EQ:Stone Core  

Quick Facts
Stone Core

Type: Active
Macro: /alt activate 624
Expansion: The Serpent's Spine
Total AA: 36
Cooldown: 00:22:00
Classes: Magician



This ability allows you to absorb the pure essence of elemental earth into your soul. While this ability is active, you will take less damage from melee attacks. This ability lasts slightly longer than Heart of Stone (assuming it is not stripped by excess damage) and can absorb more total damage from incoming melee attacks.

Rank Requirements

Rk AA Lvl ExpansionEffect Prerequisites
1 9 71 The Serpent's Spine 11067 Heart of Stone 1

2 9 76 Secrets of Faydwer 12595

3 9 81 Seeds of Destruction 13710

4 9 82 Underfoot 16729

5 9 85 House of Thule 27459

6 12 91 Veil of Alaris 31586 Knowledge of Alaran Culture - Advanced 1

7 15 93 Veil of Alaris 31587

8 18 95 Veil of Alaris 31588

8 18 100 Rain of Fear 33918

This page last modified 2013-10-08 08:58:48.