE, and finally, no centralized zone for spells.

That you can become a PVP Flagged character by talking to the Priest of Discord and following his speech? You will always be flagged for PVP Irrelevant to being in a PVP Arena or not, it is permanent, you can't get buffs from other players, and will have a very noticeable Red Name instead of a purple/blue one.


You're talking to me all wrong... It's the wrong tone. You do it again and I'll stab you in the face with a soldering iron.
#14 Mar 25 2012 at 1:50 AM Rating: Excellent
2,689 posts
I only remember N, E, and W for freeport. See EQ2 had a South Freeport before revamp.

The first Nektulos revamp wasn't active for those without DoDh expansion, so some people could be in the new Nuktulos, while others without the expansion would be in the old one. Thankfully, they redid the revamp to make it more like the original, and I believe eventually took away the expansion flag. The first revamp was horrid.

Guild Lobby was introduced with and required DoN expansion, while Guild Hall was introduced with and required DoDh expansion, much later than PoP.

The main reason was not the expansion (PoP), but that Sony took over control of the game development (or something to that affect, I never really cared about it or paid much attention, but the design was noticeably different than previous expansions).

From memory, it was a server timing problem or zone server crashes that caused the PoR revamps to take you to the old versions of zones, as I remember zoning into the old South Ro from Innothule Swamp when the new version of South Ro was unavailable.

Timing is the reason behind many issues. For example, it's not too difficult with a slower computer to run past the zone line. Some zones have very extended parts of the zone past the zone line, while others don't. Some of the post-zoneline models allow you to walk off the texture. MPG is very cool looking outside the walls. Seems like it's floating in blackness. Seems like I got pushed through a wall once, or maybe I was shrunk and peeking through a corner, can't remember.

That's enough for now.

Yther Ore.
#15 Mar 25 2012 at 2:04 AM Rating: Excellent
320 posts
Yther wrote:
I only remember N, E, and W for freeport. See EQ2 had a South Freeport before revamp.

The first Nektulos revamp wasn't active for those without DoDh expansion, so some people could be in the new Nuktulos, while others without the expansion would be in the old one. Thankfully, they redid the revamp to make it more like the original, and I believe eventually took away the expansion flag. The first revamp was horrid.

Guild Lobby was introduced with and required DoN expansion, while Guild Hall was introduced with and required DoDh expansion, much later than PoP.

The main reason was not the expansion (PoP), but that Sony took over control of the game development (or something to that affect, I never really cared about it or paid much attention, but the design was noticeably different than previous expansions).

From memory, it was a server timing problem or zone server crashes that caused the PoR revamps to take you to the old versions of zones, as I remember zoning into the old South Ro from Innothule Swamp when the new version of South Ro was unavailable.

Timing is the reason behind many issues. For example, it's not too difficult with a slower computer to run past the zone line. Some zones have very extended parts of the zone past the zone line, while others don't. Some of the post-zoneline models allow you to walk off the texture. MPG is very cool looking outside the walls. Seems like it's floating in blackness. Seems like I got pushed through a wall once, or maybe I was shrunk and peeking through a corner, can't remember.

That's enough for now.

Yther Ore.

Ah, in regards to Freeport, I didn't fact check on that, pure memory, my apologies.

Didn't realize that was when Sony took over... in regards to PoP, but I was actually just trying to shine some light that there used to not be any of what we take full advantage of nowadays ;) but I should have been more specific, my apologies :)

You're talking to me all wrong... It's the wrong tone. You do it again and I'll stab you in the face with a soldering iron.
#16 Mar 25 2012 at 2:22 AM Rating: Excellent
2,689 posts
It's all good. Just thought I'd mention it before someone took it the wrong way and started a rant. Some people, even today, are still vehemently opposed to Sony, and rave about Verant or 999 studios or whatever.

Yther Ore.
#17 Mar 25 2012 at 8:52 AM Rating: Good
3,021 posts
Not really ancient history but newer players sure won't remember back when pets would vanish if you invisd, zoned or camped. Made playing pet classes a real PITA especially if you played multiple toons. They wouldn't take group buffs either so you always had to buff the pets afterwards.

Remember no saved spell-sets? Reloading after a death was always time-consuming especially for those with a disorganized spellbook.

Eliminating the need to level up SENSE HEADING is overly care-bareish to me since the in-game maps alone make it virtually impossible to get lost.

Edited, Mar 25th 2012 10:53am by Sippin
Sippin 115 DRU **** Firiona Vie ****Agnarr
FV: 115 WAR ENC CLE MAG WIZ SHD SHM Master Alchemist ROG Master Tinkerer & Poison-Maker
Master Artisan (300+) * Baker * Brewer * Fletcher * Jeweler * Potter * Researcher * Smith * Tailor
#18 Mar 25 2012 at 9:12 AM Rating: Excellent
320 posts
Did you know...?

That a lot of spells used to require you having a reagent to cast them? Often semi-pricey gems.

That there is actually a giant-sized chest board in Butcherblock? Its rumored that killing the Pawns and Knights can spawn a King or Queen.

That the Paladin Epic, is almost impossible to complete? It was the first Epic quest the programmers made, and requires killing Dragons that, even nowadays are hunted down to the very minute of spawn for their very sellable twink loot?


You're talking to me all wrong... It's the wrong tone. You do it again and I'll stab you in the face with a soldering iron.
#19 Mar 25 2012 at 11:01 AM Rating: Excellent
4,580 posts
If you are PVP-flagged (rednamed) on a regular server and do a server transfer you lose the pvp tag (my druid lost pvp status when moved from Trakanon to FV recently).

Sony always owned and was in charge of EQ. Verant was a subsid. Sony decided to amalgamate all there gaming subsids (they didn't take over Verant.. they were Verant).

Design change for PoP is often attributed to the loss of "the vision" which occurred midway through Luclin developement when McQuaid and Sony parted ways.
#20 Mar 25 2012 at 11:12 AM Rating: Excellent
2,689 posts
Thanks for giving some detail too it. And, reinforcing the reasons I didn't / don't really care. It was business decisions (pretty minor on the consolidation) that people just blew out of proportion.

Time changes some peoples perspective. PoP is now commonly among the top 3 expansions. I even rate GoD highly now, and was discourage with it at the beginning due it's difficulty and the addition of aliens so heavily into the lore (correct me if I'm off on this, but GoD is the first I noticed it). PoP on the other hand, I really liked despite the vision change.

Yther Ore.
#21 Mar 25 2012 at 11:37 AM Rating: Excellent
902 posts
Ahhhh...chessboard. Was so cool to take low level clerics there and work undead spells....

Before bazaar traders people would use /shout or /occ to sell items. Faydark was renamed fay-mart on the vallon....I understand that commons tunnel was a great place to sell, also.

Freeport also had a sewer system under it. ( Not sure if it still does) Was fun to run around under it, and to the North side of the main gate was a vendor in a secret hole in the wall that sold rogue poison supplies.

Guards at the entrance to cities used to be just normal level 50 mobs. They became the thing to kill, and lower level players complained because they would bring back mobs to guards, but none were there to save them, so the guards got UBER buffed.

Before the days of shared banks, the only way to trade items between your alts was to place bag on ground, log out, then log in with other toon. Was super scary and exciting because if you crashed, the bag would be gone when you came back, or while logging someone could pick it up and your gear would be gone. used to have to run back to your corpse...( before guild lobby )...Most people kept a spare set of armor in the bank just for corpse runs...when Kunark came out, some of those zones were a real pain to locate your corpse...Smiley: grin

#22 Mar 25 2012 at 1:17 PM Rating: Excellent
2,689 posts
Killing guards was bad enough, but Kelethin on Druzzil used to have regular banker killers. That really bit, having to run to Felwithe (rarely, but sometimes they killed the Felwithe banker) or worse yet, Ak`Anon or Kaladim to bank.

Dropping rusty weapons was a good way to find true north when low level (Sense heading was level capped on max skill). If no weapons were available to drop, watching the cloud movements gave a generalized sense of direction (I don't remember for sure, but thinks it's east to west).

Many skills used to be level capped that aren't now. Alchemy and Make Poison used to be.

The original Deluxe Sewing Kits were from a patch *****-up in Oct of 2000, where they put 10-slot regular Sewing Kits on tailoring merchants. Once they noticed it, they quickly shut down all servers, repatched and renamed the 10-slot ones Deluxe. Not long after Velious was released and had Deluxe Toolboxes for sell in Iceclad Ocean, but very few people knew about them at the time.

The original Yther had bought lots (only 8 bank slots back then, so think I only got 8) during that ***** up. If I'd been really smart, I would made a bunch of alts and loaded them up too.

You used to be able to make descent money buying tradeskill supplies from merchants, doing the combines and selling the results back to the merchants. That is, if you had descent faction and charisma, and a fairly low failure rate.

Yther Ore.
#23 Mar 25 2012 at 6:11 PM Rating: Excellent
4,580 posts
Yther wrote:

You used to be able to make descent money buying tradeskill supplies from merchants, doing the combines and selling the results back to the merchants. That is, if you had descent faction and charisma, and a fairly low failure rate.

Yther Ore.

There's a McQuaid quote out there somewhere... tradeskills were originally intented as a money maker all the way up via vendor reselling. They quickly changed tactics when they realized how some "committed" tradeskillers were using this.

You could fill a whole thread with just the changes to pets... I remember the first time I cast invis on a group member (bad mobs coming and we were low mana) and his kitted pet poofed (he was mad at me --oops). The rest of the group was happy for the invis though.
#24 Mar 25 2012 at 6:15 PM Rating: Good
3,021 posts
The chessboard king isn't a rumor, he's a regular spawn at the chessboard in Butcher. Pawns, rooks, bishops, knights and the king himself. I remember the King fearing my baby dorf warrior one time and he ran right up the wall of the zone in terror. It TERRORIZED me as a noob player since I had no idea what was going on, having never been feared before!

There used to be a rumor that the QUEEN existed too but she was a super-rare spawn. IN those days, before the kind of exact references we have today, those kinds of rumors could persist a long time. Alas, our days of EQ innocence are long over...

The other way to tell direction back when sense heading had to be trained was to watch the clouds. I believe in Old World zones, at least, they always move in the same direction.

Edited, Mar 26th 2012 9:04am by Sippin
Sippin 115 DRU **** Firiona Vie ****Agnarr
FV: 115 WAR ENC CLE MAG WIZ SHD SHM Master Alchemist ROG Master Tinkerer & Poison-Maker
Master Artisan (300+) * Baker * Brewer * Fletcher * Jeweler * Potter * Researcher * Smith * Tailor
#25 Mar 26 2012 at 2:20 AM Rating: Good
138 posts
There used to be an external IM client for chatting with friends online without having to log into the game. Great tool for work my buddy used to message me raid schedules and updates on raids when i couldnt make it.
#26 Mar 26 2012 at 7:12 AM Rating: Decent
599 posts
Unsuspecting looky-loos would get locked in the East FP bank vault and only rogues with 200 lock pick skill were able to reopen the vault door.

Rogue didn't get the evade skill until early 2000.

Rogues frequently pick-pocketed while grouped but always denied it.

Jumping from the FV arch while carrying 10,000 copper could be fatal.
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