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Macro (WoW)  

A macro is a small script that is used to combine several actions in a single button, with the potential for a (limited) amount of intelligent choice without player input.

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Types of Macros

Macros are divided into two sets; General Macros, which are shared across your entire account, and Character-Specific Macros, which are useable by your current character only. Each set has a limit of 16, for a total of 32 potential macros, and each macro has a 256-character length limit.

My First Macro

Creating a Macro in World of Warcraft is easy! Just hit the Escape key until the Game Options menu appears, and then to click on the Macros button. Click the "New" button in the bottom of the Macros pane, pick the icon you want your macro to use as well as the name and you're all set to start writing!

For our example we're going to create a simple macro that will use a /say command to talk and also use an emote action. Name your macro "Hello World" and pick whichever icon you want, then hit okay. Click on the text-box in the bottom of the Macro pane and type the following;

/say Hello, world! /dance

Drag the macro onto your action bar and hit it, and you'll tell the world hello and start dancing. Congratulations, you've just made your first macro! Yes, it really is that easy.

Writing a Macro

Macro Commands

Command Use Syntax Notes
/cast Casts the ability, item or spell /cast [1] First Spell; [2] Second Spell Identical to /use
/use Casts the ability, item or spell /use [3] First Spell; [4] Second Spell Identical to /cast
/castsequence Casts the abilities, items or spells in order, then repeats /castsequence [5] First Spell; Second Spell; Third Spell Can use reset= to determine when it should reset to the start of sequence
Macro Commands are useful slash-comamnds you can put into macros (or your chat bar!) to make the game perform certain actions for you. Combined with macro conditionals you can create useful macros to perform a wide variety of tasks for you.

Example Macros== Each class has specific macros that make their abilities easier in raid, group and solo settings easier. Rather than detail them all here, there will be a link to each class and some of their related macros at the bottom of the page.

Other Macros

There are many examples of other macros that support in making World of Warcraft more enjoyable and convenient for the user. Some of them include:

  1. Spell casting with a custom message
  2. Knowing exactly where the character is located with the coordinates
  3. Activating a trinket
  4. Equipping Character Items
  5. Bandage usage on Self or Target
  6. Quick Switch Assist Button
  7. Quick Quest Accept
  8. First Item Mailbox Open, Take, and Delete

World of Warcraft

This page last modified 2008-06-06 19:13:50.