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Rift Zone:Darkening Deeps  

This dungeon is meant for levels 20-24 and is located in the northern part of Gloamwood, the second zone for new Guardian characters.

Getting There

At the very north of the zone, across the trail and down the hill west from the Guardian camp, is a felled tree bridge (5010, 2289). This leads to a large Spider Cave. At the back of the cave is a tunnel that leads down into the Darkening Deeps just across a field from the dungeon entrance. If you stay on the main road you have a longer path but some may find it easier.

Instance Information
  • Level: 21-27
  • Instance type: Dungeon
  • Number of players: 5
  • Expert Tier 2

This page last modified 2011-08-26 09:50:44.