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potbs treasurehunt contest 2009  

Aye, have you entard the contest and thought yourself the winner? A pence for an old man o'de sea? Ahoy, see the list below for the current winner Aye.

Avast ye, today's lucky winner be:

From September 16: snort|WH

Congratulations ye ole landlubber, now off to the poop deck with ye!

Arrr, we be wishin' ye good luck mateys! Ahoy, don't forget t' check back e'ery day for the winner, or to t' da'ey jones' locker with ya. Shiver me timbers!

Arrr, pre'ious winners are:

  • September 15: Demonoidal

  • September 14: Blackskye

  • September 13: Dyadem

Aye, ye can read more about the Pirates o' the Burnin' Sea contest har, official contest page har, and the rules har. Oh! And Ye'll ne'er get me buried booty!

This page last modified 2009-09-17 12:24:23.