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Is it just me or...Follow

#1 Sep 25 2013 at 6:40 PM Rating: Sub-Default
5,055 posts
does the main scenario need more dungeons/party play events? I mean pre level 20 you got a decent mix of single player stuff and dungeons (heck 15 - 20 alone had 3 dungeons). At level 24+ you have about 25 single player fetch missions" between dungeons. at this rate i wouldnt even say the main scenario has 10% multiplayer content.

I mean some people did get this to play with friends. how would they do that if 90% of the fun (i.e non grindy) stuff is single player? lol.

Also according to reviews the story and game picks up at level 30 then goes at ful speed and doesnt slow down/stop until the very end. hows that possible when the first party dungeon/fight is level 32 then the next one after that is 34,m and finally you dont get another one until 41? So what happens between 34 and 4q that keeps the "roller coaster exciting and going at full momentum"?

Dont get me wrong i like the game but I mainly play MMOs to actually play WITH people (thats why i played FFXI for years... if the story and game were most single player doable from 1 to 75 I wouldnt have lasted a year let alone the 6+ I did last. I mean if I wanted a single player game there are MUCH better RPG options out there like (dare i say) FFXIII and FFXIII-2 or even tales of xillia
#2 Sep 25 2013 at 6:42 PM Rating: Default
230 posts
>.> ...k?
#3 Sep 25 2013 at 6:47 PM Rating: Good
I do wish the job quests were the same as in 1.0. They required a full party to get your Artifact and the fights centered around learning how to play your job. That would have been great with duty finder, and I'm kind of disappointed that they made that solo content.

Other than that, I'm fine with the pacing of solo vs party play content in ARR.
#4 Sep 25 2013 at 8:45 PM Rating: Good
5,745 posts
DuoMaxwellxx wrote:
does the main scenario need more dungeons/party play events? I mean pre level 20 you got a decent mix of single player stuff and dungeons (heck 15 - 20 alone had 3 dungeons). At level 24+ you have about 25 single player fetch missions" between dungeons. at this rate i wouldnt even say the main scenario has 10% multiplayer content.

I mean some people did get this to play with friends. how would they do that if 90% of the fun (i.e non grindy) stuff is single player? lol.

Silly numbers. It's not about some magical ratio of single player content to multiplayer content. After all, what if they takes those 25 fetch missions and combine many of them so that it's only 5 distinct missions, but you're still doing the exact same amount of fetching and getting the same total reward?

Either there's enough dungeons or the game needs more. And that's not measured by some ratio of single player fetch quests to dungeons.
#5 Sep 25 2013 at 8:56 PM Rating: Good
3,737 posts
I actually think the game has a decent number of dungeons while leveling up. You get a new one every 3 or 4 levels after level 20. Some of them are optional, but they're still there.
svlyons wrote:
If random outcomes aren't acceptable to you, then don't play with random people.
#6DuoMaxwellxx, Posted: Sep 25 2013 at 9:22 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) A new one every 3-4 level after 20 sounds good until you factor in ho wlong it take sto level at those levels...... 3-4 levels at that rate means hours of work befor ethe next dungeon. and the number of main quests alone at those levels dont even giv eyou enough exp to get halfway tnl so you can go tghe next main quests. right now Im 24. I need about 50k before i hit 25 and do the next main story... I doubt 50k isnt gonan be obtained in 30-60 minutes. Id rather spend that time doing thinsg with others as opposed to being solo.
#7 Sep 25 2013 at 9:32 PM Rating: Excellent
3,599 posts
Is it just me or...

It's always just you.
#8 Sep 25 2013 at 9:46 PM Rating: Default
5,055 posts
Louiscool wrote:
Is it just me or...

It's always just you.

Of course thats always gonna be the case when dealing with raging fanboys who have blind love for whatever it is theyre defending and cant look at things objectively. Its like trying to tell a Sony fanboy that 360 was built better than PS3. Theyll scream and claim thats not the case without any reasonable explanation to back it up. I consider myself a Sony fanboy but I can also see things for what they are. I own every Sony system and will be getting PS4. Never owned a microsoft console and wouldnt even take one if it was GIVEN to me. Despite that I wouldnt argue with anyone who says 360 is better than PS3.

Theres plenty of both written and visual evidence that supports the case that the 360 version of games runs MUCH better than its PS3 counterparts. I also believe Xbox Live is a much better service than PSN. Despite that knowledge I still choose Sony over MS anyday of the week, though from the looks of things Id say Siony WILL have the better console this time around.

But yeah would be nice if ppl could see things objectively as I do instead of being blindly loyal and act like FFXIV is perfect in every way shape or form and theres nothing thats wrong with/should/could be changed about it.

So yeah youre right around here it WILL always be just me. But thats because of the kind of people around here and the reason sI stated/gave examples of above.
#9 Sep 26 2013 at 6:12 AM Rating: Excellent
3,737 posts
would be nice if ppl could see things objectively as I do

Smiley: dubious

instead of being blindly loyal and act like FFXIV is perfect in every way shape or form and theres nothing thats wrong with/should/could be changed about it.

Has anyone actually said this? Citation needed.

A new one every 3-4 level after 20 sounds good until you factor in ho wlong it take sto level at those levels

You don't just do the dungeons once. Smiley: oyvey

You mix in dungeons, FATEs, and quests to level up. At high levels, a dungeon generally gets you about 100k exp or so as well as a shot at gear.

However to do the next set of missions you had to level up and to level up you had to spend hours in a party playing with OTHER PEOPLE to do that. So all the "forced" interaction with others between party based BCNM/dungeons in the story made up for the story's overall lack of multiplayer content..

You're right that XIV doesn't force you to party up in order to cross the street to buy a hot dog. You've been right about that for a long time now. You aren't getting any MORE right about it by saying it over and over again. Exactly zero people are disputing that XIV has less forced partying than XI did.. you'd have to be some kind of moron to say it doesn't.

What I'd like you to do though, is take your objectiveness back a step, and examine whether that's a bad thing critically. Is it really a bad thing that you can level on your own time without having to throw your flag up and sit for hours? Is it really a bad thing that you can pick and choose when you want to do the group content, and when you want to do it again for extra rewards? I think if you really look at this objectively, like you claim to, you'll see that in fact, no.. it's not a bad thing at all. It's good for the game to keep people mostly in control of their own timetables.
svlyons wrote:
If random outcomes aren't acceptable to you, then don't play with random people.
#10 Sep 26 2013 at 7:39 AM Rating: Good
88 posts
You can do dungeons more than once.... there are nice sets of gear to get in these dungeons which you can do with friends, You can do Hunting logs with friends job/GC, You can farm with friends depending on what crafting you do, You can do fates and party up with friends , You can help friends do job missions up to the part it becomes solo , And who is to say you need to be single player to do "SOLO" quests ? if your from same city you can do quests together help kill mobs and such hell you can go to other cities and do quests together there as well there are alot of things (some may be simple) to do with friends you are just choosing not to in my opinion
#11 Sep 26 2013 at 7:57 AM Rating: Default
UltKnightGrover wrote:
I do wish the job quests were the same as in 1.0. They required a full party to get your Artifact and the fights centered around learning how to play your job. That would have been great with duty finder, and I'm kind of disappointed that they made that solo content.

Other than that, I'm fine with the pacing of solo vs party play content in ARR.

In the Old FFXI you need ppl to assist with the first AF1s. Now for the most part you can solo them all. Seeing that there will be a level increase i'm sure these aren't the final sets of AF and they will probably require you to team or use DF for higher level AF in the future.
#12 Sep 26 2013 at 8:44 AM Rating: Good
3,599 posts
DuoMaxwellxx wrote:
Louiscool wrote:
Is it just me or...

It's always just you.

A bunch of BULLLLLLLLL****.

I, like many sane people, have stopped engaging with you long ago. Despite that, I couldn't let your topic title go this time. It was a good troll title, I'll give that to you. You know your place here, and you know that if you don't try to stir the mynock's nest no one will pay attention to you. I get it.

But please, don't stand on your soapbox crying that no one is as objective as you. You are the most negative and sad little hater I've ever seen. One day you'll write some post with something positive to say about this game you just can't seem to stop playing and talking about and posting about and reading about and then we will all be shocked. That will be your best troll.

(And, FYI: I did the entire story with my friends, we had no issue with the number of dungeons as we repeated them for the gear drops and exp, and I found it to be a nice mix of solo and group content. My only complaint is the lack of ANY solo content at all at endgame, as it would be nice to get some small progression on your own towards gear when you don't have the time or patience for other people.)

Edited, Sep 26th 2013 10:46am by Louiscool
#13 Sep 26 2013 at 8:49 AM Rating: Good
149 posts
OP, you make me wonder what happened to Killua sometimes.

Edited, Sep 26th 2013 10:50am by Medieve
#14 Sep 26 2013 at 8:57 AM Rating: Good
2,430 posts
OP is a ******* tool
#15 Sep 26 2013 at 8:57 AM Rating: Excellent
5,745 posts
DuoMaxwellxx wrote:
Sure when it came to rank missions in FFXI you can say that only 10% of it as well was BCNM fights and most of it was just running around talking to NPCs or touching ???s which would be true However to do the next set of missions you had to level up and to level up you had to spend hours in a party playing with OTHER PEOPLE to do that. So all the "forced" interaction with others between party based BCNM/dungeons in the story made up for the story's overall lack of multiplayer content.. that isnt the case with FFXIV

Given the seek time on Duty Finder for DDs, I'm glad that we're not forced to party up just to level in XIV.
#16 Sep 26 2013 at 8:59 AM Rating: Excellent
425 posts
It begs the question.. if you're so unhappy/judgmental with the game and keep on drawing comparisons with it to FFXI, why in the world don't you just go back?
#17 Sep 26 2013 at 9:23 AM Rating: Good
3,599 posts
TwilightSkye wrote:
It begs the question.. if you're so unhappy/judgmental with the game and keep on drawing comparisons with it to FFXI, why in the world don't you just go back?

You may have missed other winning threads from Duo that I don't encourage you to look for. Basically, he has very stubborn opinions on things. So stubborn that he would make declarations as bold as "I would never buy a Microsoft product" and "I will never play a game on a PC, ever."

Yeah, but he's the voice of reason. The objectivity that lights our dark, awful, fanboy ways.
#18 Sep 26 2013 at 9:34 AM Rating: Good
1,675 posts
Louiscool wrote:
DuoMaxwellxx wrote:
Louiscool wrote:
Is it just me or...

It's always just you.

A bunch of BULLLLLLLLL****.

(And, FYI: I did the entire story with my friends, we had no issue with the number of dungeons as we repeated them for the gear drops and exp, and I found it to be a nice mix of solo and group content. My only complaint is the lack of ANY solo content at all at endgame, as it would be nice to get some small progression on your own towards gear when you don't have the time or patience for other people.)

Edited, Sep 26th 2013 10:46am by Louiscool

This is what I'm a bit worried about.

If there were alternate/solo way to get tomes that would be cool. However there are plenty of things to do at endgame solo (meaning when you hit 50) just involves leveling another class up to 50... there is of course going to be PvP, and a gil grind to buy houses and craft and all of that...and I'm sure GCs will allow you to buy certain gear that is somewhat equal to grinding dungeons...or not.*

But really, regarding the OP, I've participated in more dungeons than I ever had in any other game just because it was so accessible in the earlier levels. The progression is great, and it is a good mix of things to do until you hit your 40's where the grind gets a bit steep. It's kinda like a bell curve in terms of dungeon variety distribution. And don't forget the primals.

Mathematically on average (not counting FATES or setting up your own grind party) there's some form of Dungeon/Primal every 2 levels.

Does the ********* inside me wish for these dungeons to be mandatory to continue? Yeah. Would I like there to be more dungeons? Eh, maybe. Too much of a good thing can't be that bad, right?

But is the game fine as it is...yes! People are already chaining FATES and NOT doing the dungeons that are already there...


*I would like to see FATES be reduced a bit, or perhaps endgame guildhests; something where a lot of people queue up for and that is quick to do...but that seems like a different disscussion (at least in tone) altogether.
#19 Sep 26 2013 at 10:46 AM Rating: Default
5,055 posts
"instead of being blindly loyal and act like FFXIV is perfect in every way shape or form and theres nothing thats wrong with/should/could be changed about it. [/quote]
Has anyone actually said this? Citation needed."

Youre right no ones ever SAID that. But surely youve heard of the phrase "actions speak loader than words" and well seeing as what happen everytime I post something negative about the game, that seems to me to be the part where people are very much saying that with their actions as opposed to their words.

Also youre right I COULD repeat dungeons. But sitting in a queue for 45 mins between each run is about as "fun" as having a seek *** up in FFXI waiting for party. I could also g=do hunting logs or open world quests with friends too but thats not necessary. for example the starting class quest in gridinia where you have to go out and kill level 1 enemies. Why the heck would I bother a friend to come do THAT with me? Id be wasting HIS time ad MY time by waiting for him.

As for FATEs ant really say. I havent jumped on the FATE zerging bandwagon yet. I do em if im in teh area and theyre set for my level but I dont run around actively looking for them. Thus guildlevese would be the only form of CONSISTENT party play I can think of.

As for the person who says my "ultimate troll" would;ld be me saying something good about the game ummm thats been done already feel fre eto go see the "Just did my first dungeon" thread

As for "if you dont like the game then dont play it" comments. Hears some (obviously) enlightening information. Just because you like another game MORE or wish said game did I few things differently doesnt mean you dont like it. Yeah i think its way to single player focused for an MMORPG, yeah I also thing the game is much easier than Id like it to be. But that doesnt mean i think its a steaming pile of garbage... if I thought that then i WOULDNT play it. runescape is a steaming pile of garbage, last chaos is also, so is 9 dragons, and free realms, and 2 moons, Dust 514 as well. I played those games a few times (maybe a week each at most) and havent touched them again since. Because they sucked. Yet I still play FFXIV so clearly i must hold IT at a higher regard/think its better than THOSE games. My issue is that I want it to be the new "best" MMO Ive played, and while its "good enough for me" it hasnt achieved the new "best" mmo pat yet (and I doubt it ever will)
#20DuoMaxwellxx, Posted: Sep 26 2013 at 10:50 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) actually i said I would never buy a MIcrosoft CONSOLE. not i will never buy a microsoft PRODUCT. That woudl be a lie considering Im running windows xp on one pc and 8 on another. But yes As for never playing a game on PC THAt part is right.
#21 Sep 26 2013 at 11:00 AM Rating: Excellent
As someone who was logged in Monday, the answer to that is "quite possibly."

I logged in, found my friends doing Skirmish, asked what job, got told "whatever you like" and came on WAR, then got a nice drop for SMN on the second run and switched to that for another three runs. I got more gear. Then I said goodnight and logged out.

Skirmish is great because, while some jobs are more optimal than others (heavy DDs and black mages rule there), pretty much any job can participate and have fun. Garuda was popping off 4k Wind Blades and one shotting things and it was glorious.

If that sounds like your cup of tea Duo, then you might like Fall 2013 FFXI.

Edited, Sep 26th 2013 1:01pm by Catwho
#22 Sep 26 2013 at 11:07 AM Rating: Excellent
3,737 posts
But sitting in a queue for 45 mins between each run is about as "fun" as having a seek flag up in FFXI waiting for party.

fixed the typo. I'm not quoting THAT

And yet FFXI's partying is what you keep holding up as the shining example of MMOs done right. You can't have it both ways here. Also there's absolutely nothing preventing you from going on about your business while you're in queue for a dungeon.

I could also g=do hunting logs or open world quests with friends too but thats not necessary.

Doing them isn't necessary or doing them with friends isn't necessary?

As for FATEs ant really say. I havent jumped on the FATE zerging bandwagon yet.

Do local FATEs while you're out doing other things. You don't have to zerg them, you can have some balance in your leveling diet.
svlyons wrote:
If random outcomes aren't acceptable to you, then don't play with random people.
#23 Sep 26 2013 at 11:13 AM Rating: Excellent
50,767 posts
Archmage Callinon wrote:
fixed the typo. I'm not quoting THAT
Shame, really. Would have made looking for party in those early days more entertaining. An appletini and a riveting rendition of Keep it Gay would be simply opulent.
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#24 Sep 26 2013 at 11:51 AM Rating: Good
1,675 posts
I noticed that typo too, but internally said, "I'm not touching that with a 10ft. pole."

Then I lol'd.
#25 Sep 26 2013 at 12:11 PM Rating: Good
3,599 posts
Also youre right I COULD repeat dungeons. But sitting in a queue for 45 mins between each run is about as "fun" as having a seek *** up in FFXI waiting for party.

In the hopes of being helpful, I highly suggest you queue with a friend or 2, preferably with a tank and a healer. You can hardly blame the system for the players actions, I.E. No one wants to tank and heal, just see big numbers.

I do dungeons with a tank, me healer and the duty starts instantly, for ANY content.

Edited, Sep 26th 2013 2:12pm by Louiscool
#26 Sep 26 2013 at 12:22 PM Rating: Default
5,055 posts
Louiscool wrote:
Also youre right I COULD repeat dungeons. But sitting in a queue for 45 mins between each run is about as "fun" as having a seek *** up in FFXI waiting for party.

In the hopes of being helpful, I highly suggest you queue with a friend or 2, preferably with a tank and a healer. You can hardly blame the system for the players actions, I.E. No one wants to tank and heal, just see big numbers.

I do. the friend I refer too when I mention lack of party content etc etc.. is a tank. so I got the tank part secured already.. but we still sit around for 45 mins waiting for a healer lol. and the tank is a rl friend i pestered into getting the game with me on launch who still isnt decided on if hes gonan continue playing [pre free trial so come Oct 2nd I might not even have THAT anymore. As for making ingame friends well I could but thats a bit difficult on a JP server. when SE FINALLY give sus woeld transfer and lets me go to gilgamesh I can finally REALLY start getting things done.
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