Wild Lakoso Tear (RoM Quest)  

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RoM Quest
[+] Savage Lands
 [+] Rufa
  [54] Wild Lakoso Tear

Expansion: The Elven Prophecy
Start: Goldie (Ggl)
Related Mobs: Related Items: End: Goldie (Ggl)

Quest Reward:
 XP: 192,854
 TP: 19,285
 Gold: 4,545Gold 

Other Resources: The RoM WikiGoogle
Runes of Magic
Read the Touching Love Story (Ggl) to the rommmobs until you get a Wild Lakoso Tear (Ggl).

Target a Wold Lakoso (Ggl), then read the story. He will probably attack but stand firm and keep reading it, over and over, 'til you get the update.

OOC Crocodile tear, get it?

Prepare to Enter the Mine Savage Lands
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Wayt Camp
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This page last modified 2015-06-23 11:25:58.