eq2 quest:In Too Deep  

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# Aug 06 2012 at 7:48 AM Rating: Decent
yeah, sorry for that, my Test conjuror killed it pretty fast and I had no problems with the adds, except the weird regen that seemed to trigger when I was hitting them. I was told that the bubbles spawning later explode and that you need to be at range to avoid damage when they do.

On the "clearing the zone" part, you don't really need to clean everything. I did it to catch all the anchor locs, but you mostly need to clear the entrance and main plaza and you'll be fine.
Not as planned
# Jul 27 2012 at 6:56 PM Rating: Decent
This fight doesn't go as stated. The mobs respawn quickly so you never clear the zone. I've tried. The add on orbs from the Unspeakable Horror appear to be the things that kill you - what's up with that? This quest is very confusing.
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