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Overview of GypsiesPath

GP is an entertainment themed social shell, hence the name "GypsiesPath" which Gypsies are entertainers and did it for fun & and a living.

Entertainer classes: Bard -> Puppetmasters -> Dancers Not a Must have, but set up for "Themed Social gatherings"

GP loves every job class there is and welcomes them.

GP is A Collective new LS that is set for new & old players alike. If your new and looking to learn, or Just needing to relax from the everyday grind, Your willing to be the best mentor ever, GP is the right place.

Though it is a "Social Shell" we still have our standards and would like to see a small LS gain its ranks on being one of the bests, to help our own LS members and other LSs in Kujata.

If your afraid of D-Dinging or Massive Wipes and cannot find the humor be hind them, we probably not the LS for you.

Linkshell Leader

Mezzonotte (aka Essence)


Linkshell Rules

1. No Fighting nor Drama. 2. No Begging (Meaning PL or what not) 3. No dissing others to be hurtful. 4. No exploiting the LS or its members to make gil. 5. No starting feuds with the LS nor its members or out side LSs, if you have a beef with another player for what ever reason, /ignore them or be an adult and work things out.

Linkshell Events

Nation Missions & Quests will be set up through time

Cop-to-WoTG Missions & Quests will be set up over time

Endgame events will determine on Higher level players, & Dyna events will determine on players 65-75 if they want to set up runs for them selves.

Ballista Events lv.30-75; once a week, depending on the members.

Social Song & Dance out side The Merry Minstrel will be Random.

How to Join

Send a /t to Mezzonotte Friendly, helpful peeps are a must Need all jobs of all levels and skills.

Web site comming soon::

This page last modified 2007-10-11 09:24:05.