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Future expansions planned by Blizzard, from late 2003.Follow

#52 Jul 02 2008 at 6:57 PM Rating: Excellent
794 posts
remember.... we still have people who still think you need to level to 80 then do a quest which will then CONSUME your character to create a deathknight. yes that misinformation still lives on.

so that wowwiki article will be taken as gospel by the people who read it, spread its content around like its real and the whole thing gets gobbled up by people who do not read MMO-champ (I have guildies who do not know of MMO-champ) or read things off the interwebz with a sceptical mind. hell, I had a RL friend who got completely taken by the april fool joke that Blizzard threw out regarding guitar hero. Imagine what harm that wiki article can do.

#53 Jul 02 2008 at 8:20 PM Rating: Decent
Cool, thanks for this info.
#54 Jul 02 2008 at 11:04 PM Rating: Good
626 posts
The only thing that concerns me, is no new lvl's in the last expansion? I would understand not going beyond lvl 100, but not like this. The expansion would be like an XXL content patch, only this time you'd have to pay extra.

Edit: typo

Edited, Jul 3rd 2008 12:57pm by Thundil
#55 Jul 03 2008 at 12:05 AM Rating: Good
423 posts
Little warning OhMikeGhod, btw, the poster of those ideas apparently has a tendency to send some less-than-polite private messages with some less-than-savoury (albeit creative) language. I'm sure it won't bother you but it might mean that you're not as confused as I was. Sadly the only PM I've had!

Anyway, back to the point.

The only thing that concers me, is no new lvl's in the last expansion? I would understand not going beyond lvl 100, but not like this. The expansion would be like an XXL content patch, only this time you'd have to pay extra.

I've wondered about this too. I think WoW has it in it to last for some years, and I don't know if adding levels each time is the best way to go. Other MMO's have managed to add expansions without adding new levels, but I'm not sure how successful they've been, as WoW is the first game in which I have reached the level cap.

They would have to be pretty creative. I think that problem is some time off, anyway.
#56 Jul 03 2008 at 5:23 AM Rating: Good
fiercestcalm wrote:
Little warning OhMikeGhod, btw, the poster of those ideas apparently has a tendency to send some less-than-polite private messages with some less-than-savoury (albeit creative) language. I'm sure it won't bother you but it might mean that you're not as confused as I was. Sadly the only PM I've had!

Yeah, I got his love note. If he sends another, I'll report him for harassment, and that will be the end of him.

The only thing that concers me, is no new lvl's in the last expansion? I would understand not going beyond lvl 100, but not like this. The expansion would be like an XXL content patch, only this time you'd have to pay extra.

I've wondered about this too. I think WoW has it in it to last for some years, and I don't know if adding levels each time is the best way to go. Other MMO's have managed to add expansions without adding new levels, but I'm not sure how successful they've been, as WoW is the first game in which I have reached the level cap.

They would have to be pretty creative. I think that problem is some time off, anyway.

Adding a whole new continent(?)/world(?)/plane of existence(?) with 5 new zones, a bunch of new instances and/or raids, etc., is more than a content patch. Who knows? They might also be adding another hero class then, too.
#57 Jul 03 2008 at 6:53 AM Rating: Good
2,826 posts
Thundil wrote:
The only thing that concerns me, is no new lvl's in the last expansion? I would understand not going beyond lvl 100, but not like this. The expansion would be like an XXL content patch, only this time you'd have to pay extra.

Edit: typo

Edited, Jul 3rd 2008 12:57pm by Thundil

They could always do something where you still get experience but instead of gaining levels you gain attributes, or swap out uselss attributes for ones that are more helpful to your class.
#58 Aug 03 2008 at 7:12 AM Rating: Decent
1,245 posts
Just something I found interesting, it suggests more authenticity of the 5 expansion plan. says:

The World of Warcraft Beta Club is your way to be among the first in line to experience up to five future World of Warcraft expansions!*

The sentences don't explicitly say that there will be 5 expansions only, but I think the reason they use qualifiers like "up to" is just to give themselves room if they end up going off of their plan and making a sixth or more.

I don't know. Ain't significant, but I thought relevant enough.
#59 Aug 03 2008 at 8:39 AM Rating: Default
Beta Club Enrollment code redemption expires September 31st, 2009. You are encouraged to enroll in the Beta Club immediately upon receiving the XPS M1730 World of Warcraft Edition and the Beta Club card. Expansion pack beta tests covered in the Beta Club are the next five beta tests following Beta Club enrollment, or beginning before the program expiration date of December 31st, 2015, whichever comes first. Entry into each beta test is subject to acceptance of each beta test's Terms of Service and End User License Agreements.

that is was the star says after your link just in case other may not got to the link.

on think i did notice is that if they are doing 5 expantions they are planning to put out 3 or 4 of the within the next 7.5 years
#60 Aug 03 2008 at 11:20 PM Rating: Excellent
Raglu wrote:
The sentences don't explicitly say that there will be 5 expansions only, but I think the reason they use qualifiers like "up to" is just to give themselves room if they end up going off of their plan and making a sixth or more.

I don't know. Ain't significant, but I thought relevant enough.

Actually, "up to" means "to a maximum of" means 0-5, not more.
#61 Aug 04 2008 at 8:01 AM Rating: Excellent
6,678 posts
Don't split hairs. The point is if the game goes on for 30 years and releases in that time span 15 expansions, this offer will only be good for the first 5. On the other hand, if something happens two months from now and Lich King is the last expansion ever, then they're still covered and don't have to provide 3 more or get sued.
Only the exceptions can be exceptional.
#62 Aug 04 2008 at 9:05 AM Rating: Good
Hopefully you will be able to go into the raid Nazatajar (Naga Capital) and kill the Queen Azshara in the Maelstrom Expansion. Maybe a sea mount for traveling from island to island?

Thanks for sharing the information with us : )
#63 Aug 22 2008 at 9:50 AM Rating: Good
I'd just like to say that I do not see the Worgen being introduced as a playable race, they seem to much tied into the game already, and will be even more so in Wrath of the Lich King. Also, they are, according to WoWiki purely evil. Also, there is no specific reason to why Wolfenhold should be the home of the Worgen. However, the Xorothian Planes clearly is a zone on the world of Xoroth, where the Dreadsteeds of the Nathrezim, or the Dreadlords, reside. So, as one person stated several times already, it's rather the Nathrezim that will be the new playable race for the Horde (Pandaren going to the Alliance for reasons you can read on WoWiki). This works because "the dreadlords lost much power when several of their most influential members fell to the Forsaken armies under Sylvanas Windrunner’s banner. Now the dreadlords seem almost a myth, a story told to frighten children". Blizzard could make it so that the dreadlords allied with the Forsaken have re-establsihed their contact with their homeworld and had their brothers join the ranks of the Forsaken, and therefore with the Horde. Of course, I do not see this happening either, thought, due to the looks of Varimathras in the game. My Undead Mage reaches to his knees. There is no way Blizzard will introduce a huge race with wings as a playable race.

So... chances are there will be a race we do not know of yet. What did we know of the Dranei before the Burning Crusade? Perhaps there is a lesser race who inhabit Xoroth, who, through connections with the Dreadlords of the Forsaken, who they will probobly share a common history with the Dreadlords. That is my guess, anyway.

What one needs to take into consideration is that the new races will be played from level 1, so they should somehow fit into the old world. Remember that the Blood Elves in Silvermoon City doesn't know about what their Prince are doing, because what you play in Everson Woods doesn't take place during the Burning Crusade.

I must say, I have been one of those posting thread about "the South Seas and the Maelstrom" will be another expansion, "the Emerald Dream" another and then there will be expansions where one ventures to other worlds like Outlands. I did not believe there was an actual planned end to World of WarCraft. But having read the original post of this thread my take has altered. Now I, as all of you, can see the future of the Warcraft franchise.

As World of WarCraft take place slightly after WarCraft III, I believe that Blizzard intended to end this era in the WarCraft universe with World of WarCraft. As one can guess if the zones in the original plans is truly from Blizzard then one can predict that "the Legion set", which zone levels indicate there will be no more levels, will be the last expansion of the game. The Burning Citadel will feuture Kil'Jaeden as the final boss, and the head of the Burning Crusade will fall, and the Burning Crusade will have been defeated. The Burning Crusade, whom is responsible for creating many of the greatest villians in World of WarCraft, without them there would have been no Lich King, no Illidan, the Orcs and the Humans would never have meet, there wuold have been no Wars of the Alliance and the Horde, as there would not have been an Horde, no Forsaken, no Blood Elves. So fighting off the top of the hill will be the last thing, and if those zones are true, that will happen.

So evil will have been cleansed from the universe and all will be good. The End.

With the cliffhanger of Sargeras spirit still floating around in the Twisting Nether, unable to take form as there are no body strong enough to hold his mighty presence. Until...

WarCraft IV, we rejoin the races of the WarCraft universe hundreds, maybe thousands of years later, and many of the characters we know of will be long gone, but a new evil have rised, to take revenge on the mortal races who once destroyed his plans to rule the universe. Sargeras has returned, legends of old must be told to defeat evil once again, but the new shape it has taken requires new allegiences and new ways to fight it. A long time has passed, alliances that once were are no more, new ones has been made, the world has changed, old homes have been retaken, new ones have been found. WarCraft IV will be a huge hit, and a few years later, the next installment of the WarCraft franchise will see the light of day.. World of WarCraft II.

//Zarc the Dreamweaver

Edited, Aug 22nd 2008 2:14pm by ZarctheDreamweaver
#64 Aug 22 2008 at 10:06 AM Rating: Decent
63 posts
If worgens are from another dimension, theres a human who turns into a worgen, which would bring confusion to the idea. The human is next to the first boss that drops the shoulder pads, next to the npcs that open the door for you. The human will only turn into a worgen if you have the blood elf paladin quest.

*edit* I remembered the little town outside Shadowfang Keep. They had humans that turned to worgens at night back in the days elites could be found a lot outside instances.

Edited, Aug 22nd 2008 2:05pm by Mourniquet
#65 Aug 22 2008 at 11:08 AM Rating: Decent
Kavekk wrote:
I dunno, Theophany, Pandaren have closer relations to Horde than Alliance. Alliance already has Worgen that are friendly to them - during the day, anyway. Plus, you guys got belfs and we got squids.

Technically, the tauren were also as close to the Night elves as to the orcs, and probably would have no love for the blood elves nor forsaken, but they had to create a dichotomous faction line. There's no real reason that the taruen would be enemies of the night elves though, they were friends.

So, while they did assist Rexxar, the wiki says they match closer to the alliance and are most likely found with alliance company. They're still unaligned though. Since their culture is all about teh beer, I could see them being close friends with the dwarves. I don't see helping an individual that happens to be part of the horde as proof of anything. That happens all the time, heck besides WoW, there's not really any clear factions.

Honestly, maybe by then they'll have broken down the faction system. :O There's all the mechanics in the game right now that they could just push a few buttons and the horde vs alliance thing would simply go away. You could be aligned with whatever factions you wanted, you have rep towards any of them, there's code in place for learning the other langues, etc.
#66 Aug 22 2008 at 12:27 PM Rating: Decent
10,755 posts
If Blizzard released the ********* in a box class, everyone would reroll one. Such is the power of Blizzard.
#67 Aug 23 2008 at 4:37 AM Rating: Decent
599 posts
Perhaps we'll get a Brewmaster hero class which can only be Pandaren. :P
#68 Aug 23 2008 at 8:52 AM Rating: Excellent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Sweet Jesus, level 100?

Can you imagine leveling from 1-100? The experience boost will have been increased ten times or so in the process. You arrive in Northshire Valley, turn in the very first introduction quest and instantly level to 20.

Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#69 Aug 23 2008 at 10:01 AM Rating: Decent
4,717 posts
Can we just sticky this? or do we bump this every 10 days or so?
#70 Aug 24 2008 at 9:22 PM Rating: Decent
Pandaren will never happen because I remember a blue post when people were wondering who the TBC alliance race would be and the CM said that pandaren would be considered insulting to their chinese player base.

Something along the lines of that.
#71 Aug 24 2008 at 11:22 PM Rating: Decent
5,087 posts
well the zones seem to match up for WOTLK and this post was made back in sep 2007, almost a year ago now so I guess we can assume its 100% authentic.

By the way, I still say Nazrethim and Pandaren.
In Loving Memory of SatanWantsMe 2006-2008
SWM Wiki | Journal | What I am listening to right now
#72 Aug 25 2008 at 12:44 AM Rating: Good
863 posts
Zarc wrote:
Blizzard could make it so that the dreadlords allied with the Forsaken have re-establsihed their contact with their homeworld and had their brothers join the ranks of the Forsaken, and therefore with the Horde.

Dreadlords did not ally with the Forsaken. Varimathras is the only one and he did not join by his own free will. Even so, these are the very demons the whole of Azeroth is fighting against. Why help them gain access to their home world? It will only make them a threat. Dreadlords are powerful demons in their own right, I can't imagine they'll be playable race. When ppl start rolling Nathrezim, it'll be like a Burning Legion invasion once more - you can't have Dreadlords pouring out of a newbie area and into the world. That wouldn't make any sense.

Wiki wrote:
t was the dreadlords Mal'ganis and Tichondrius who first spread the taint and corruption of the Legion across Lordaeron and Felwood respectively, and after their deaths by the hands of the enemies of the Scourge, it was Varimathras and his brothers, Detheroc and Balnazzar, who were put in charge of the undead forces in Lordaeron while Archimonde took his forces across the sea to Kalimdor to siphon energy from the World Tree Nordrassil on Mount Hyjal.

They have done too much evil to be considered an ally, even to the Horde. Varimathras can't be trusted, there's no reason for him to keep serving Sylvanas that we know of - he might have his own plans to regain power altogether. No, don't think Nathrezim will become a playable race. It just wouldn't be right - no one trusts them, and there's only 1 in service of the Horde due to Sylvanas' manipulation.

Worgen are unlikely too, but easier to create a storyline for. What Blizz did to the Draenei is easily repeated for the Worgen - especially those on Azeroth, not longer in contact their home world. They would be an ally to the Horde because they too are an enemy of the Alliance. Far fetched? Yes, but not an option to be discarded.

Pandaren an issue in China? I don't know if Blizz is going to care for that - I guess they are. It would be silly not to with the amount of income at stake. They did re-do the skin on their undead, so they do respect their culture. Would pandaran get another skin in China too? They would just be a kind of bear. Would they then not still be panda's? Blizz would need to find a loophole to be able to do that, but it seems plausible.
It could be Furbolgs too, for if you did the Draenei starting area, you see that the Draenei are very close with the Furbolgs and even speak their language. Just like the Horde only has on tribe of trolls (Darkspear) as an ally, while the others are hostile to both factions, the Alliance might get a tribe of Furbolgs at their side. Not impossible imho.

Hell, a tribe Furbolg could even side with the Horde for all we know - it's all so easy to manipulate. Who would have expected Blizz to get a playable race from outer space? Nah, I'm not calling any shots yet. They might even invent some - yet unknown - amphibic tribe (naga offshoot).

Or Dark Iron dwarves, you could form them into a Horde race when you're willing to rape the lore again - that would give the Horde another Paladin race, like the Furbolgs could give alliance another Shaman race.

Ah, speculation! Gotta love it.

edit: spelling

Edited, Aug 25th 2008 11:26am by Hence
#76 Aug 25 2008 at 12:24 PM Rating: Decent
2,602 posts
They might also be adding another hero class then, too

didnt blizz tell news fellows during a blizzcon that they plan to release a hero class with every expansion now?
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