Gather Solid Evidence (VG)  

This quest is given at the hobgoblin encampment by right clicking on a corpse.

If these ulvari are corrupting the hobgoblins, then perhaps some sort of truce can be made. Find evidence that these new invaders are indeed the cause of the corruption and return to Taejin at once.


  • Ulvari slain at hobgoblin camp (0/10)
  • Ulvari blood sample (0/5)

Slay 10 ulvari at the hobgoblin encampment and collect 5 ulvari blood samples. Return to Taejin when done.

Quest Rewards:

70 Copper

"This is troubling news. You say they call themselves ulvari?"

"The blood samples you bring are similar to what you found on the hobgoblins near Sun Village. If these ulvari are indeed controlling the hobgoblins and giving them such power, then it won't be long before they control this part of the island."

Receive quest: Warn the Priests.

Return to Isle of Dawn page.

Saga of Heroes


This page last modified 2008-07-13 12:39:33.