So my computer died yesterday, leaving me no choice but to dig up my old laptop as my newer one is currently on loan to my mom. What an ancient thing. 8 gig hard drive, Windows 98, and just enough RAM to have a PDF file and internet explorer working at once...with a wait time of about 30 seconds every time I change windows. Useless for everything except surfing the internet for help reviving my desktop PC. As I waited for replies on tech support forums, I dug around a bit and found an old folder filled with crap I saved from my old desktop. I had kept the stuff there to transfer to my new PC, but it looks like I didn't care enough to go through with it.
Stuffed inside the folder were a crapload of documents and stuff pertaining to the World of Warcraft alpha and beta, back before I even cared about the game. I had been sent the stuff from my friend, who was in the friends-and-family beta that preceded the general closed beta in early 2004. Most of the documents were plastered with '2003'. A lot of them were boring, and I can't remember reading any of them. Maybe I looked at a couple and decided it was boring crap.
However, nearly four years later, I had enough of a mind to peruse them all. A lot of PDF-format conversions of early Gamespy previews, patents Blizzard took out for WoW, and so forth. I did find, however, a list of 'possible expansion sets' that looks really interesting. Some of the stuff looks a bit off, especially some of Outland and Northrend, so Blizzard isn't liable to stick to the rest of the plan down to the letter. But the quaint little PDF lists five expansion sets and the regions within. It goes as high as level 100. Nothing about it looks very official, was nothing more than a wordpad document pasted into a PDF document, but I think it's of Blizzardly origins. I assume no responsibility for your actions if this list spurs you to run to the nearest auction house and buy thousands of golds' worth in armor so you can be ready for the Maelstrom.
Draenor Set
Azuremyst Isle - 1 to 10
Bloodmyrk Isle - 10 to 20
Eversong Forest - 1 to 10
Quel'thalas - 10 to 20
Hellfire Peninsula - 58 to 62
Zangarmarsh - 60 to 64
Terokkar Forest - 61 to 65
The Deadlands - 63 to 67
Nagrand - 64 to 68
Blade's Edge Mountains - 66 to 70
Netherstorm - 67 to 70
Shadowmoon Valley - 69 to 70
Northrend Set
Borean Tundra - 67 to 70
Howling Fjord - 67 to 70
Dragonblight - 69 to 72
Grizzly Hills - 70 to 73
Crystalsong Forest - 72 to 75
Zul'drak - 73 to 76
Sholazar Basin - 75 to 79
Storm Peaks - 76 to 80
Icecrown Glacier - 78 to 80
Maelstrom Set
Gilneas - 77 to 80
Grim Batol - 78 to 81
Kul Tiras - 79 to 82
Kezan - 81 to 86
Tel Abim - 83 to 85
Zandalar - 84 to 87
Plunder Isle - 86 to 88
The Broken Isles - 87 to 90
The Maelstrom - 89 to 90
Plane Set
Pandaria - 1 to 10
Hiji - 10 to 20
Wolfenhold - 1 to 10
Xorothian Plains - 10 to 20
The Green Lands - 88 to 91
The Dying Paradise - 91 to 94
The Emerald Nightmare - 94 to 97
The Eye of Ysera - 97 to 100
Deephome - 88 to 91
Skywall - 91 to 94
The Abyssal Maw - 94 to 97
The Firelands - 97 to 100
Legion Set
K'aresh - 96 to 99
Argus Meadowlands - 97 to 100
Mac'Aree - 99 to 100
Maw of Oblivion - 100+
The Burning Citadel - 100+++
I'm not sure what the plus signs indicate. I'm trying to get in touch with my friend (we had a falling-out a year and a half ago) to ascertain the origin of this strange little file.
Edited, Sep 18th 2007 7:41am by Reinjin
Edited, Mar 30th 2012 8:37am by Xsarus Lock Thread: