I understand the rationale, but for someone who primarily solos or only groups with close friends who don't care about my AAs, it's frustrating to be subjected to it. It's also a feeling of SOE acting like a nanny for groups. /shrug
You really think it's feasible to hit 92 with only 45 AAs?
Oh also, just out of annoyance, my Conjuror was really low AA and in her 70s when this "280 for 91+" was announced. I spent her current AAs (just over 100) and haven't spent an AA since. She has over 280 AAs, only has spent 106, and is almost level 91. I'm not going to join anyone's group, as I'm not that foolish, but I did it more as a /rude to their flawed decision process there.
I'll spend them once I hit 92. Here's a pic from a couple months ago: http://twitpic.com/9m1mh9
Edited, Jul 28th 2012 8:11am by Cyliena