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Trollshaws (LotRO Quest Series)  

Quest Series
Starting ZoneTrollshaws
Contents [hide]
Small Fellowship
Lord of the Rings Online
Quest Series


The Blade That Was Broken

Rivendell: Aragorn<s>Elrond<s> • Tinnudir: Calenglad<s>Astiul<s>Forchon<s>Naethmunn<s> • Ost Forod: Robin Dunkley<s> • Gwindethrond: Gwindeth<s> • The Eavespires: Lithuifin<s>

  1. A Momentous Decision (32)
  2. A Man Called Estel (32)
  3. The City of His Fathers (32)
  4. Calenglad Remained (32)
  5. Loyalty's Proof<s> (35)
  6. A Friend in Ost Forod<s> (35)
  7. Unfriendly Eyes in Ost Forod<s> (35)
  8. Ran Afoul of the Bears<s> (36)
  9. Ancient Statuary<s> (36)
  10. A Howling in the Hills<s> (36)
  11. The Gauredain of Emyn Uial<s> (37)
  12. Word from Calenglad<s> (37)
  13. A Meeting With the Blue Lady<s> (38)
  14. Corrupted Beasts of Nenuial<s> (38)
  15. A Friend to the Kings of Old<s> (38)

The Riddle-game

Lindir<s>Bilbo Baggins<s>

  1. The Riddle-finder<s> (36)
  2. The Riddle-seeker<s> (36)
  3. The Riddle-master<s> (36)

This page last modified 2010-08-26 16:13:59.