Revision as of 2010-10-29 05:32:23
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Wiki Help & Documentation

Welcome to ZAM's documentation for wikibase editing, all you need to know about Wikibase editing right in one handy spot.

Wikibase technology has been closely matched with the mediawiki platform so If you have used Wikia, Mediawiki or Wikipedia you will see that 90% of the their tools and functions will work here also

Contacting Help
Contacting ZAM Live Help
via IRC
Live help with Wikibase can be found in the ZAM IRC channels. Click here For info on how to connect to IRC.
Wikibase Forums The ZAM forum for all things wikibase. Ask for advice, Find some given advice or give suggestions on how to improve the wikibase.

General Help
Welcome to ZAM Wikibase An in-depth guide explaining the major elements of a wikibase article and how to submit a productive wiki article. Basicaly a simple do's and Don'ts of the wikibase.
Cheatsheet A cheatsheet that has all basic fomatting techniques and skills you could need for a very long time.
Wiki Formatting Creating bold, italics, indents, numbered lists, bullet points and other miscelanous text fortmatting.
Tables How to Build tables to make your data appear orderly and how to edit an improve existing tables.
Skin Specific Looks Tables look graphically different in different ZAM skins, check them out here.
Links Creating Internal and External links.
Images How to upload images, display and customise how people see the images in the wiki article.

Game Specific Help
Directory Find game-specific information for it's wikibase.
Naming Conventions Guidelines on naming new wiki articles separated into each game wiki.

Advanced Help
Directives Instructs the wiki compiler to do specific things
Templates: How To Syntax, notes, tips and tricks for writing templates.
Internal Functions Those functions defined by the devs and built-in to the Wiki engine
Templated Extensions Templates intended to provide extended capability using the built-in functions.
Global Templates Templates intended for use by more than one game.
Template Users Guides See the subcategories list for documentation of templates designed for a specific game.
Magic Words These are pre-defined variables you can use in any template. Some are similar to functions.
Bludwyng's Color
Scheme Test
This page combines multiple samples showing all the different classes that Bludwyng expects to find in each game's .css file. This page was created as a quick way to see how Bludwyng's classes look against the total .css for each game.

This page last modified 2010-10-29 05:32:23.