Category:Boss Gauntlet (CoS Zone Type)  

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City of Steam
Zone Types
Once you reach Level 15 a new Event Icon, Boss Gauntlet, will appear in the Events area of your HUD. This will open the Boss Gauntlet UI which allows you to choose from available instances.

When you have defeated a Boss Gauntlet once, you may use Vanquish but this removes any chance for a Rare Drop.

Each completion rewards a Boss Gauntlet Glyph. Additionally, completing them three or more times each day will earn you an extra Boss Gauntlet Glyph from Lord Saulton.

Subscribers are allowed four attempts per day (F2P players only three). Also, Subscribers may reset the Max Attempts once, twice or thrice a day, at a cost of 95Electrum ($0.92)  per reset.

Note: Completions of this challenge does count towards the Do Challenges task of the Daily Goals but does not count against your Daily Rewards Limit on the Challenges window!

Min. LevelRecommended
Min. Power
RaceBossCommon DropsRare Drops
153500GrinderToil Hazard20000 EXP
200 Expertise Points
Boss Gauntlet Glyph
Mini Toil Hazard Pet
209000†BroodHomonculus30000 EXP
250 Expertise Points
Boss Gauntlet Glyph
Mini Homonculus Pet
2515000ClockroachMagmaroach40000 EXP
300 Expertise Points
Boss Gauntlet Glyph
Mini Magmaroach Pet
3026000WardenFrostgore50000 EXP
350 Expertise Points
Boss Gauntlet Glyph
Mini Frostgore Pet
3540000ZombieAetherlord60000 EXP
400 Expertise Points
Boss Gauntlet Glyph
Mini Aetherlord Pet
450 Expertise Points
Boss Gauntlet Glyph
Mini Bloodhorn Pet
4590000RisenAnomaly80000 EXP
500 Expertise Points
Boss Gauntlet Glyph
Mini Anomaly Pet
550 Expertise Points
Boss Gauntlet Glyph
Mini Harbinger Pet
55170000†UndeadVoid Judicator100000
600 Expertise Points
Boss Gauntlet Glyph
Mini Void Judicator Pet
60220000†UndeadBattle Imraphel110000
650 Expertise Points
Boss Gauntlet Glyph
Mini Battle Imraphel Pet
† Recommended Power changed with the 2.5 patch.

This page last modified 2014-04-15 11:34:34.

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