Living on a Prayer (VG)  

Given by Ish Dai Snowcrane.

"I have a simple request for you, Vendolyn. While I focus my work on these pages, I fear the barrier that keeps the ulvari from approaching weaken. I request that you take my place in prayer at the Shrine of Blessing."

"Even if you do not worship Vothdar, he will listen to your prayer on my behalf."


  • Pray to Vothdar

In the House of Shining Waves, Stand in front of the Shrine of Blessing and pray for Vothdar's blessings.

Quest Rewards:

80 Copper

"The language is very complex but I think I understand a good portion of it. It appears that the ulvari are planar travelers, going from world to world and converting all species to join their ranks."

"One line speaks of 'searching for Kriminos.' I do not know what that means nor do I know who or what a Kriminos is."

"There is also mention that they have been here before many years ago but do not go into further detail. Their current goal is to take over all the races of Telon. They are attacking this island because defensively they feel it will provide an advantage."

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Saga of Heroes


This page last modified 2008-07-13 13:29:52.