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Wiki:Text Markup  


How to Text Formatting
Type Code Example Result Result
Bold text '''Text''' Text Creates Bold Text where you need it
Italics text ''Text'' Text Creates Italics Text where you need it
Bold & Italics text '''''Text''''' Text Creates Bold & Italics Text where you need it
1 blank line forces a line break.
2 blank lines forces a paragraph break.
New Line <br> Line 1<br>Line 2 Line 1
Line 2
Indent : : IndentThis is a non-indented paragraph and a short paragraph too
This is a Indented paragraph and a short paragraph too
Blockquote <blockquote> <blockquote>text here</blockquote>
Indents both margins and draw a box around it, used when quoting a source document
Beyond these wiki markups, most HTML markup tags work as well, so you can still do <big>BIG</big>, <small>small</small>, <s>strikeout</s>, <u>underline</u> and others.

ZAM credits this article at EQ2 Wikia for some of the info in this article.
Licensed under the GFDL.

Category: EQ2i Credits
This page last modified 2010-10-29 06:13:16.