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Locks are not over powered!Follow

#1 Apr 27 2007 at 5:50 PM Rating: Default
Fear... Why oh why is it considered nub? There are classes with stun effects, cloaking, ABSORB?! There is no such thing as an overrated class in WoW. Everyone has their own specialties and most equipment provides protection against such talents. If you have the balls to come up and challenge a warlock to duel, don't give him/her crap afterwards for using fear. Warriors can reverse the spell on the caster, several classes can absorb, and believe it or not, many class have stun effects that last just as long as fear! Over powered is a sorry excuse for a stubborn nub who doesn't know how to play their character. Warlocks have very low armor and wear CLOTH!. In most cases warlocks drain their mana then drain their health to replace it. The only exception to this is an Afflic warlock, however, they don't have huge nuke spells so they can't be over powered. Next time you're about to talk **** about a lock just take a look at your own toon and the advantage you have... Don't give people crap because your gear blows or you don't know how to counter their attack.

#2 Apr 27 2007 at 6:06 PM Rating: Default
Seriously, I was arguing with over HALF my guild (we had about 20 members online at the time) about locks being OP. They are such noobs it's not even funny, and I haven't even reached endgame yet! (they have) I tell them how other classes can pwn locks, but they're like 'well you can seduce!', so of course I say it doesn't last longer than 3s (if you're lucky and have everything timed right) because we have DoTs on them and you HAVE to have succy out (which I never do because it sucks compared to felhunter imo). I say that if they silence us, especially shadow, we're screwed (I'm aff so all I can do is run away... :) ), and they say that silences don't last longer than 4s. BS! I can't think of a silence that doesn't last less than 4s (and that's imp. cs for mages, which gives them 6s silence of a school of magic + 4s of silence). It just amazed me how they could throw out completely random ideas that would never work because it uses multiple demons. They completely forgot about how locks are cloth and if you stun us you can easily get in 1k damage (at high 50's) before it wears out, which is a third of my health. Since I haven't reached endgame, I don't know if it's true, but they said that locks have 10k health easily at 70, which I think is wrong but I know of locks that had 12-13k, so I didn't say much about it. I HATE people who say locks are OP no matter what class/spec we fight, because we AREN'T! There are so many ways to fight us it's not even funny. If you want an OP class, pick hunters (imo), and go BM if you want to wtfpwn locks.

/end rant

Edited, Apr 27th 2007 10:08pm by Miscelaneous
#3 Apr 27 2007 at 7:17 PM Rating: Decent
Just ignore people that say locks are overpowered...or any class for that matter. It is a pointless argument that no one can win.

In addition, calling locks OP or not OP is soooo 2 months ago.
#4 Apr 27 2007 at 9:41 PM Rating: Decent
1,003 posts
3 minute mages are the new locks now. Phew...
#5 Apr 28 2007 at 12:11 AM Rating: Decent
1,571 posts

That matter is totally outdated.

Just stop talking about it or Blizzard will nerf us some more.

#6 Apr 28 2007 at 7:56 PM Rating: Default
I really think that blizzard needs to ****** QUIT with the nerfs. I am referring to the fear nerf that is in the upcoming patch. Blizzard needs to put their foot down and quit giving into the crybabys. They need to say "look, here is what the skills are set to, and this is how they are going to stay." **** playing around with **** all the time.
#7 Apr 28 2007 at 10:31 PM Rating: Decent
I am referring to the fear nerf that is in the upcoming patch

Did I miss something? I read the patch contents a few days ago, and unless they added something or I didn't read it all, they aren't doing anything to fear... I know they're doing some minor changes on locks (at least), but I didn't see anything involving fear...
#8 Apr 28 2007 at 10:56 PM Rating: Decent
You have it. If you have it, then it must be fair. Use it all you like, what the **** are they gonna do? All they can do it ***** about it.
#9 Apr 29 2007 at 10:41 AM Rating: Decent
I solo'd a Warlock once. I saw WoW's end game credits.

I hate fighting Warlocks...
#10 Apr 29 2007 at 2:02 PM Rating: Decent
I solo'd a Warlock once. I saw WoW's end game credits.

I hate fighting Warlocks...

So what your saying is as a rule of thumb you don't fight warlocks?

Sorry, I couldn't resist.

Oh, and I've been soloed many a time by many a class and I tend to get owned in every arena match...maybe I just suck, but I honestly don't think warlocks are the best class in the game, not by a long shot.
#11 Apr 29 2007 at 2:16 PM Rating: Decent
So what your saying is as a rule of thumb you don't fight warlocks?

Not at all, I'll fight a Warlock if I see one nearby. I don't like fighting them, but I'll do it.

Only one class that I hate fighting more than a Warlock and it's a Lolshadow Preist. And I'm sure some of you can agree...
#12 Apr 29 2007 at 6:09 PM Rating: Decent
I'd actually go with rogue, druid, and hunter as the classes I hate fighting more than a shadow priest, but yeah, a good shadow priest owns.
#13 Apr 29 2007 at 6:46 PM Rating: Decent
says the hunter..

easy mode until 70 when you discover your class is near trash
#14 Apr 30 2007 at 4:59 AM Rating: Decent
1,262 posts
I think it really depends. In a BG, (My lock is only lvl 34 now), I have a blast, so long as I see who I'm needing to kill first. If it is 1v1, then I have no real issues at that level. Fear DOT DOT DOT, or DOT DOT Fear DOT if I see them first. :-) Either way, they usually die. Sometimes I do as well, but DOTs are the gift that keep on giving. (I'm PvE specced full affliction currently, but still get to have fun in the BGs).

If it is more than 1v1, then I get pwned because it seems all want to take out mages, locks and priests first (well, duh!). I do have such a blast though, and a hunter is the only other class that I think can really do a good job in confined spaces against elite mobs. My mage can kite stuff, but I have to have a lot of room.

I rolled a lock originally because I wanted to see how they worked because I was tired of getting pwned by them. I truely do enjoy playing them both now and I know why I get hammered by locks when I do get hammered by them. If I catch a lock unaware with my mage (not quite a 3 minute mage build, but very close), then I can kill one, especially if I get a lucky crit. But I was in haala the other day, 1v1 with a lock and was holding my own until I got a 5.6K soulfire crit on me.... DED, just DED. :-) I guess that's how a lock feels when I get a 5K pyroblast crit. lol!

To summarize my rambling post, locks really do very well 1v1 PvP and PvE according to my experience so far. OP? 1v1 I think so, but less so when there are groups around to support the other classes, in PvE? Not as much, as I find my mage kills stuff in PvE much more quickly, with the exception of being able to solo elites rather easilly.
#15 May 01 2007 at 9:04 AM Rating: Decent
99 posts
"sjdschool" wrote:
I am referring to the fear nerf that is in the upcoming patch.

Someone in my guild mentioned this and was virtually celebrating that "locks are finally getting neutered", but I wasn't able to find anything on it. You have a link for it?
#16 May 01 2007 at 10:18 AM Rating: Decent
381 posts
I dont mind a fear nerf at long as they also are nerfing priest and warrior fear.

There are so many ways to break fear anyway that you cant really rely on it to win battles.

Just hoping all the crybabies will finally STFU now and l2p.
#17 May 01 2007 at 1:43 PM Rating: Decent
99 posts
I dont mind a fear nerf at long as they also are nerfing priest and warrior fear.

There are so many ways to break fear anyway that you cant really rely on it to win battles.

Just hoping all the crybabies will finally STFU now and l2p.

My only complaint is this...supposedly the patch will make dots break fear. In that case, wtf is a lock supposed to do in pvp? We're cloth wearers meaning we can't just sit and take a beating like other classes. The only thing we had to survive with was fear+dot. And even then, it usually takes a couple rounds of dots to take someone down, and that's WITHOUT them pounding on me. I'm affliction spec, so I rely on my dots to kill...if they break fear, then I'm basicly ******* I COULD respec to demo and rely on intercept or whatever, but I like playing affliction and would like to continue playing it without becoming WoW's punching bag. If they do patch it, and it sounds like they are, they are basicly ******* over every aff lock out there.
#18 May 01 2007 at 1:54 PM Rating: Decent
Cry me a river about being feared. You don't hear me crying about your pet chewing on my ankles or your inviso backstab garbage or your bubble, your 3 minute mage clusterf*cks, your born-again pally talent, your druid turning into a cat and boning out or anything else that distinguishes a class and a spec. The classes are fairly balanced, everyone has their own bag of tricks. I've dabbled in lock, hunter, rogue, mage, and shammie, I've won and lost battles, and the only cinsistent factor in the equation is me. It boils down to how well you know your own class and that of your opponent. If you cop out and blame being gutted in a duel on fear, maybe start sinking some energy into figuring out how to counter it and less time griping about something you have no control over.
That being said, my main is a deep frost mage and I hate fighting locks as much as the next guy, but they're by no means bullet proof. Any lock will tell you there are chinks in that armor (just like all classes), you just have to find them. The biggest challenge with locks is the versatility in their ******** it's what make the class so formidable in PvP and imo, so much fun to fight =P. So pick up your skirt, grab your balls, and don't get all sad in the face over a duel you consented to
#19 May 02 2007 at 5:49 AM Rating: Decent
So pick up your skirt, grab your balls, and don't get all sad in the face over a duel you consented to

That's the problem. People who ***** about other classes being OP'ed have all skirt and no balls.
#20 May 04 2007 at 10:27 AM Rating: Decent
1,729 posts
Umm, your in the Lock forum, kinda preaching to the choir here.
#21 May 04 2007 at 11:05 AM Rating: Good
2,396 posts
AdmiralZheng wrote:
My only complaint is this...supposedly the patch will make dots break fear.

All I can say is that it's about damn time this was implemented.

Warlocks need Fear to survive. I'm not denying that, it's your form of crowd control. But it has the least chance of breaking among all the crowd controls in the game, and it is the only form that can be chained reliably every time without outside intervention. If my bloody root breaks after a few seconds from DoT's, your Fear sure as hell better follow suit.

kindgreen wrote:
There are so many ways to break fear anyway that you cant really rely on it to win battles.

That's a load of tosh. There are very few ways to break Fear not named "trinket", and even if you break it, the Warlock can just cast it again almost immediately. You find me a Warlock that doesn't rely on Fear to win battles and I'll show you the Holy Grail.
#22 May 04 2007 at 12:36 PM Rating: Default
Gaudion wrote:

Warlocks need Fear to survive. I'm not denying that, it's your form of crowd control. But it has the least chance of breaking among all the crowd controls in the game, and it is the only form that can be chained reliably every time without outside intervention.

Stun does not break on damage at all, and althought they do not last as long, they are always instant and can be chained to let you do absolutely nothing. They do not need outside intervention and are not interruptable and cannot be locked down for belonging to a school of magic.

Gaudion wrote:

That's a load of tosh. There are very few ways to break Fear not named "trinket", and even if you break it, the Warlock can just cast it again almost immediately.

The only way to break stun IS a trinket, and up to now few classes had stun-breaking trinket, and it can be reapplied almost instantly in the right conditions. BW cannot be activated while stunned, Death Wish and Berserker Rage do not break stun, WotF does not break stun, there is no "stun ward", Tremor totem does not break stun and Grounding totem does not absorb fear, etc...

Gaudion wrote:

You find me a Warlock that doesn't rely on Fear to win battles and I'll show you the Holy Grail.

Destruction Warlocks who seduce-lock still exist. As do affliction locks who CoEx and kite fury warriors to death.
Now hand over the Grial mister Langdon...

Old habits die hard, especially when its about crying about getting your *** owned. L2P.

Edited, May 4th 2007 4:37pm by Azatodeth
#23 May 04 2007 at 3:16 PM Rating: Good
2,396 posts
Azatodeth wrote:
Gaudion wrote:

Warlocks need Fear to survive. I'm not denying that, it's your form of crowd control. But it has the least chance of breaking among all the crowd controls in the game, and it is the only form that can be chained reliably every time without outside intervention.

Stun does not break on damage at all, and althought they do not last as long, they are always instant and can be chained to let you do absolutely nothing. They do not need outside intervention and are not interruptable and cannot be locked down for belonging to a school of magic.

The longest stun I know of is the Paladin's Hammer of Justice at six seconds, and there is not a single class in the game that can chain-stun. No class can kill you in that short of a duration, even under the most favorable circumstances. Even the Rogue's fabled "stun-lock" is actually a series of different incapacitates, not a series of stuns.

As of right now, unless you trinket or have some form of built-in Fear counter to your class, Warlocks can keep you chain-feared for up to 30 seconds while continually doing damage. If a 'Lock gets the jump on my Balance Druid, for example, it's not unreasonable for me to expect to be 75% of the way dead before I even get to move.

Gaudion wrote:
That's a load of tosh. There are very few ways to break Fear not named "trinket", and even if you break it, the Warlock can just cast it again almost immediately.

The only way to break stun IS a trinket, and up to now few classes had stun-breaking trinket, and it can be reapplied almost instantly in the right conditions. BW cannot be activated while stunned, Death Wish and Berserker Rage do not break stun, WotF does not break stun, there is no "stun ward", Tremor totem does not break stun and Grounding totem does not absorb fear, etc...

I really want to know where and from whom you're seeing these rapid stuns. I have never worried about stun, even from Retribution Paladins.

Old habits die hard, especially when its about crying about getting your *** owned. L2P.

Old habits die hard, especially when you have to invent mythical, non-existent situations to justify being overpowered.

And for the record, 'Locks are not overpowered. It's just Fear that's overpowered. Once they fix that (and hopefully this current fix will be enough) they'll be perfectly fine.
#24 May 04 2007 at 4:00 PM Rating: Decent
Rogues can't keep you stunned until your dead? That's really funny. I guess someone better get to the 39 bracket BGs and tell that dwarf Rogue named Sista that what she's doing isn't possible!

Give me a freakin' break! The reason you're in here ******** and moaning is because 'Locks kick the crap out of Druids. Just like Hunters and Rogues kick the crap out of US.

I bet you'd be singing a different tune if someone told you that from now on, damage would knock you out of one of your animal forms, wouldn't you? You know, considering animal forms are one of the things that make Druids what they are, just like Fear is one of the things that makes Warlocks what they are.
Or what would you propose we do against you Druids, eh? DoT you up and then run like hell and hope that your faster than us animal forms won't be able to catch up until the DoTs are done? If they don't get removed that is.

Fear is so cheap and so overpowered and so game-breaking because it means you don't hold every single advantage over us. It's not enough that you have fast animal forms, it's not enough that you have healing, it's not enough that you have access to better Armor than we do. Why don't you just go play a single-player game on Kiddie Mode so you can feel like God, and stop complaining about what everyone else has that you don't have?

Edited, May 4th 2007 8:02pm by Mordaire
#25 May 04 2007 at 6:07 PM Rating: Default
Short answers:
Gaudion wrote:

The longest stun I know of is the Paladin's Hammer of Justice at six seconds, and there is not a single class in the game that can chain-stun. No class can kill you in that short of a duration, even under the most favorable circumstances. Even the Rogue's fabled "stun-lock" is actually a series of different incapacitates, not a series of stuns.

A- Kidney Shot lasts 6 seconds with 5 points.
B- Rogue's CAN and WILL chain stun.
C- Sure, I just like standing around while rogues disembowel me, gotta love it.

Gaudion wrote:
As of right now, unless you trinket or have some form of built-in Fear counter to your class, Warlocks can keep you chain-feared for up to 30 seconds while continually doing damage.

I- As for right now and right on there is NO way to break stun but the trinket and no way to ward/interupt stuns.
II- Rogues can keep you stunlocked until you are dead meat, don't need it to last 30 seconds really.

Gaudion wrote:

I really want to know where and from whom you're seeing these rapid stuns. I have never worried about stun, even from Retribution Paladins.

I- Once again, rogues, they can stunlock.
II-If you have never worried its because you have a stun-breaking trinket and can instantly transform into a bear with plate fur.

Gaudion wrote:
especially when you have to invent mythical, non-existent situations to justify being overpowered.

I- Ok, so next I will use my mythical magics to make water become wet.
II- All of us dying in stunlocks are delusional then are we ? whopeee...

And just for the record its not Druids that are overpowered, just shapeshifting; and not hunters, only their bow attacks; and not rogues, just stealthing; and not paladins, just bubbles and heals; and... etc... etc... etc...

I could be sorry that your little shapeshifting *** gets beaten by locks so bad, but after coming in saying stupid stuff like that I get the urge to tell you that you deserved it no doubt.
#26 May 04 2007 at 6:15 PM Rating: Decent
2,396 posts
Mordaire wrote:
Rogues can't keep you stunned until your dead? That's really funny. I guess someone better get to the 39 bracket BGs and tell that dwarf Rogue named Sista that what she's doing isn't possible!

... Did you even read what I posted?

Fear is so cheap and so overpowered and so game-breaking because it means you don't hold every single advantage over us. It's not enough that you have fast animal forms, it's not enough that you have healing, it's not enough that you have access to better Armor than we do. Why don't you just go play a single-player game on Kiddie Mode so you can feel like God, and stop complaining about what everyone else has that you don't have?

I don't expect to hold every single advantage over you. All things considered, I should be losing to 'Locks.

What I have a problem with is being chain-feared by the even-leveled 'Lock while he polishes off my Mage friend before turning on me and whittling my 2200 HP down to 300-500 before I even have a chance to cast a single spell, not that it does any good at that point.

Like I said... 'Locks themselves are fine. It's just Fear that needs a fix. It should have been breaking easier for a long, long time now. And Warlocks don't need it. You have plenty of tools and plenty of damage to fair perfectly well without chained, 12-second Fears. It's being used as a crutch, and your leg isn't even broken.
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