Boney Revelations  

CategoryBarren Sky
Related Zone:
Required Mobs:
Min Coin: 12g, 75s, 46c
Max Coin: 13g, 82s, 51c

  1. Go to Strifewind Isle and collect a sample of water at ( 159, -21, -510 )
  2. Kill 3 Dustwind Drifters ( 215, -21, -544 )
  3. Kill 5 Strifewing Marauders ( 115, -16, -637 )
  4. Kill 10 Dryland Scavengers ( 167, -20, -482 )
  5. Fly to the Isle of Desolation and kill Muckpaw the Gnawer at ( 498, 301.5, -764.5 )
  6. Return to Clarissa Cloudpuff on the Isle of Desolation.

Dem Bones, Dem Bones Gonna Walk Aroun' Barren Sky
Quest Series
The Cloudpuff Series
Wings N' Things
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Categories: EverQuest II | EQ2 Quests
This page last modified 2010-11-03 07:53:50.