Commonlands (EQ2 Quest Series)  

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Quest Series
Starting ZoneThe Commonlands
Rec. Levels10 to 23
Previous Freeport Villages Quest Series
Next Nektulos Forest Quest Series
Contents [hide]
EverQuest II
Quest Series

At the West Freeport Gates

Bloodskull Series

Starts with Gerun Pontian - for Evil-aligned characters only

  1. Speckled Rattler Venom (10)
  2. Beetle Shells (10)
  3. Armadillo Hides (12)
  4. Orcs and Ghosts (12)
  5. Rainus (12) - Continues with Rainus Canton
  6. The Frenzy of the Bloodskulls (13)
  7. Bloodskull Intentions (15)
  8. Bloodskull Disruption (15)
  9. Captain Feralis (16) - Continues further with Captain Feralis
  10. Filling the Coffers (16)
  11. Ventar T'Kal (16) - Sidetracked to Ventar T'Kal
  12. Orcs of the Ree (16)
  13. An Acquisition (16)
  14. Gifts from the Earth (16)
  15. The Skeleton Key (16)
  16. Captain Feralis (17) - Back to Captain Feralis
  17. Tecera Valnos (17) - Finishes up with Tecera Valnos
  18. Broken Equipment (17)
  19. The Bloodskull Threat (19)
  20. Returning to Captain Feralis (18)

Mooshga Series

Mooshga - moved to the West Freeport gate

  1. Hyena Jerky (11)
  2. Seafood Surprise (14)
  3. Crack Pot (14)
  4. Wisp-er Sweet Nothings (14)
  5. Rhino-rific (16)
  6. O' Mugwump Where Art Thou (16)
  7. Overlord's Omelet (10)
  8. Pachyderm Punch (16)
  9. Mushroom Madness (20) - leads the player to the Nektulos Forest Quest Series

At the Dog Pond

At The Crossroads

Each of these quest series is independent of each other. It is recommended that you work on all of them simultaneously, as many of the activities overlap.

Madam Vi

  1. Quenching Their Thirst (12)
  2. Far From Home (16)
  3. No Risk, No Reward (16)
  4. Seer Stone (19)

J.P. Feterman

  1. Proof is in the Pudding (15)
  2. A Hunter's Tool (13)
  3. Big Game Hunting (17)
  4. Grizzlefang's Mane (20)

Captain Vertas - shares many objectives in common with Brandus Levine's series - recommend you work on them together

  1. Trouble About (15)
  2. More Than Meets The Eye (13)
  3. Proving Your Worth (14)
  4. Confusion is the Key (18)
  5. One Final Task (18)

Guard N'Garen

Impelia Abettus

Item Inspection

At the Docks

Brandus Levine - most of his quests are for Freeport citizens only

  1. The Mysterious Missing Shipment (12)
  2. A Friend In Need (12)
  3. Collecting On What Is Earned (14)
  4. Starting The Negotiations (17)
  5. Finishing The Negotiations (15)
  6. A Meeting Interrupted (16)

Heron Cogcarrier

  1. The 999 Year Old Port (20)
  2. Getting the Smarmy Sprocket Underway (25)
  3. Save the Pirates! (30)

Item Inspection

Near Dreg Village


  1. A Rat Divided (15)
  2. Can't We All Just Get Along? (16)
  3. Love Will Find the Byway (17)
  4. A Hard Man to Please (18)

ZaZa Lenska

  1. ZaZa's Little Problem (22)

a fallen blackguard - near wasp mound

  1. An Eroded Key (15) - gives access to solo instance Bloodskull Valley: The Excavation Site
  2. Terithal's Revenge (18) - inside instance

Wounded Scout - near The Ruins of Val'marr

Orc Lumberjack area

Near Darklight Wood

Ronam Olansk - east nomad camp

  1. Quell the Undead (13)

Tiff Squeelunkle - near The Wailing Caves

  1. Smugglers' Secrets (13)
  2. Crates on the Nerves (15)

Hanif - west nomad camp

Orwen Neovra - west nomad camp

Surveyor Menak - on the hill above Darklight Wood tunnel

At Fallen Gate

This was originally the access quest for Fallen Gate, but is now just a lore series. Tundis N'Oxyle

  1. Key to Fallen Gate (24)
  2. Delving into Fallen Gate (23)
  3. Journal Translation For Tundis N'oxyle (20)

Heritage Quests

Far Seas Requisitions

These all drop in the Commonlands, but take you to The Wailing Caves:

These all drop in the Commonlands, but take you to Fallen Gate:

Item Triggered

  • Bloodskull Orc Bounty (10) - Examine the dropped Borderland Bounty for Bloodskull warriors.
  • A Lost Package (11) - Examine the dropped a twine bound package.
  • Lion Mane Helm (12) - Examine the dropped an unfinished helm
  • A Tour of the Commonlands (12) - Examine the dropped Bootstrutter's Field Guide to the Commonlands
  • Completing a Coward's Job (12) - Examine a section of the Wall of Taros at 131.46, -42.4, -834.61 .
  • Grum's Inspiring Axe (13) - Examine the axe on the wall at the Crossroads at -433, -44, -277 .
  • Stop the Bloodskull Lumberjacks (13) - Examine a pile of chopped wood at -112.21, -46.92, 534.47 .
  • The Giggling Orc (13) - Examine four rocks at 64.23, -48.04, -41.87 .
  • A Ring's Calling (14) - Examine the dropped The Ring of Val'marr.
  • Elephant Hide Boots (17) - Examine the dropped Holey Hide Boots
  • Bandit Sash Bounty (17) - Examine the dropped Borderland Bounty for Dervish Cutthroats
  • A Strange Stone Wedge (18) - Examine the dropped a Dull Wedge.
  • Help the Troll Get Ahead (30) - See Kregnok Legbreaker near the Nek forest Gate
  • The Search for Bloodskull Valley (15) - given by a Wounded Scout at 282, -46.93, 502.79

See Also

This page last modified 2010-06-28 00:36:11.