Kira Thanos and Uriel Chuluun (Rift Lore)  

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for Guardians, see the story of Scotty
For another story of Kira and Uriel, released by Trion, see Drowning in Snow

Kira is the Master Assassin of The Unseen, the dirty works department of the Defiant, and Uriel is a princess, the only daughter of the High Chief of the Bahmi. Together they are friends and investigators, like Nancy Drew meets La Femme Nikita, and they think their boring assignment just uncovered a traitor in the midst of the Defiant! They just might be on to something...

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Quest Summary

The following quests are all involved and, when all are done, grant the Agent of the Unseen achievement.

  1. An Unwanted Assignment (21) - Find and mark the three items in Stonefield
  2. Rebuilding a Mystery (24) - Find the three pieces of the unknown object in the Harrow Crypt in Stonefield
  3. Energy Analysis (24) - Collect Planar Death Energy from around Deepstrike Excavation in Stonefield
  4. Tracking a Traitor (26) - Find Narros and signal Kira (Towering Steppes in Stonefield)
  5. Not Without a Trace (34) - Find where Uriel has wandered off to in Lotham's Strike in Scarwood Reach
  6. A Mysterious Letter (39) - Meet Kira by the water in Moonshade Highlands
  7. Dabbling in the Forbidden (46) - Disrupt the ritual just east of Exile's Den in Iron Pine Peak
  8. Broken Trust and Broken Hearts (50) - Disrupt the ritual at Hillsborough in Stillmoor, kill the Witch and subdue Uriel
  9. Uriel's Fate (50) - Talk to Asha Catari at Fortune's Shore in Shimmersand

The 3rd, 7th and 8th quests are not a part of the Achievement.

There are a few other quests that involve or lead you to Kira or Uriel:

Related Collections:

Dramatis Personae

  • Kira Thanos - The master assassin of The Unseen, the dirty-works department of the Defiant. She is the Faceless Man's right-hand girl. Kira does not seem to realize the nature of Uriel's interest in her. She has probably never had a friend, before, which could explain the difficulty.
  • Uriel Chuluun - Daughter of Rahn Chuluun and princess of the Bahmi, she lost her mother recently and blames her father. Lately, she has developed a strong interest in Death magic which some might call unhealthy. She is interested, romantically, in Kira.
  • Rahn Chuluun - High Chief of the Bahmi. Not all agreed with his choice to join the Defiant but, so long as he wishes, his people will hold loyal. He is estranged from his daughter, Uriel.
  • Dacia Ultan - Hunter supreme and life-long friend of Rahn Chuluun. Uriel thinks of her as a beloved aunt and will allow her to say things she would stand to hear from no one else.
  • Mulia the Wise/Mulia the Witch - A mysterious old woman that seems to know a great deal about Death magic... Perhaps too much.

Our story starts in the Office of the Unseen in Orphiel's Spire (Meridian) with a conversation between Kira Thanos and Uriel Chuluun.


It seems Uriel is quite absorbed with some recent experiments she has been conducting with Death magic. Kira is less enthusiastic. She would be much more interested in killing some Guardians (or anything).

Uriel: "Kira! Would you like to see a trick I learned?"
Kira: "No, I don't find that sort of thing... amusing."
Uriel: "Come on, Kira. I am sure you would enjoy it. Apparently, giving Life creatures a dose of Death magic is.... EXPLOSIVE!"
Kira: "Oh, very well. Show me this 'trick'."
In speaking to Uriel's father, Rahn Chuluun in the Catari Command Center, you learn that Uriel blames him for her mother's death.


Coterie Camp

In a tent above and at the back of Coterie Camp you find Kira and Uriel, on assignment from the Faceless Man and unhappy about it. He wants them to find some antiques in Titan's Rest and Kira is more than happy to pass the assignment on to you (An Unwanted Assignment).

When you marked the third artifact Uriel shows up to check on your progress, but feels that something is not right. You are attacked by an Undead,then Uriel runs back to camp, worried that something is very wrong here.

Harrow Crypt

Kira and Uriel in Harrow Crypt
Kira and Uriel in Harrow Crypt
In Stonefield on the northeast side of Granite Falls. Our duo is near the end of the ramp at the bottom of the crypt. Rebuilding a Mystery involves finding three pieces to a mysterious device. Seeing the completed machine leads Uriel to a startling conclusion.
Kira Thanos: Are you finished yet with whatever you're tinkering with?
Uriel Chuluun: I'm almost finished. I just need to assemble all the pieces in a logical configuration.
Uriel Chuluun: And there we have it! Isn't it amazing, Kira?
Uriel Chuluun: Fascinating! Just fascinating!
Kira Thanos: Oh, yes, spectacular. What is it?
Uriel Chuluun: It looks like a prototype for something larger, but there's something else strange. These parts came from Meridian. A Defiant built this machine!
Kira Thanos: Then it appears we have a traitor to root out; finally, some excitement!

Deepstrike Excavation

Kira and Uriel are directly above the entrance to the mine, next to a full-size device (the same one?). Once you complete Energy Analysis a member of the Endless Court, Narros, appears, destroys the machine and warns Uriel and Kira to stay out of his affairs. He then runs off and vanishes.

Towering Steppes

Just across the road from Camp Fergos, and over a small hill, we find our dynamic duo continuing the search for the traitor within the Defiant.

Kira explains that Uriel was pretty shook up by that blast at Deepstrike Excavation, and needs to be watched over until she feels better. Help Kira as she continues to look for the traitor (Tracking a Traitor). After you set off the signal Narros appears, blocks Kira and Uriel from helping, and attacks you so you kill him. Uriel frees Mulia the Wise from the cage and goes off with her via teleport. Kira goes off to check on something and will meet you back where you found her by Camp Fergos (not at Titan's Well as the quest says).

It would seem that Uriel may have found a teacher... but a teacher of what?

Scarlet Gorge

Uriel's father, Rahn, asked you to find his daughter (The Saga of the Endless: Long Buried). She is at the very bottom of the waterfall, deep in Guardian territory in the northwest part of the map, at ( 3675,2769 ). She is with Dacia Ultan and they are setting up some kind of Defiant machine. It looks just like the ones used very early in the Defiant story to drain the Soul Essence of Guardian Ascended. Apparently Dacia is here to watch Uriel's back so she can focus on her work, trying to discover what Alsbeth is after in this region.

This encounter starts a series of level 30 quests in the quest series, The Saga of the Endless, surrounding the reason Alsbeth is in Scarlet Gorge.

Scarwood Reach


Villager Reev: I saw that famous Kelari assassin pass through. The one who the Defiants brought back from the dead. I don't know how I feel about bringing someone like that back.
Zarold Bahlack: The Defiants have made many good decisions. I doubt that one though.

Uriel is found near the Resurrection Focus and is involved with a short series of quests that start with Norel Evanov (on the porch of the nearby building) looking into a new weapon of House Aelfwar's, a Life Bomb. House Aelfwar, and the Ironvine tribe, have apparently found some outside assistance and are planning to bomb multiple targets in the zone.

Necromancer Zahalred: There is something about that Chuluun girl. I cannot put my finger on it, but she's not right in the head. Not right at all.

In conversation, Uriel tells you that she came to Scarwood Reach to learn the magic of the Aelfwar despite her father's objections. She does not, however, mention who is teaching her.

Kira is southwest of there, in Lotham's Strike, and is on a mission for the Faceless Man looking into suspicious levels of Guardian Ranger activity nearby.

After you finish Derailed Agenda for Uriel, Kira runs up, tells Uriel that she just heard she was in town and came over to check on her and make sure she was not getting into trouble. Uriel calls Kira "Kay Tee", who tells Uriel not to call her that and calls Uriel "Princess" in return. After Kira runs off, Uriel says "Yeah, she likes me. She just won't admit it."

Kira is concerned with what Uriel has been doing in the deep woods and wants you to "follow her and observe" (Not Without a Trace). It would seem that Uriel has been learning Death magic from the old witch, Mulia, and is being pressured by Mulia to learn more about Regulos and his forbidden "dragon magic."

Uriel Chuluun: You know I am grateful for all you've taught me, Mulia, but you speak of forbidden magic.
Mulia the Wise: You cannot learn everything about death magic without knowing the power of Regulos.
Uriel Chuluun: I cannot do it, dragon magic is forbidden. We will speak no more of this in the open!
Mulia the Wise: You know I am right, child. Do not deny the truth in my words.

Moonshade Highlands


Kira is kneeling under a tree near the Envoys of Gorvaht, whom she wants you to "welcome" (Envoys from the East).

Acrid Basin

Here we find Kira huddled against a rock outcropping, looking over the river. She has a few tasks she wants you to perform, of course: Fistful of Flesh and A Deeper Mystery.

Stonemason's Watch

You are finally led to find Uriel by a quest from Seersage Camp (Faer Warning). You will perform a long series of interlocking quests ending with Salvage Operation. When you go to disable the pump at Kelpmere Tower you will notice a letter pinned to the wall there. Examine it to start A Mysterious Letter which sends you across the water to speak to Kira again. This fits perfectly with your needs for when you deliver the Necrotech device to Uriel; she sends you to Reclaimer's Hold to talk to the Faceless Man, and Kira is just west of there, on the river bank.

Kira has a problem. It seems the Abyssal canisters and extracted death energy you delivered to Uriel at Stonemason's Watch never made it to Meridian. This is very strange. Kira concludes they must have been stolen from the camp but she tells you to let her worry about that. Unfortunately, when this quest completes she does not give you a new mission. Return to the Faceless Man at Reclaimer's Hold. This will lead you to a confrontation with Tidelord Brenin and the Demon, Estrode. At the end of the battle Kira will appear atop the wall, fire a blast at Brenin, and announce that she was right; you no longer need her help.

Iron Pine Peak

You next see Uriel at Exile's Den, fighting werewolves, and she has several tasks she needs your help with, starting with Technology Confiscation and Abyssal Schematics.

Centurion Nigua: Is it just me... or does Uriel smell a little bit like rot?
Phrourarch Verdua: I wasn't going to say anything about it... but yes she does.
Centurion Nigua: Poor girl. How embarrassing. My cousin had that problem. An apothecary cleared it up though.

Mulia and Uriel
Mulia and Uriel
Passing through Kestrel's Cry Ravine you spotted Mulia the Wise and Uriel. As you approach Uriel runs away from Mulia, who casts a dangerous ball of energy and appears to throw it at Uriel. The exact same scenario plays out again when you see them in the woods in Dayblind Hollow just east of Radiant Guard.

The Faceless Man has asked you to disrupt a ritual he has heard about in Dayblind Hollows (Dabbling in the Forbidden), not too far from where you saw Uriel and Mulia, so you decide to go check it out. After you have finished and the ritual has been disrupted, Mulia and Uriel show up. Uriel says that the ritual went perfectly, even with the unexpected interference, and Mulia replies that soon Uriel will be ready to join them.

Just then, Kira appears, cries "Step aside, Uriel. That old witch is mine!", but Uriel yells back, "Stay away from her, Kira! And stay away from me too." After Uriel and Mulia are gone Kira tells you to say nothing of this and leave it to her.

On your return to the Faceless Man, he is puzzled by Kira and Uriel's behavior, and why Kira did not kill Uriel. He tells you he will be leaving for Stillmoor soon, but he may need your help there if Kira continues to be... difficult.


After no sign of Kira for some time (since Moonshade Highlands) imagine your surprise when she appears, running stealthily across your path, on the way from Belmont to Briarcliff. She does not, however, pause to say anything to you and vanishes somewhere towards Briarcliff.

She apparently gets in a lot of trouble shortly after that, as you will soon find out.

Zareph's Return

Kira, Imprisoned!
Kira, Imprisoned!
Uriel the Fallen
Uriel the Fallen
Mulia the Witch
Mulia the Witch
The Faceless Man is here, and he has decided the time has come to deal with Uriel's betrayal (Broken Trust and Broken Hearts). Go to the meadow in Hillsborough for the final confrontation between Kira, Uriel, Mulia the Witch, and you.

Kira Thanos: I should have been watching out for you, but I failed.
Kira Thanos: Look at yourself, you've become a traitor to your own peaople! What would your dead mother say?
Kira Thanos: Why, Uriel, why won't you listen to me?
Kira Thanos: Let me out now! You're only making matters worse for yourself.

You disrupt the ritual and use an artifact to drain the power it was building in Uriel's body. This leads to a fight between Kira and Uriel while you dispatch Mulia. The Faceless Man arrives and, after a conversation with Kira, takes Uriel back to Meridian to face Asha Catari.

The Final Confrontation
The Final Confrontation


Fortune's Shore

We cannot imagine a scenario where Asha Catari would be less pleased with Uriel... but avoiding it is not going to help, either. The Faceless Man asked you to speak to Asha in Fortune's Shore so she knows about Uriel's betrayal before Uriel's father finds out (Uriel's Fate).

When you deliver the letter to Asha, a portal opens and the Faceless Man appears. Interestingly, Asha seems more angry with him than Uriel.

Asha Catari: So you've come. How is it that one of your most trusted agents was nearly lost to the Endless Court without your knowledge?
Faceless Man: My mistake was allowing someone else to judge Uriel's character. Kira began her career with The Unseen as an aloof, but rational, agent. She has changed.
Asha Catari: I see. We'll discuss Kira's part in all this at another time. Where is Uriel now?
Faceless Man: I have taken her to Meridian and placed her in confinement. She would be dead, but this Ascended had the foresight to leave her alive while Kira subdued her.
Asha Catari: Quick thinking, a trait that I prize highly. Had she died, Rahn would never have forgiven us.
Faceless Man: Yes, Kira noted that as well.
Asha Catari: I will deal with Rahn. Hopefully, he will be thankful we were able to intervene before Uriel was completely lost. How is she?
Faceless Man: She was still unconscious when I left her. The girl was channeling some very powerful planar magic when Kira and the Ascended took her down.
Asha Catari (to you): Ascended, despite the seriousness of the situation I am most grateful for your diligence. You may have prevented the collapse of a crucial but tenuous alliance.
Asha Catari (to FM): You could use more agents like this one in your ranks.
Faceless Man: Indeed.
Faceless Man (to you): I will be in contact with you, Ascended. I must return to Meridian and check on my fallen agent.
Faceless Man (to Asha): We will speak more later, General.

And he exits in the same manner he entered. The interview is over.

Moonrise Hollow

Kira is here, under orders from Asha Catari to remove the Golden Maw threat (Torn Asunder to Hero of the Defiants).


This page last modified 2011-10-30 22:29:06.