Vana'diel Time: 10/02/1470 (Darksday) 07:21 55% (First Quarter Moon)

Trial By Water  

Submitted by:Kurtomatic
Start Area: Norg
Start NPC:Edal-Tahdal (H - 9)
Type:Job Related
Related Areas:Cloister of Tides
Den of Rancor
Related Mobs:Leviathan Prime
Min Level:30
Max Level:75
Grants Gil:10000
(Average from 7 ratings)
Title Obtained:Heir of the Great Water
Items Granted:Eye of Nept
Leviathan's Rod
Water Belt
Water Ring
Last Updated: Sun Aug 8 01:13:48 2010

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In-Game Text


First, a few notes about Avatar in general fights. This is not the Trial Size quest, which is the solo fight, capped at level 20 (refer to Trial Size Trial by Ice for that quest). Everyone who is involved in the fight must have a tuning fork of the correct protocrystal. There is no cap on this battle, although there is a 30-minute time limit (not that it ever seems to be important).

General level guidelines: 60+ for melee and 55+ for mages. You'll want a Black Mage for certain and a solid tank, but the rest is relatively flexible. A well-balanced party is critical, though. You'll likely want at least 2 of the following 3: Red Mage, White Mage and Bard. You will want one of the melee or the Bard to be able to cast Bar-a spells. Having the WHM or BLM try to cast them will be problematic. Our strategy for this was to have the RDM sub WHM and melee using the appropriate En-spell for easy Bar-a casting. Additionally, if you can buy an Enhancing Torque (usually much cheaper than corresponding Torques), that will add 2-3 points of resistance to Bar-spells. Additionally Mal-rings (from the ghost NM's in Gusgen Mines) can be helpful for the fight. You can buff up before entering the protocrystal, so feel free to do so and rest up while still outside.

Battle strategy for all six fights is pretty much the same. The battlefield layout for all six fights is exactly the same, although the coloration scheme for the battlefield will be different. The battlefield is shaped like a long path up the side of hill, with a switchback about halfway to the top. This topographical feature allows the mages to stand above the fight (and out of easy reach of the avatar) while still being able to cast spells upon the combatants. This allows for the tank(s) to have extra time to pull hate back should the mages draw it. It is ABSOLUTELY CRITICAL to keep the correct Bar-spell up at all times. Not doing this will result in multiple deaths when the Avatar's 2-hour comes (at about halfway), and will likely produce a loss. Each avatar is also only easily susceptible to debuffs of the element they are weak to (i.e. Shiva can be Paralyzed). Whether they are susceptible to other enfeebles of very high level is not confirmed.

It is strongly recommended to fight each avatar on the day it is weak to (i.e. Shiva on Firesday) and even more strongly recommended NOT to fight the avatar on its day (i.e. Shiva on Iceday). Spells of each element are much stronger on their specific day of the week.

Each quest is repeatable, but only once per real life day. Once you have returned to the quest giver and gotten your reward, you have to wait 24 hours (some say midnight Japanese time) in order to get the quest again. At that point, you can get a new tuning fork. Each time you complete the quest, you can choose ONE reward from the list, which varies from avatar to avatar.

In order to get the Fenrir quest (The Moonlit Path), you have to have whispers (key items) from all six elemental avatars. This means that you can't turn them in for reward until you have all six, at which point you can give them to the Fenrir quest giver (Leepe-Hoppe in Windurst Waters). So, in order to be able to get Fenrir and all six avatars, you'll need to fight each of them at least twice. Additionally, if you are a Summoner, the Evoker's Ring is only obtainable through the Mama Mia quest in Norg, which would mean you would have to fight them each a third time.

If you can't get any of these quests, the problem is likely fame. Each quest giver is a taru who stands next to a non-taru warrior. If you don't have sufficient fame, the taru will just complain about being hurt a lot while his companion will discuss perseverance and not giving up. If you have sufficient fame, the Tarutaru will give you the fork. The non-taru will give you a Trial Size Tuning Fork if you have met the requirements.


To obtain the Water Avatar Leviathan, first speak of Edal-Tadhal in Norg. If you have sufficient Tenshodo fame, he will give you a tuning fork of water(key item). Tenshodo fame is based on a variety of quests that you might do for the Tenshodo (Zinc Ore quests in Bastok, Brugaire Consortium quests in San D'oria and Yagudo Necklace quests in Windurst and any quests in Norg). If you have enough fame to get the Utsusemi quest, you should be able to get the Leviathan quest. This is easily the most difficult of the Avatar quests, as the fame is the hardest to get and getting to the Cloister requires the most effort. The fight itself is no harder than any of the rest, however.

Now, you have to go to the Temple of Uggalepih. Head to the main entrance of the Temple (J-11 of Yhoator Jungle) and head in. You will need Invisible only throughout the Temple. Everything is this temple aggroes, even the bees. If you have a considerable amount of Tonberry hate already built up, you might want to reset the hate through the “Everyone's Grudge” quest in Norg.

If nobody already has the key item “Paintbrush of Souls,” you will have to get one. Luckily, it's not too difficult to acquire, and you only need one for your entire party. The entrance level is filled with three kinds of tonberries: Cutters, Slashers and Harriers. The Tonberry Cutters periodically drop Uggalepih Keys, which is what you need. These are NOT coffer or chest keys, just “Uggalepih Keys.” Once you acquire one, you'll want to go to F-7 of the first map. To get there from the front door, take a right (don't go through the gate) at the bottom of the first stairs, follow that hallway through a couple of rooms until you have to turn north or south. Head north and follow that path straight until you come into a room with painting frames. Incidentally, you can complete the “A Question of Taste” quest in this room if you have reached that point in the quest.

In the NW corner of this room (down a little hallway), there is a locked door which needs an Uggalepih key (which, incidentally, will use up the key). Once in, you'll find a room with a locked box and three books. Examine all the books until one drops a key. Use this key on the locked box and you will acquire the key item “Paintbrush of Souls.” Do not leave the room without acquiring the Paintbrush or you will have to get another key and do it again. Again, only one person needs the paintbrush. It is a permanent key item, however, and you will need it every time you ever need to go through the door to the Den of Rancor. (In short, it's not a bad thing to have).

The next step is to head out of the room with the paintbrush back the way you came and take the first left you come to (if you didn't have to get a paintbrush, just take every right from the main entrance). You will zone back out to Yhoator Jungle. Take every left you can until you zone back into the Temple. Take a right and once you come to the corner, head south. There is a gate here that someone not Invisible will have to open. Be careful, as even the wasps aggro here. Head south as far as you can until you are forced to head west or east. Head east until you come to a door. To get through this door, you need to kill the Temple Guardian. Once the Temple Guardian is dead, the door will open automatically and stay open for a couple of minutes, so if you're lucky the door might already be open.

Assuming the door it closed, you have to kill the Temple Guardian. It is a doll-type mob with a huge damaging Meltdown attack that will likely kill multiple people if it explodes. When you see it preparing Meltdown, Stun it – it's not a quick attack and the BLM or DRK should easily be able to do so. The Temple Guardian is more susceptible to physical attack than magical. When the Temple Guardian dies, head through the door – it will remain open for several minutes so no extreme hurry. If you have to Raise someone do so, and rest on the other side of the door. Cast Invisible before you head through the door because the next room is full of Tonberries and a VERY tough doll type mob called the Manipulator which aggroes to magic and is dangerous to a party of level 65, especially considering the number of Tonberry links you will have.

Head north through the Manipulator room (w/Invis) and head through another door you will have to open without Invisible. Inside, clear the tonberries in this room, and have the person with the Paintbrush of Souls click on the picture frame on the east wall. Once you see the little “Down Arrow” which generally means “Press Enter”, stop. Give it about thirty seconds and then hit enter. Once you've done that, the door to the Den of Rancor should open. This may take a little bit of practice and a couple of tries the first time, as it's counter-intuitive to anything else you've likely done in FFXI. Walk down the hallway, you will zone to the Den of Rancor. Note: Once you've got the Paintbrush of Souls, you will always have it and can use it over and over. Unlike the Uggalepih key, it's not a one-use item.

Getting to the Cloister of Tides is actually pretty easy from here. You will need both Sneak and Invis from here on out. It's important to note that casting Escape in here will take you back out to the front of the Temple of Uggalepih, and you will have to go through the Temple all over again. Descending the path will bring you into a room with seven passageways. Head to the SE corner of that room and take the passage that heads east (there's also one in that corner that heads south). Follow the right wall of that tunnel until you see a hole in the floor at J-7. Make sure Sneak & Invis are up and drop through. You'll be in a large room – head northeast and you will zone shortly into the Cloister of Tides.

Try to fight Leviathan on Lightningday, and do not fight him on Waterday. Keep up Barwatera at ALL times. Leviathan really likes to heal himself, which is fairly annoying. Having a lot of heavy damage to finish him off might be a good idea (Manafont/ Chainspell/ Eagle Eye Shot). When you emerge from the Cloister of Tides, you will be in a different location than when you entered. It's generally recommended to use Escape at this point.

Once you defeat Leviathan, you will acquire the Key Item: Water Whisper. Return it to Edal-Tadhal for your reward, or hold onto it. If you have all six whispers simultaneously, you can give them to Leepe-Hoppe in Windurst Waters to gain the Moon Bauble – which is basically the Tuning Fork of the Moon – the ability to fight Fenrir. If you are collecting items for the Evoker's Ring, you will want the Eye of Nept.


This page last modified 2007-09-21 11:07:02.
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Fame Question
# May 14 2010 at 12:48 AM Rating: Decent
So I raised Tenshodo fame to 4 before getting fame 9 via the "Only the Best" quest in Selbina (dumb, I know). My question is, does anyone know for certain if completing the quest "Only the Best" decreases Norg fame? I know it raises the prices of riceballs from the Tenshodo, but I haven't been able to confirm that it does in fact decrease fame.

Second question. If it does in fact decrease fame, if I have already obtained the tuning fork, is it possible to do the selbina quest and decrease my Norg fame and still be able to obtain the fork? Do I have to be Norg fame 4 in order to repeat the quest? Do I actually have to complete the quest first before lowering my fame?

If anyone could shed some light on this it would be greatly appreciated.
Water Ring?
# Nov 10 2006 at 4:07 PM Rating: Decent
1,755 posts
it seems to have disappeared but you can also get a water ring for a whisper from this quest
item link:I didnt break the link!

Edited, Nov 10th 2006 at 4:11pm PST by ZiGG
you are all not right
# Nov 04 2006 at 9:58 AM Rating: Decent
The fame you need is hafe of what you need for the earth avter for the 20 fight
and for the 60 fight i think you need 7-8 fame to get it
you are all not right
# Nov 04 2006 at 10:00 AM Rating: Decent
The fame you need is hafe of what you need for the earth avter for the 20 fight and for the 60 fight i think you need 7-8 fame to get it

you are all not right
# Nov 04 2006 at 10:00 AM Rating: Decent
The fame you need is hafe of what you need for the earth avter for the 20 fight and for the 60 fight i think you need 7-8 fame to get it

uh ...
# Aug 26 2006 at 4:16 AM Rating: Good
1,280 posts
My message disappeared after posting

repost :

Trying to summarize the guide.

1. To Obtain “Paintbrush of Souls” for 1 person
- Get “Uggalepih Keys” and go to F-7 of first map
- use the key to enter Paintbrush Room at F-7,
- Examine all books to get a Key
- Use that key to open the locked box
- Obtain key item : Paintbrush of Souls

2. From Main entrance, take all right turns until you exit into Yhoator Jungle
- enter again through entrance no.3
- at the corner, go south
- open gate
- Wasp AGGRO here
- Go more south until there are choices of Weat or East
- Go east, to a door
- Kill Temple Guardian
- The door will open
- Cast Invis before next room
- Go north through Manipulator room
- Go through door
- Clear Tonberry
- Person with Painbrush click on East paiting frame
- When see DOWN ARROW, stop, and wait for 30 seconds and hit enter
- Den of Rancor door should open

3. Go to Den of Rancor by walking down the hallway

4. Go to Cloister of Tides.
- Sneak & Invis all the time
- go down the path into a room with 7 passage ways
- Head to SE corner and take the path that goes east
- Follow right wall in the tunnel
- Hole at J-7, jump in
- In this large room, go NE to zone to Cloister

Confusing ><
# Aug 26 2006 at 4:06 AM Rating: Good
1,280 posts
I'm doing this quest at the moment and this guide is quite more confusing than helpful

Anyway, I tried to summarize things up...

1. To Obtain “Paintbrush of Souls” for 1 person
- Get “Uggalepih Keys” and go to F-7 of first map
- use the key to enter Paintbrush Room at F-7,
- Examine all books to get a Key
- Use that key to open the locked box
- Obtain key item : Paintbrush of Souls

2. From Main entrance, take all right turns until you exit into Yhoator Jungle
- enter again through entrance no.3
- at the corner, go south
- open gate
- Wasp AGGRO here
- Go more south until there are choices of Weat or East
- Go east, to a door
- Kill Temple Guardian
- The door will open
- Cast Invis before next room
- Go north through Manipulator room
- Go through door
- Clear Tonberry
- Person with Painbrush click on East paiting frame
- When see DOWN ARROW, stop, and wait for 30 seconds and hit enter
- Den of Rancor door should open

3. Go to Den of Rancor by walking down the hallway

4. Go to Cloister of Tides.
- Sneak & Invis all the time
- go down the path into a room with 7 passage ways
- Head to SE corner and take the path that goes east
- Follow right wall in the tunnel
- Hole at J-7, jump in
- In this large room, go NE to zone to Cloister


Edited, Aug 26th 2006 at 5:13am EDT by Aleczan
Got tuning fork at lvl 4 fame as well
# Mar 23 2006 at 6:19 AM Rating: Decent
308 posts
I have really high sandy and bastok fame but only lvl 4 norg fame. I just got the tuning fork of water.
Level 4 Norg Fame Confirmed
# Mar 18 2006 at 12:33 PM Rating: Decent
I was reading how you dont need level 6.5 fame to get Water fork and was in Yhoat chillin as my 27 RDM so i decided to take a little road trip

Went to Norg and checked the Taru gave me the Fork to my surprise knowing full well that i did not have level 6.5 fame.

So i Quickly ran to the fame guy (actaully i ran to the Utsusemi guy 1st get the confused) and checked fame.

Got a Screen shot of it ^_^
# Mar 04 2006 at 9:22 PM Rating: Decent
Im having a big problem. I have rice balls at like 152 did Utsusemi quest, tonko, Kurayami(spelling) , and Hojo. Yet I cannot recieve the quest for Levi. Its very wierd. I actually cannot recieve the quest for any avatar and I have at least lvl 6 fame everywhere. I wondering if there is a quest that i may have that blocks me from getting these. I get the same response from all the npc's something about being gr8t and some bull. The Taru always goes "Owzie Wowzie."
# Jul 09 2006 at 1:50 AM Rating: Decent

1. You'll need at least fame level 7 to get each quest with the exeption of Leviathan at level 4 Tenshudo fame.

2. I've noticed that when he will say "Owzie Wowzie" then theres like a pause...then he begins talking about the quest. (provided you have enough fame)

Hope that helps.

# Oct 19 2006 at 5:07 AM Rating: Decent
27 posts
unfortunatly you are incorrect it's level 6 fame i got level 6 fame in sandy and flaged the quest
# May 17 2005 at 5:07 PM Rating: Decent
I got the tuning fork on acciedent before i found out about the minis. Is there anyway to still do the mini trial now?
# Jan 29 2006 at 4:10 AM Rating: Decent
Yes you can do the mini trial on any. I think, to get the mini you must have smn unlocked (i never got offered it before). Also the mini's are repeatable and you can get the mini fork which is not a key item any time by talking to the non-taru NPC. Interesting is that the mini fork can be used to warp you directly to the protocrystal and when you click on the crystal you get offered both battles if you have the quests. That means that a pt with mini forkes can just warp to the crystal and then fight, after the fight you just need to escape/tele/warp out of there. Saves a lot of time ^^
# Jun 24 2005 at 4:55 PM Rating: Good
858 posts
[quote[I got the tuning fork on acciedent before i found out about the minis. Is there anyway to still do the mini trial now?[/quote]
I believe if you talk to the guy standing next to the taru while as a level 15+ summoner, he will give you the mini-tuning fork. I'm not positive, but it's something to try if you haven't already.
fame lvl
# Apr 08 2005 at 12:31 PM Rating: Decent
just to let everyone know, some sites say that u need rak 4-5 or rice ball price 161 or lower, currently my rice ball price is 165 and i was able to get the mini tuning fork or water. jsut ewanted this to be known
RE: fame lvl
# Oct 13 2005 at 2:31 PM Rating: Decent
I have heard that mini-tuning forks require level 2 fame while the prime fight require a tuning fork that needs level 7 fame. Farming bead necklaces in giddeus is probably the easiest way to build up norg fame, not the fastest, but definitly the cheapest.
RE: fame lvl
# Aug 14 2006 at 6:24 PM Rating: Decent
Actually the cheapest would be to farm Zinc Ores from worms. Or just go mine them if you have spare pick axes lying around. 300gil for 4 zinc ores is better than over farmed yag necklaces for 200gil reward. If you gonna do an annoying quest, might as well get some gil for it.
# Feb 03 2005 at 4:00 AM Rating: Decent
2,313 posts
Rice balls 161 and I got it. Did a lot of smuggling, made thousands of dollars then went to bastok, bought zinc ore with it and trade it in. Win/win for me.
# Oct 22 2004 at 8:20 AM Rating: Decent
90 posts
well to help you out, before i went and got leviathan, my rice balls in jeuno were at 155, so yeah, if they are at that you should be able to get it, and if you don't know your way around den of rancor, i advise you to look at this map:

its actually very easy to get there... go to D on that map (which is a hole in the floor) that takes you to a lower map, and the zone to cloister of tides is on the same map, happy hunting :)
# Oct 18 2004 at 2:53 AM Rating: Decent
I"m getting rdy to fight Leviathen. I heard you need a key of some sort to get past this door. If so could sombody tell me what the key is and what drops it. thank you
# Aug 11 2004 at 10:30 AM Rating: Decent
It is level 4 fame. I was doing Utsusemi, and ran by and grabbed this quest. This is the ONLY one that is level 4, the rest are indeed 7.

Edited, Wed Aug 11 11:31:07 2004
RE: Fame
# Jun 05 2005 at 2:23 PM Rating: Decent
724 posts
Actually they're fame 6. ^^
RE: Fame
# Jul 18 2005 at 2:46 AM Rating: Decent
52 posts
Not really. I am fame 6 in Sandy and Bastok and I was able to do Shiva and couldnt do Titan. So it seams like Shiva is lv6 and Titan 7 probably.
RE: Fame
# Jul 18 2005 at 2:42 AM Rating: Decent
52 posts
Not really. I am fame 6 in Sandy and Bastok and I was able to do Shiva and couldnt do Titan. So it seams like Shiva is lv6 and Titan 7 probably.
RE: Fame
# Jul 18 2005 at 2:41 AM Rating: Decent
52 posts
Not really. I am fame 6 in Sandy and Bastok and I was able to do Shiva and couldnt do Titan. So it seams like Shiva is lv6 and Titan 7 probably.
RE: Fame
# Jul 18 2005 at 2:41 AM Rating: Decent
52 posts
Not really. I am fame 6 in Sandy and Bastok and I was able to do Shiva and couldnt do Titan. So it seams like Shiva is lv6 and Titan 7 probably.
RE: Fame
# Aug 26 2005 at 3:38 AM Rating: Decent
82 posts
Wow! You really wanted to get your point across didn't you?
RE: Fame
# Mar 18 2006 at 12:06 PM Rating: Decent
level 6.5 fame {Please Check it.}
Do i
# Jul 20 2004 at 1:02 PM Rating: Decent
Do i have to be lvl 60 any job and/or lvl 20 SMN to do this Fight?
Fame and whatnot
# Jun 05 2004 at 2:16 PM Rating: Good
277 posts
You only need level 4 Norg fame to get this quest. I believe the fame guy says something to the effect of, "thanks to my advice, people are starting to recognize you".

Yes, you can repeat this quest once per day, with the day starting at 12:00 am Japan time. So if you talk to the quest giver after defeating Leviathan and get done talking and hear the triumphant music at 11:59 pm Japan time, you can get a new fork in one minute. Upon defeating Leviathan, you will lose your tuning fork of water and cannot get another one until the new day.

For my group, we got to the area rather smoothly and only had to fight a couple tonberry along the way because they were blocking doors and whatnot (which were no tougher than decent challenge, and I was the lowest leveled member as lvl 60). Once you get into the Den of Rancor, it's a relatively quick trip to the Cloister of Tides.
#REDACTED, Posted: Aug 07 2004 at 5:33 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) You dont need level 4 fame you need level 7 fame. All of the high leveled Avatar battles require level 7 fame.
RE: Fame and whatnot
# Aug 16 2004 at 7:07 AM Rating: Decent
178 posts
Sorry but your very wrong. The biggest rumor missconception about getting Leviathan is you need Norg fame which really is TENSHODO fame. Tenshodo fame has no connection to any specific nation. It's your fame level within the Tenshodo clan.

As a SMN I've dealt with fame first hand in terms of doing quests and rechecking my fame level many times. Any higher level Summoner will tell you that Leviathan's fame is TENSHODO. Not Windurst fame, not "Norg fame", not any other nations fame... Leviathan's fame is in a special catagory of fame, Tenshodo. You can only check Tenshodo fame by the NPC in Norg or by the certain price of riceballs at the Tenshodo Counter girl in Lower Jeuno.

The lvl 20 solo avatar battles require level 2 fame across the board all nations including Tenshodo. However, in all my research and testing I was able to get all the high lvl avatar quests in all the nations with just level 6 fame (they must have recently lowered it to 6 if it was at one time 7 acording to older players and/or this site) and Leviathan with lvl 4 Tenshodo fame.

How do you level up Tenshodo fame... each of the three nations has a Tenshodo representative NPC that offers a quest. Doing those repeatable quests raises your Tenshodo fame only and not that nations. Trading zinc ores to the Tenshodo NPC (Talib) in Bastok Markets, the Tenshodo rep in Port San'd Oria that gives you an item that you must smuggle to Jeuno and pass customs (risk of losing your airship pass temporarily if caught), or trade Yugado Necklaces in Windurst Woods Tenshodo NPC. The easiest I've heard was the Windurst Tenshodo one. Because it's easy to round up and train Yag's to kill and they drop very often.
RE: Fame and whatnot
# Feb 07 2005 at 11:14 PM Rating: Excellent
787 posts
Er, Norg fame = Tenshodo fame. Same thing. Norg is the home base of the Tenshodo.

Edited, Tue Feb 8 00:34:25 2005
# Jun 03 2004 at 2:31 PM Rating: Good
561 posts
Can I do this multiple times for multiple rewards or no?

Edited, Fri Jun 4 11:30:11 2004
# May 12 2004 at 8:37 AM Rating: Decent
You only need to do the Shady Business quest in Bastok for Norg fame 30 times to get Leviathan and Utsusmi: Ichi
RE: Fame
# Oct 17 2004 at 10:29 AM Rating: Decent
57 posts
Actually i completed the zinc quest 20 times and did the 3 other Ichi scroll quests in norg to have fame for Utsusemi. No need for 30, as the other quests will result in a profit anyway.
# May 10 2004 at 9:43 AM Rating: Decent
I have never seen such a difficult path. I thought the way to Garuda was scary, or even Ifrit. I think am just going to do the lvl 20 of Leviathan and do the lvl 60 for the Wisper so I can get Fenrir. The wrk that is needed for this quest is ridiculous for a Avatar.

Thank you Weedheals for this crazy URL. I never thought I would have to do all that for this Summon.

Edited, Mon May 10 10:46:48 2004
Mini Leviathon Quest
# May 01 2004 at 6:47 PM Rating: Decent
Hey does anyone know if there are mini avatar battles for the lvl 20 cap quests or is it only for a couple?
# Apr 26 2004 at 3:09 PM Rating: Decent
Where do i need fame? from windurst? i'm confused
RE: Fame
# Sep 26 2004 at 6:58 AM Rating: Decent
.........The quest is in Norg. Norg is Teshendo. You need Teshendo fame.
outside link with all avatar quest info
# Apr 04 2004 at 6:00 AM Rating: Excellent
hi im too lazy to post much on this but all your questions can be answered by the following 2 urls:

and for leviathan specifically (by far the most time consuming)

hope this helps :)
happy summoning
RE: outside link with all avatar quest info
# Aug 09 2004 at 5:25 AM Rating: Decent
Ok did this tonight. Gonna say more about using the paintbrush. The description in that link sucks ***.

Yes it "twitches" that is what it says when it does nothing. It will give you a series of messages when it works, starting with something about taking the paintbrush blah blah and concentrating. During that series of msg's an arrow will come up pausing it till you hit enter. Wait 2 min on that arrow before hitting enter. I scrolled through it fast for 1.5 hours and got nothing, paused one time and the door popped open immediately. When it fails it says you failed to fill the canvas. When it succeeds it says it painted something (like I bothered to read msg's when my door was finally opening...) and the door pops open.

Now I can't say for sure the pause matters, but the one time I did that in an hour and a half it worked.

Edited, Mon Aug 9 06:26:08 2004
RE: outside link with all avatar quest info
# Sep 26 2004 at 6:59 AM Rating: Decent
What the hell are you talking about???
rice balls 155
# Mar 27 2004 at 11:38 PM Rating: Decent
rice balls were only 155 when i got this and utsusemi: ichi quest. so they dont have to be 152 encase anyone thought they did.
Fame Required
# Mar 25 2004 at 7:53 PM Rating: Decent
48 posts
To qualify for this quest, you need to have at least as much Tenshodo fame as you need to get the Utsusemi:Ichi quest (for ninjas). The cost for rice balls was 152 for me when I went to Norg and picked this quest up.
first post
# Mar 16 2004 at 1:42 PM Rating: Decent
any1 done this ?

any comments?

i hate it when it says "if you have the requried fame, he will continue" in the text & on the side it says estimated fame needed: NONE
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