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Player interaction (WoW)  

how people talk to each other, how they work with each other without talking, emotes

The player community puts the MM in MMORPG. While there are a great many things you can conceivably do all by yourself, there are times where you will be forced into dealing with *gasp* other people. Running instances, buying items off the auction house, communicating in General Chat, or just getting ganked on a PvP server are just a few ways players can mingle.

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You can send messages to any character who is on the same server and a part of the same faction as you are. Most communication is performed by using a slash-command. For example, /say will cause you to Say whatever you type next so the people around you will notice it.

  • /say : Say your message so that only those nearby will hear it, and it will also appear in a Chat Bubble by your character. (/s for short)
  • /tell (/t) SomeName : Send a "Tell" to the person you named at the beginning. They must be online to get your message.
  • /whisper (/w) SomeName : Sending a Whisper is exactly the same as sending a tell.
  • /party (/p) : This will send your message to everyone in your party.
  • /raidsay (/ra) : Communicate with your raid.
  • /guild (/g) : Communicate with your guild.
  • /yell (/y) : Yell your message to everyone in the zone. Use sparingly.
  • /reply (/r) : Send a response to the last person that sent you a whisper.

There are other ways to communicate as well, such as Chat Channels or sending mail. See Communication for more information.

Meeting People While Adventuring

You may bump into other PCs while adventuring. If you do, it's often important to try to determine their motives. On a PvP server, a member of the opposite faction might try to kill you. On the other hand, most people of your own faction are probably just trying to quest or farm. With perhaps the exception of the PvP encounter, try to use common courtesy when dealing with them. Your reputation in the player community matters, and you might be able to help each other.


Out of necessity or convenience, you will sometimes team up with other people. This might be to run an instance or complete an elite quest, or it might just be to kill a quest boss that both of you were after so you both get credit. If you enter into a party, try to be clear about what everyone expects from the group, as it is not always obvious.

To create a party between you and a single other person, target them, right-click on their Character Portrait, and select Invite. This will give them a message offering the chance to join a group with you. If they accept, their portrait and health will appear under your's down the left side of the screen. At this point, you would be the Group Leader -- with a crown over your portrait to mark it. Only the group leader can invite new people, and that player also has a few other controls over the group such as how loot is distributed. If you decide to leave a group, right-click on your own portrait and choose Disband.

See also Party, Group Combat, Common Courtesy


will write the rest later.

This page last modified 2007-10-11 17:41:23.