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fr quest:Turtle Tag  

Free Realms
To Start: Speak to Saffron in Sanctuary.
Saffron says,"Turtles are fascinating creatures! I bet they'd make great pets for some of the younger pixies!

Can you do me a favor? Tag the turtles that are living in the Sanctuary waters. This way I can track them and see if they can be tames without hurting the local population. "

Tag all the turtles living in the Sanctuary waters.
This is a Search quest.

  • Coins 75 
  • Tag all the turtles - (0/8)
  • Return to Saffron in Pixiewood
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The turtles are not had to miss, they are pretty good sized and have the sprinkling shinies.

This page last modified 2009-07-15 15:27:59.