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riding (WoW)  

Riding (Secondary Profession)
IngredientsQuestsRecipes(AJEAMG) • Trainers

Riding is not really a profession. It is a skill that is taught as if it were a profession. Riding skill is taught by a riding trainer. There is a different riding trainer for each race and is usually close to the vendor that sells mounts.

The first riding skill (75) can be learned at level 40 and allows the use of a rare mount that moves 60% faster then regular movement speed. The second riding skill (150) can be learned at level 60 and allows the riding of an epic land mount that travels at 100% faster then standard movement speed.

Once a character reaches the current level cap of level 70, a player can learn how to ride a flying mount which can only be used in the outlands, the first riding skill for the flying mounts is 225 which allows a player to use a rare flying mount that travels at +60% of standard movement speed. The last riding skill that can be trained by a player is 300 and allows a player to use an epic flying mount that increases a players flying speed to +260% of normal movement speed.

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World of Warcraft

This page last modified 2008-06-12 14:03:54.