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fr quest:Where is Everyone  

Free Realms
To Start: Speak to General Glowlight in Sanctuary.
General Glowlight says,"Where are those slackers? Do you think you could help me find my missing guards?

They should be in or around Sanctuary. Return to me if you find them. "

Find the guards around Sanctuary that are slacking off.
This is a Search quest.

Find the guards around Sanctuary that are slacking off.
  • Find Guard Slashi
  • Find Guard Banee
  • Find Guard Snapdragon
  • Find Guard Hardin
  • Return to General Glowlight
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General Glowlight says, "You found my lazy guards? Hopefully they will get to work now. It's so hard to find reliable guards these days. Thank you for your help, citizen.


The Shiny Fancy Ring is a component for the Fancy Rings collection.

You do not need to find the guards in order of listing. You can find them in the following locations:

  • Guard Slashi - Queensfields, around the Bixie Hive
    • Guard Slashi says, "Aw man, you found me! I guess I should go report in."
  • Guard Banee - next island, NE of the barracks
    • Guard Banee says, "Darn. General Glowlight sent you? I was hoping to have a day off. Oh well.
  • Guard Snapdragon - coffee shop in center of Pixiewood Hills
    • Guard Snapdragon says, "General Glowlight sent you? I was hoping to get some shopping done. I guess I should go to work though."
  • Guard Hardin - Pixiewood Hills, by Jacque's Cafe
    • Guard Hardin says, "I don't want to go to work today, although I don't want to make the General angry either. I'll report to him in a few minutes."

This page last modified 2009-05-31 22:16:42.