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Beat down by a rogue 2 levels beneath me. WHY?Follow

#27 Apr 28 2007 at 9:31 AM Rating: Excellent
Official Shrubbery Waterer
14,659 posts
And a few overpowers at low health is death to a rogue (easily 2-4k damage from 2 overpower crits and deep wounds).

Exactly my point. How many rogues hit Evasion as soon as they start fighting a warrior?

Besides, at low health, when most rogues do pop evasion, you get to choose between a couple Overpower crits (and the Bleed effect which prevents any chance at restealthing), or a 3k Execute (GG, done like dinner) since warriors apparently get full rage bars whenever they enter PvP.

And i'm not too sure if you realized this or not, but when you take damage, you get rage!

Ever tried playing a warrior? You get much more rage from doing damage than from taking damage. On top of that, you get much more rage from critical strikes than from normal strikes.

you will get owned by warriors if you don't learn how to dot kite them ( deadly poison + garrote + 5pt rupture at 70 with envenom spec = about 5-6k dmg)

Exactly. Just throw in a Crippling Poison, maybe blind them and restealth once all the DoTs wear off, rinse and repeat, and they're toast.
Jophiel wrote:
I managed to be both retarded and entertaining.

#28 Apr 28 2007 at 10:48 AM Rating: Decent
4,877 posts
Beat down by a rogue 2 levels beneath me. WHY?

Well thats because not all classes mature at the same rate, not by a long shot. Blizzards "Ballance" is usualy based on the current level cap and not on a level to level comparison. For example, level 41 a warlock will likely die no questions asked when a rogue attacks, but at level 42 the rogue is likely toast(locks get Death coil at level 42). From my perspective Melee classes matuer the fastes(because of the prelevace of gear that dose more and more damage each level), while Casters tend to start comming in to there own about the 40ies(when spell dammage gear starts to be eazaly avaialbe).

I admit it is hard to figure out what bliz was thinking when it seems like the one tool you need to beat a class you should eazaly be able to beat a calss is just out of reach(overpower in this case).
#29 May 01 2007 at 4:50 AM Rating: Decent
As a Warrior, I LOVE when rogues pop evasion. With imp overpower crit is basically guaranteed. It usually happens when theyre low health too. Instead of increasing their life span, they end up greatly shortening it.

Similarly, I have never lost to a rogue who popped evasion, but stun lock gets the job done about 50% of the time.
#30 May 01 2007 at 9:59 AM Rating: Default
188 posts
Okay, GOOD rogues don't pop evasion before death. They pop it in the beggining of the fight(For the reasons i stated before).And with berserker rage usually popped (Avoiding the attempted gouge)I am generating A LOT of rage. MS, WW is not hard with second wind + berserker rage + white crits.

In most duels, deep wounds is mostly going to be applied. And if i'm not dumb, and the rogue tries to back off with crippling poison on me, I back off as well and intercept.

And good stunlock rogues DO pop evasion. To make sure that the warrior gets zero hits in between stuns.Which is preventing deep wounds.

Meh..Blind is a different story...

"Ever tried playing a warrior? You get much more rage from doing damage than from taking damage. On top of that, you get much more rage from critical strikes than from normal strikes." then if i'm white critting, second wind, taking in damage while dueling a rogue. Then i SHOULD have enough rage to MS + WW.

So IF a rogue uses evasion, he is partially killing our rage generation.

Good rogues use evasion, that's it.

Edited, May 1st 2007 2:07pm by mechpriest
#31 May 01 2007 at 10:46 AM Rating: Decent
Could people clarify - step by step if you don't mind - what you mean by using the mouse to move please?

I'm so used to asdw keys to move that it's ingrained. Also there are several ways to move w/ the mouse - anyway, if you could explain in more detail, I'd sure appreciate it. Thanks.
#32 May 01 2007 at 11:40 AM Rating: Decent
2,580 posts
Demea wrote:
you've less chance of being hit with Deep Wounds

Most every warrior will have rend on you anyways.

Demea wrote:
Exactly my point. How many rogues hit Evasion as soon as they start fighting a warrior?

Every rogue I know does. A least once they run outta stuns that is.

Point being that with a +30% chance to dodge, which most every rogue at 70 has, your going to keep overpower on cooldown anyways.

Like I said I'm not a rogue expert but the more I think about it the more it makes sence.
#33 May 01 2007 at 12:23 PM Rating: Decent
4,877 posts
Could people clarify - step by step if you don't mind - what you mean by using the mouse to move please?

if you "Right Click" and hold you will note that now when you move the mouce you actualy move the Feild of Vision. This lets you "Trun arround" very quickly. Rather than using the "A" key to spin untill you face 180 Degrees, right click and move to the left, you will notice you go much faster than by pressing the A and D keys. Actualy moving is the same speed, but as for turning... use the mouse.
#34 May 01 2007 at 12:45 PM Rating: Decent
Thanks for clarifying that!

I'm going to see if I can train myself to fight this way.

I tend to play classes w/ ranged attacks and am lazy about this, but I have a warrior I like.
#35 May 01 2007 at 1:33 PM Rating: Decent
4,877 posts
I tend to play classes w/ ranged attacks and am lazy about this, but I have a warrior I like.

Beleive it or not, the first folks I EVER saw doing this was hunters for the "Jump Shoot" trick where they would jump, flip 180 shoot, then flip back, usualy before hitting the ground, this let them get off instant shots , like connsucsive, arcane or a sting. Soon after Melee classes started picking up on it. For the most part it is now thought of as the PvP standard.
#36 May 01 2007 at 2:09 PM Rating: Decent
188 posts
Meh, i don't rend. Just because with 35% crit, they almost ALWAYS have deep wounds on them in the first 5-10 seconds of me attacking. And if they restealth, i've got piercing howl on my thumb-click.
#37 May 02 2007 at 2:27 PM Rating: Decent
mechpriest wrote:
In most duels, deep wounds is mostly going to be applied. And if i'm not dumb, and the rogue tries to back off with crippling poison on me, I back off as well and intercept.

Edited, May 1st 2007 2:07pm by mechpriest

Last time I checked, the effect of Crippling poison is greater than your hamstring effect, and a good rogue knows that. So if you run backwards, I'm going to run forwards, and it doesn't take someone more than a fight or few to figure that one out.
#38 May 02 2007 at 2:52 PM Rating: Decent
188 posts
Intimidating shout,intercept.

Piercing Howl,PvP Trinket, intercept.
#39 May 02 2007 at 2:55 PM Rating: Decent
188 posts
Since I know someone is going to comment that.

"I can't intimidating shout because deep wounds"

You wait for the deep wounds to tick, then you hit it.
#40 May 03 2007 at 3:49 AM Rating: Decent
91 posts
*Sorry meant to post somewhere else*

Edited, May 3rd 2007 7:51am by Sapphiros
#41 May 03 2007 at 7:01 PM Rating: Decent
A good strategy to use if the rogue stealths right after the duel had been set is to use blood rage and then go to an area where you think the rogue is (or just run around a bit til you hear the noise meaning you can kinda see the rogue, but is still stealthed) then thunderstomp, which will break his stealth AND slow his attacks (Note-if you want to even be able to use this technique, you have to have some points in imp bloodrage and imp thunderstomp;having points in both will make it so you have more time to run around 'looking' for the rogue)

Hope that helps :p
#42 May 05 2007 at 5:13 AM Rating: Decent
I didnt bother to read too much of the stuff posted before me, but at lvl 22 you're still pretty gimped in DPS compared to a rogue. Rogues have some nasty damage at low lvl's. Wait til you get to lvl 70, you'll eat him alive, if you know what you're doing. I have always beaten my Rogue friend and just the other day I had to respec to full prot, as opposed to the Hybrid I was, to MT for Kara. Well I had no idea what some of the offensive abilities were since most of mine were now gone and I was gimped for DPS. Needless to say, he handed me my A$$. I think now that I know what I'm doing as full prot I can beat him again.

Rogues were easy with my 40/21/0 spec. They would crit me (Enrage would proc) then I would just rend (for the bleed effect in hopes they'd use a CD to get rid of it) hamstring etc. blah blah blah, and they're dead. Easy if you know what you're doing. In a duel, there is no sense in wasting time trying to get the first hit. Just stand there like an oaf and take it like a man. They hit like sissy girls so just let the rage build up and thrash them afterward.
#43 May 05 2007 at 7:16 AM Rating: Decent
188 posts
Rogues actually hit extremely hard and you should never underestimate their damage.
#44 May 05 2007 at 8:58 AM Rating: Decent
The fight was not a duel. I was PvP with an undead rogue in Westfall. Not that it makes much difference, except that I didn't know it was coming. See I accidentally hit him as I had like 3 Defias Bros. on me at the time. I was just swingin' at everthing that got near me.
#45 May 05 2007 at 9:16 AM Rating: Decent
137 posts
You were probably beat because of one or more of these reason:

1) The rogue was twinked (had exceptional gear and enchantments for his level)- Nothing you can do about this but try for better gear.

2) At your level you lack several skills that give us an edge. Alot of people are throwing terms around like Deep wounds, second wind, intercept, berserker stance, mortal strike, etc. These are simply things you wont have at your level. The fight at your level is mostly a DPS battle. In straight DPS battle, a Rogue is better. - Try an old boxing phrase "Stick and Move". You don't want a rogue using his speed against you. If you can keep him from attacking you when your weapon is cycling you're going to win. I use the Q and E keys in conjunction with the mouse turn to strafe and turn both. This keeps me on the move circling around the rogue instead of letting him get behind me. By doing this, I often move out of his range or out of his frontal attack area. The rogue will not have the oportunity to strike me 25-75% of the time depending on his skill.

3) You let him get back into stealth - Although there are times you have no choice. Try and drop a rend on them as soon as possible and keep it on them. After using rend, use hamstring to slow their movements. This will also increase your chances when using the technique listed above under #2. When they manage to get back into stealth, try using your AoE abilities to pull them back out. Another item you could try is Oil of Immolation It will help to keep them out of stealth.

4) It's possible this person was simply a very skilled player. Don't judge your ability to kill rogues based on an encounter with a single rogue.

5) Don't take this wrong, but it's possible that you just need more practice. You said yourself that you havent been playing a warrior very long.

For those of you fighting on behalf of the rogue...
I won't dispute the fact that some rogue players out there are skilled and might have the chance to beat a warrior in PVP. But that wont change the fact that Rogues are the easiest class for a warrior to beat. Its intentional by Bliz. In the great WoW Paper-Scissors-Rock game, we're the rock, and you're the scissors.
#46 May 07 2007 at 9:52 AM Rating: Decent
5) Don't take this wrong, but it's possible that you just need more practice. You said yourself that you havent been playing a warrior very long.

This is problably the most likely explanation of what happened lol.
#47 May 07 2007 at 11:01 AM Rating: Decent
1,256 posts
Gnoshfurt wrote:
In the great WoW Paper-Scissors-Rock game, we're the rock, and you're the scissors.

Perfectly said. Every good game has its Rock-Paper-Scissors game. If it didnt then there would be no strategy.
#48 May 07 2007 at 10:09 PM Rating: Decent
HitashLevat wrote:
Gnoshfurt wrote:
In the great WoW Paper-Scissors-Rock game, we're the rock, and you're the scissors.

Perfectly said. Every good game has its Rock-Paper-Scissors game. If it didnt then there would be no strategy.

If your rock-paper-scissors game means class abilities and skills, then I don't see how it makes it a "good" game.

If I am playing some RTS games, I totally support some "warriors" getting totally butt kicked by "mages" with body expodes with heavy gore, its the "players" fault that they didn't scout and react by building "assasins" to counter "mages"...

In a MMORPG tho... you zone in some BG and you see 10 mages (the rock) and your sides has 10 warriors (the scissors), what are you going to do when the 10 gnome female mages started to blink all over the map, frost bolting, nova-ing and sheeping everything, do you look up into the sky and cry at the imaginary supreme WoW server random generater and ask why the %#%^ do you "train" 10 warriors to kill 10 mages?

Edited, May 8th 2007 2:19am by Gobio

Edited, May 8th 2007 2:21am by Gobio
#49 May 14 2007 at 3:31 PM Rating: Decent
things will get better for you as you level up. at 50 i dueled a 56 rogue and really kicked his @$$. i still had about 1/3 of my health left =P

i also got a surprise attack on a ?? undead warrior(arms i suspect, he was uaing a 2hander). i used bloodrage, intercept, hamstring, berserker rage, battle shout, death wish, RECKLESSNESS!!!!!!!, rampage, and then i just used bloodthirst every 6 seconds with heroic strikes in between. that's my typical combat strategy on 1 vs 1 pvp(except for reck, the CD is way too long). by the time i got his health low enough to about 1/5, reck wore off but i wasn't concerned b/c i still had 1/2 my health left, and i could just spam execute until he died. i got him down to what i would estimate to be 5%... and then he used a health pot. so at that point i couldn't use reck, DW, execute, or even berserker rage, so that guy was able to kill me quickly then. still, i think i pretty well considering the circumstances.

also, when i was fighting in av to get the ice barbed spear (i was 51 at the time), i managed to kill a 60 hunter.

ok, those last two fights had nothing to do with warriors fighting rogues... but i thought they were too awesome not to share :p
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