New Chat Channels

With the advent of the new chat channels, several sources are attempting to start up universal channels that would be uniform to all the servers. Seemed like a good idea to me, so I figured I would post up the ones that have been suggested. Feel free to add other suggestions in the comments. I have a feeling that eventually there will be a series of 24 hour unofficial channels going. The ones I have seen suggested so far are:
  • /join Tradeskills -- When you want to buy tradeskill made items, swap supplies, or check a current price or recipe.
  • /join Auction -- When you are looking to buy or sell items, this channel theoretically can give you access to players in every zone. Also a place to go for a price check. You will still have to go to the buyer or seller though, so it would be prudent to be near a portal where you can move through Nexus, or have a friendly wizard or druid handy.
  • /join Guild -- Guild leaders looking to recruit members and players looking for a guild to join can duke it out for members on a single channel.
  • /join OOC -- A suggested universal OOC chat channel you can join when you are soloing, in some downtime and looking for some way to keep entertained without playing gems.
  • /join Roleplay -- A suggested universal roleplay channel.
  • /join Help -- The thought on this is that experienced players can monitor this channel and answer questions by newbies and those with less experience.
  • Comments

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    leaving an autojoin channel
    # Jan 07 2004 at 11:05 AM Rating: Default
    I did an autojoin for an old chat channel I used to be on with co workers. This channel is no longer valid and I wish to remove it, but when I type /leave and the channel number or name it still shows up when I log back in next time. Is there a different command for leaving an autojoin channel?
    Thanks for any help.

    Minn Emuffins / Quellious
    Kaatt Inthehat / Povar
    # Jan 04 2004 at 6:05 PM Rating: Default
    # Sep 09 2003 at 9:50 AM Rating: Default
    is my messascsafjsddn'd npv sdfa
    # Sep 09 2003 at 9:49 AM Rating: Default
    hi how r u alla
    Dual Monitors
    # Jun 08 2002 at 4:30 AM Rating: Decent
    Although EQ doesn't support Dual monitors at the mo as someo ne pointed out below, I got my PC set up with 2 monitors one on the game the other on Allakhazam very handy without having to log out to check o item values that kinda thing totally unrelated to this thing about the chat channels but well, thought it might give someone ideas :)
    # Apr 26 2002 at 6:13 PM Rating: Decent
    49 posts
    Ok how about the commands to use in the chat channel? What are they? What do they do? etc... There are all sorts of commands I'm sure, I just dont know em. Help?

    # Mar 27 2002 at 5:43 PM Rating: Good
    So you want to use the new chat chanels but you don't know what your doing. Well follow these simples steps and soon you'll be getting more spam then GFay after school!

    What's that Virginia your stuck in a zone by yourself but you want to shop? No problem! With the new shop at zone channel all you need to do is type /join auction
    you'll get a message like Auction:2(58)
    That means you joined the chanel Auction it's room number 2 that your in and there is a total of 58 people in it.

    So now your in here and your screen is being flooded with items that you can't afford and you want to join in on the fun but you don't know how. Well it's a simple matter of typing /2 WTS a bunch of junk for to much PP
    Now why would you type /2 you ask? That tells the system what channel you want to send your tell to. Remember when you joined the channel the second thing it told you was a number, that is the number you want to use here.

    By now you've gone and joined 10 different channels and you don't know which one is assigned what number or if anyone is even in them anymore. Just type /list and it will give you a list of what chanels your in what number it is and how many people are in them.

    Ok so now your in the channel your screen is flooding your adding to the chaos but you want to know who else is in here right? Of course you do so you type /list .

    If you want to automatically join a channel each time you logon type /autojoin <chanel name>

    Delif Pastycaster <Gods Among Peasants>
    Wizard of the 38th - Povar
    # Mar 25 2002 at 12:42 PM Rating: Decent
    I think a useful channel would be for people who have collected dropable quest pieces and want to sell them, or people who are looking for quest pieces or want to trade or MQ no drop pieces. Spells also would be good in this category .. this would also help aleviate some of the spam likely in Market or Auction channel. The under 1k market is also a good idea.

    Also raid channels are a good idea, if arranged by level. Newbraids for raids under 45, Lowraids for 45 to 52, Midraids for 53 to 57, and Highraids for 57 to 60.

    Summarising my idea's with the idea's previsouly posted;

    /join Taxi
    /join Tradeskills
    /join Market
    /join Dollarstore
    /join Quest
    /join Newbraids
    /join Lowraids
    /join Midraids
    /join Highraids

    If these were permanent might be nice.
    Is there a channel "list" command?
    # Mar 24 2002 at 3:04 AM Rating: Decent
    I was curios if there were a general commd line we could type to acquire a list of all channels available on your particular sever? If so wwhat it is. THNX.

    ~ Maallycious Quintessence ~
    21st season Shadow Knight & Master Fletcher of Innoruuk
    Chat Commands
    # Mar 23 2002 at 5:59 PM Rating: Good
    I need to know the chat commands ... Atm i know /chat Mod that makes it so no one in the chat can talk cept the owner ... /chat kick that makes it sso you can kick someone out /chat leave ... well that you prolly know ...Those are all for owned chats plz tell me

    Kanelin Bloodsson
    35th necro 7th hammer

    Goban Bananananaboban
    18th SK Tarew Marr
    RE: Chat Commands
    # Mar 26 2002 at 11:12 AM Rating: Decent
    115 posts
    Use "/chat help". It will list all of the available chat commands.
    RE: Chat Commands
    # Jun 24 2002 at 1:26 PM Rating: Default
    help me connect
    Tradeskills Channel
    # Mar 23 2002 at 6:19 AM Rating: Decent
    On most servers the tradeskills community is attempting to promote the channel 'tradeskills' with the password 'tradeskills'. So what you need to type is:

    /join tradeskills:tradeskills

    A password-protected channel was chosen because it will remain 24 hours after the last player logged out, and allow moderators to be appointed.

    Great idea ruined...
    # Mar 22 2002 at 12:27 PM Rating: Decent
    The common channel names idea works really great right up until some jerk becomes the moderator and changes the password to something no one else knows. Happened on Emarr already, someone hijacked the Tradeskills channel after the patch.

    I hope Verant realizes how much the channels have caught on and creates some commonly used standard channels that are persistent and passwordless.

    ~ Nvara
    High Priestess of Innoruuk, Erollisi Marr

    Mithaniel Marr channels
    # Mar 22 2002 at 9:37 AM Rating: Default
    The main channels that have appeared on Mith Marr have been:
    /market for selling high priced items
    /dollarstore for items under 1K for lower lvl chars
    /tradeskills for questions, buying and selling crafted items
    /taxi name says it all
    # Mar 21 2002 at 2:32 PM Rating: Decent
    24 posts
    New channels on The Nameless:

    /join trade - Global Auction
    /join taxi - the 1-800-you-port channel ;)
    Not so sure...
    # Mar 21 2002 at 2:31 PM Rating: Decent
    31 posts
    Remember though, chat chennels are just that, text. Yes there will be possibly hundreds, even thousands on a server on a given day, but I think Verant probably forsaw this. Otherwise we may have been allowed to be in 30 chat channels, or 100.

    Worst case scenario is, every individual at peak (say 3000 on Karana) is moderstaing 10 different channels, that would make 30,000 channels. But, no one would be communicating over these channels as everyone would be hosting 10 individual chats. Probably not too much Bandwidth lost.

    Scale it the other way, with 3000 people all on the same 10 chat channels. This would be by far the worst scenario, creating a situation like NFP or EC (depending on your server) spam times 300. Text going by so fast you couldn't read it. Monkspam.

    I suspect however, that the graphics and sound of EQ take up thousands of more resources than chat. I've been raiding in ToV with almost 200 people in zone, 5 chat channels going, without noticing any difference in lag. Have you noticed a drop in performance since the introduction of the chat groups?
    Thumbs Up To Global Channels
    # Mar 21 2002 at 2:26 PM Rating: Decent
    72 posts
    Whether Verant saw it coming or not it's a great idea (channels that is). MMORPG's such as Dark Age of Camelot and Anarchy Online have had this system since their creation and it works. It should be noted that on Tholuxe Paells the Auction channel is "Sell," not Auction. The most I've seen in there are about 73 people, a good size for the channel only being active for about 3 days.

    I can finally hunt with any character while auctioning away. No more sitting in EC for hours upon end waiting to buy/sell an item. I've already purchased 2 items through this channel and I won't be setting a foot in EC so those that aren't using the channel are really not getting as much exposure as they could be getting.

    I'm still kind of disappointed that the Bazaar interface didn't go live with Luclin. That system was pretty nice and VERY useful (at least in theory). Unfortunately Verant didn't implement it (I'm guessing time constraints), so I guess I'll settle for the spam in Sell channel for now.

    Tramaus Voronadil
    45th Paladin of Truth - Order of Marr

    Edited, Thu Mar 21 14:25:31 2002
    Big problem!!!
    # Mar 21 2002 at 1:48 PM Rating: Decent
    Looks like the developers didnt foresee this ...
    This will cause major overhead if grows to what this thread proposes ...
    I think to the point where they will have to remove the feature :(

    Edited, Thu Mar 21 15:14:31 2002
    # Mar 21 2002 at 12:18 PM Rating: Decent
    31 posts
    Zoiks! First idea already submitted by Artanor, sorry for the plagerism.

    Since chat group moderation is handed down from the creator of the channel (when (s)he leaves) to the next most senior member of the channel (where seniority is determined by time spent in the channel), you might be able to use some chat channels to help prevent conflict on a server.

    For instance, /join Ragefire. Whoever is the moderator has dibs to the Ragefire pop. Yes I know there are a billion questions that arise (should clerics only join the channel, what's to prevent people from just staying logged on, what if ragefire spawns and the modersator can't marshall the forces in 4 hours, etc.), but maybe make it so that the moderator's guild (or friends) has 30 minutes from Rage pop to engage.

    Some GREAT ideas here I'd like to see on my serever. /Port is great because a lot of wizards and druids would use it to pick up extra cash, and those in dire need of transport could get it fast. /Res, /CorpseSummon. I've found that when you get to higher levels and have friends who are the same, it is almost always faster to have a necro friend pull you from a wall in a bugged zone using summon corpse, and the same holds true for LD deaths and so forth. I see a lot of ideas here of players helping other players (for a surcharge) that could really help reduce the downtime usually associated with waiting for a guide.

    Call me cheesy, but I think it would be kinda cool to have a /MakeAWish or /Emergency type of channel for people who needed help with something (fear CR, epic piece obtainment, etc.) but couldn't get the support. I'm not an FoH fan, but I do remember an incident when another guild had failed several times to break fear, and soon after Luclin came out at like 4 in the morning EST, FoH took 1 AE group and cleared to the west wall, and kept it clear, while a few clerics zoned in and went to work. Just a channel to have where people could get help beyond the usual "can u spare sum PP plz".

    A feature that would allow people to search for public channels would be nice, so all these great ideas you guys are coming up with could be seen more easily. Perhaps an in zone /whatchat command?

    Keep the ideas coming :)

    -Toshira, 60 wiz, Veeshan

    Edited, Thu Mar 21 12:24:38 2002
    Dollar Store
    # Mar 21 2002 at 8:29 AM Rating: Good
    On karana we were using "Trade" for buying/selling/trading. Alot of it was over 1K stuff and ppl wanting to MQ Velious Armor. Newbies were wanting a Low lvl one so we started "Dollarstore" for the lower Items under a 1K. I think a port channel would be nice. Started it but hasn't taken off yet. Druids/Wizards log in when they want to port for money. The other ppl could get a port real quick. I mean druids don't take that long to get anywhere really. Walking distance increases price. That LFG stuff isn't that great you dont want to have to yell LFG and have everyone else somewhere else. If you LFG yell where your LFG.
    RE: Dollar Store
    # Mar 21 2002 at 10:30 AM Rating: Decent
    Channels started on Antoninus Bayle:
    Standard Chat Channel Names:
    THEBAZAAR - For serverwide auctions.
    HELP - For general questions
    LFG - For those looking for a group, or wishing to fill spots in a group. Please remember this is a serverwide channel, try to restrict your advertisements for group positions to ones which may interest people in other zones
    TAXI - For those seeking or providing porting services
    REZ - For those seeking or providing resurrection services
    TRADESKILLS - For tradeskill discussion
    # Mar 21 2002 at 6:39 AM Rating: Decent
    103 posts
    I know thus far on Drinal these are the univeral channels we have thus far...

    /join Market - auction channel
    /join WTBGG - name says it all
    /join WTBRez - ditto

    Those were the only ones i saw in any sort of active use, sure more were about. Love the new system though, perfect for multi-group raids without spamming the rest of the zone with your messages.

    Wolveran Shadowbane
    50th Ranger of Tunare

    Shizadow <tba>
    7th Gnomish Shadowknight

    17th Iksar Necromancer
    Game Development
    # Mar 21 2002 at 6:04 AM Rating: Excellent
    More of a noticing of different things --
    EC on my server is trade center
    nFP on another server is trade center

    TL's/ Ports/ are call just that on my server
    Refered to as Gates on other servers

    Frenzy on my server (VL)
    Upper Spiders on other

    so the point of this whole thing is just to show how differnt servers develop...I personaly find it very interesting. I think the Channels will take this to even more diversity. When each server has the difference already it will be interesting to see how the auction/lfg/raids will develop. Already noticed that Auction Channel stoped from being 1-5k items and is now mainly high end items it cool. Reason I like the Auction channel is so that when I'm in VL and I see KEI for sale then I know its actualy for sale and not just a myth. /shrug my 2cp. I think its the best thing they have done in a long time. --PS n000bs need hell lvls...pain is fun
    # Mar 21 2002 at 3:40 AM Rating: Decent
    what i was thinking about is that the group leaders could make a chat in each zone they are in for camps within the zone. They could warn each other of players that don't seem to know what they are doing and communicate more. Like if someone trains a camp, the group leader can yell about it in that chat and something can automatically be corrected. these channels can be used for any possibility.
    # Mar 21 2002 at 1:10 AM Rating: Default
    If the person who started the chat channel leaves the moderator position goes to the next person that has been in there the longest
    shortcut syntax
    # Mar 20 2002 at 10:14 PM Rating: Good
    There is an easier shortcut syntax you can use for all channel related stuff, type ;help for a complete list of semi-colon commands. Looks like they are shortcuts for all the "/chat" commands, and they truncate too, plus there are a few other commands not mentioned (at least on the test server right now).
    i didn't find out...
    # Mar 20 2002 at 7:57 PM Rating: Decent
    102 posts
    how to boot someone from the channel. did anyone else?
    RE: i didn't find out...
    # Mar 20 2002 at 8:21 PM Rating: Decent
    To boot someone I think the command is:
    /chat kick <player name>
    Also try using:
    /chat help
    That gave me a grat list of ommands for general and moderating.

    PS to talk in a chat... /<channel #>
    Easier than /chat <channel #>

    and /chat list <channel#> will list the player names on a particular channel

    Just my 2cp
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