Papers Please  

CategoryKylong Plains
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Game Update #52
Monument and Might
June 16, 2009

Speak to Mosi Panthira at Dreg's Landing.

  1. Steal maps, letters and notes from The Order of Rime camp at Ru'Kaus, 158, 112, 237 .
    • All 6 updates are in the room at the top of the tower You need 2 maps, 2 letters and 2 notes.
  2. When you take the last document, an angry Rime officer (70^) should appear and attack!
  3. Return to Mosi Panthira


One Man's Garbage Kylong Plains
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Warn the Rilissians
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Categories: EverQuest II | GU52 | EQ2 Quests
This page last modified 2009-07-10 00:46:26.