EQII's Expansion 7: Velious?

SOE registers "EverQuest II Destiny Of Velious."

EverQuest II players have long hoped for an expansion returning players to Velious.  Scars of Velious, the second expansion in the original EverQuest, was a favorite of long-time players.  With the appearance of the the icy Order of Rime last summer many players were sure Velious was coming, and were surprised when Sentinel's Fate took EQII players to the lost island of Odus. 

Astute player Vulkoor found some interesting files downloading in April, which included othmir (an otter race from Velious) and Tserrina the near-legendary boss of the original Tower of Frozen Shadow.  The appearance of Coldain dwarves in New Halas (now on the EQII test servers), have expectations high.

Today observant (and persistant) players found an entry at the United States Patent and Trademark Office.  SOE applied for the trademark on EVERQUEST II DESTINY OF VELIOUS.

While we're sure SOE will not announce the 7th EverQuest II expansion before they're ready, we feel confident in predicting that yes, the next expansion will return us to the land of snow bunnies and Thurgadin, frost giants and the Temple of Veeshan.



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# Jul 04 2010 at 5:10 AM Rating: Decent
I remember camping stormfeather for my buddy for the longest time, only to have it stolen like 5 times... good times good times
One more idea for Velious.
# May 18 2010 at 11:09 AM Rating: Default
I would like to see at least one part of Velious stay the same. I don't mean old EQ1 textures, mobs and NPCs, I mean a logical progression of what was there in EQ1. Instead of having a new and revamped Thurgadin or Kael, keep the old layout but expand it...or build new Thurgadin on top of the old one and turn the old one into a dungeon or something, while keeping the original layout.

Again, I am not asking them to keep it all the same, I just think it would be nice to revisit some of my old haunts is all.

Crystal Caverns FTW!
# May 18 2010 at 8:08 AM Rating: Default
They better do right by Stormfeather! I remember camping that *(%(*(ing (*%&&(er for 37 hours once. If he comes back I would like to see incredibly rare SOLOABLE mob spawns again. I love EQ2, but there's something to be said for the original EverQuest's randomness.

Also while I am ranting, I would like to see soloable dungeons too. Like instead of makinga whole zone ^()*&)ing Heroic, make say, the first few levels of the Tower of Frozen Shadow soloable or something, bosses too. Then the rest gets progressively harder... TOFS would be PERFECT for that because they have the portal mirrors. This way you could bypass the solo content when heading to the higher levels.

Of course this is assuming they bring back TOFS.
# May 13 2010 at 8:35 PM Rating: Good
101 posts
Orrr, how about the much loved Coldain Prayer Shawl????? I did it 3 times! What was I thinking???
Velious: vast over land expansion.
# May 12 2010 at 5:12 PM Rating: Decent
I hope its a vast over land expansion. And not the horrid little expasnions that TSO and SF were. I hope its more like Kunark. Of late the expansions have been lazy at best.
# May 12 2010 at 3:58 AM Rating: Decent
I hope we have to choose 1 factions and KoS to the other 2
Snow Bunnies!
# May 11 2010 at 7:09 PM Rating: Excellent
Empress of News
2,350 posts
Who doesn't love (killing) adorable snow bunnies?
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Snow Bunnies!
# May 11 2010 at 8:35 PM Rating: Decent
26 posts
I hope Kael, the giant city, and the funky music of Thurgadin is included. Also, I miss the dwarfs in the bar telling jokes.

Snow Bunnies!
# May 12 2010 at 7:36 AM Rating: Excellent
Empress of News
2,350 posts
The Othmir music was pretty awesome, too. Normally I kept music off, but always turned it on when I was hanging with those guys. :)
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Snow Bunnies!
# May 11 2010 at 7:36 PM Rating: Excellent
6,786 posts
I remember using my utterly gimp bard track to help a mage friend find them for his earring of the solstice!
Snow Bunnies!
# May 11 2010 at 7:52 PM Rating: Good
16,299 posts
I remember hunting them while dodging those horrible snow griffons. Ugh.
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