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war career:Swordmaster  


High Elves



Lore and Description:

The warrior scholars of Hoeth are first and foremost masters of the blade, and are capable of weaving a wall of impenetrable steel with either a greatsword or longsword. This is achieved through rigorous training to master both body and mind. Each flowing form requires agility and balance. As the Swordmaster moves through forms, balancing each maneuver with the next, he creates a graceful yet deadly dance. However, the blade is not the only tool at the Swordmasters disposal. Trained by the loremasters of Hoeth, the Swordmaster is also capable of calling upon the winds of magic to enhance his blade, bringing powerful magics to bear where simple steel will not suffice.

Category: Warhammer Online
This page last modified 2008-02-11 06:58:01.