The Elder Scrolls Online Prize Pack Sweepstakes

UPDATE: The contest is now closed. The winner has been chosen. Congrats to Petard!

The Elder Scrolls Online is coming to PC and Mac on April 4th! Celebrate with a chance to win an awesome ESO prize pack!

The Prize Pack (valued approximately at $350USD) contains:

The Elder Scrolls Online in Numbers!

Bethseda has released a fun infograph showing various statistics leading up to tomorrow's launch of The Elder Scrolls Online. Click on the image below to see the full-sized story!

TESO: Reddit AMA, FAQ & Adventure Zones!

A week before the first early access to Elder Scrolls Online, Matt Firor (game director), Nick Konkle (lead gameplay designer), Paul Sage (creative director) and Brian Wheeler (lead PvP designer) gave an extensive Ask Me Anything on Reddit. Zenimax later posted a recap on the official website as well as an extensive launch FAQ and information on the road ahead.

Finally, news about the long awaited Adventure Zones were disclosed!

Below you’ll find a recap of all those news, breaching Adventure Zones, PvP, PvE, social and guild information, skills, launch information and more!

Elder Scrolls Online Beta Weekend Giveaway!

The beta weekend is over!

Note: If you've participated in prior TESO betas you do not need a new code for this weekend!

Zenimax and ZAM have teamed up to give away some codes for the upcoming beta weekend in The Elder Scrolls Online! All you need to do is login to your free ZAM account to claim one—but don't wait, these codes will go fast!

Elder Scrolls Online: Ask Us Anything on Crafting

After the release of a video dedicated to crafting last month, the Zenimax team answered additionnal questions regarding crafting in Elder Scrolls Online during their latest Ask Us Anything session.

Answers cover several points of the crafting process, abilities available, desirability of gear, crafted sets and more!

Elder Scrolls Online Interview With Matt Firor

There are still some unanswered questions leading up to The Elder Scrolls Online launch. Are you curious what payment methods will be accepted, or what will be available in the Zenimax store? Will there be several rulesets for the PvP campaigns? What happens to skill points gained in ability trees when you respec or a tree becomes unavailable? We had the chance recently to speak to TESO Game Director Matt Firor to ask these questions and more!

The Elder Scrolls Online: Blacksmithing in Tamriel

There are a lot of crafting professions in The Elder Scrolls Online: Blacksmith, Clothier, Woodworker, Provisioner, Alchemist and Enchanter. Paul Sage (Creative Director), Nick Konkle (Lead Gameplay Designer) and Chris Strasz (Lead UX Designer) made a video presenting the Blacksmith profession.

ESO: Brian Wheeler PvP Interview Recap

Brian Wheeler recently gave an interview to on the topic of PvP in The Elder Scrolls Online. He explained how he and Matt Firor wanted a three faction territory control system which would please both PvP veterans and people just wanting to try it out. He then detailed several mechanics!

The Elder Scrolls Online: Variety Pack 13

The Elder Scrolls Online variety pack is back this week with a fresh load of community questions to be answered. With the thirteenth edition of the variety pack, we learn about the Imperial Edition bonuses, the Early Access, Vanity pets and more.

TESO Megaserver Will Have Social Settings

Last year, when the Zenimax Online team spoke of the Megaserver technology for Elder Scrolls Online, it was to emphasize on the "intelligence" of the system. Players were supposed to be able to define social aspects when first logging in (with the ability to change those aspects later), like "roleplay", "looking for guild", languages and so on. The megaserver would then place players in the world with other players sharing the same social aspects, guildies and friends. This meant that you would always play with the same kind of players and create virtual communities.