Just to add some confusion.
I have seen some very odd things happen in LDoN.
There was the example of a level 59 Pally (who I have known and played with for more than two years and have the highest respect for) who simply could not break the first room of an MM adventure (same thing was happening that Raknruin describes). We put it down to the mix of levels in the end, we had 58 through 64 people in the group, but average would have been well over 60.
This group was made of people who had played and raided at the highest level and we spent some time trying to sort it out as we could not believe what was happening, in the end just put it down to a bug.
On the weekend Celeni was in a similar sort of group in an LDoN MM adventure, we had a Cleric so she was trading nuke for nuke with the wizard (Oooh I just love being 61 with a full array of 1000 point nukes, lol).
Celeni suddenly started pulling aggro big time. Now, she has enough HP for this not to be a major issue, but it began to bug thre cleric and MA. So she slowed down nukes
. Still got aggro. She stopped nuking and began DoTing (waste of bloody mana but the MA was getting iritated chasing the mobs around.) Still grabbed agro. She went and sat in a corner and did absolutely nothing,
and still grabbed aggro!! By this stage I had run out of ideas. I did absolutely nothing stood at the back of the group and would still have the mob leave the MA and come for me. WTF??
I think every now and then you just get an adventure with a bug of some sort.
Regarding Lull/Paci. Aesten, my young cleric has had Calm resisted and pull the room once or twice, but never Pacify.