
  • A known anglophile
  • From Texas
  • Is 17, the legal age in Texas, much to the chagrin of resident pederasts, but a joy to the rest of the community.
  • Enjoys the cool refreshing taste of Arizona Iced Tea.
  • Is too lazy to write articles for herself.
  • Is the Child Star of the OOT.
  • Is a member of the OOT Feminazis (Future Castrators League!)

Sweetumssama, also known by Sweetums, arrived at OOT as a breath of fresh air. Her name and nickname, both diabolically brilliant in their innocence, are designed to lull fappers into a state of complacency before she strikes.

Both young and Awesome, she joined the E-Vagina's Future Castrators League (motto: We'll Castrate Your Sons!) within her first month of arrival. Sweetums is often pursued by the various bastages and douchebags that roam the OOT and have an ambivalent view of teenage girls. However, Usagichan was disappointed to find out that she has both free will and is postpubescent.

Sweetums is gainfully employed in some mysterious office/sweatshop where she works for the quarters it requires to buy lipstick, pointy shoes and her subscription to Hello Kitty Island Adventure. She spends her spare time stalking (see below) and perfecting her English Accent.


  • ieatmice
  • Galkaman

This page last modified 2007-10-15 15:12:59.