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Macro (WoW)  

for other articles with related titles, see Macro.

A macro is a small script that is used to combine several actions in a single button.

Contents [hide]

Types of Macros

There are general use macros, of which up to 18 are allowed to your characters within one account (which is spread across all servers) and 18 character specific macros, for a total of 36 that each character can use.

Player created

  • General use - can be used for everything from feeding a pet to going afk or bandaging yourself from the beating that warrior gave you in Alterac Valley.


An automated macro is a series of programmed keystrokes or mouse movements designed to repeat certain actions without human intervention for prolonged periods of time, such as farming low level mobs for linen cloth in a specific pattern. This type of macro, usually created outside the game client, is typically construed as "cheating" or "botting". Players who engage in this form of behavior usually end up with either a suspension or outright banning from the game.

Creating a Macro

To create a macro in World of Warcraft, there are quite a few ways to do this, the two most popular being in game via the /macro command and out of game using a text editor.

  1. In game - Simply type the work /macro in your chat bar and hit enter.
  2. Out of game [1] - Using My Computer or Windows Explorer etc, browse to the following directory: World of Warcraft\WTF\Account\account name\ and look for the macros-cache.txt file. Once you find this, you can open it with Notepad or any other text editor.
  3. Editing character specific macros, find your World of Warcraft\WTF\Account\account name\server name\char name\macros-cache.txt file, and edit it the same way.

Class Specific Macros

Each class has specific macros that make their abilities easier in raid, group and solo settings easier. Rather than detail them all here, there will be a link to each class and some of their related macros at the bottom of the page.


  1. ^ Bear in mind, when doing macros "out of game", it's a good idea to number them starting with 1 to 18 on the "global" macros and start with 16777217 through 16777234 for the character specific ones.

World of Warcraft

This page last modified 2008-05-26 16:03:15.