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Gift Boxes (LotRO)  

Lord of the Rings Online

Starting a new character in Middle Earth is a daunting task, fraught with danger and difficulties, but there is help. Each new character receives a Gift Pack<s> in the mail shortly after completing the Introductory quests and reaching their first real town. Each box, when opened, will give you a number of potions and other items that will help you in your journey, plus another box that you cannot open until you level up.

Gift BoxMinimum
Gift Pack<s>5
Gift for a Starting Adventurer<s>6
Gift for an Adventurer<s>7
Gift for a New Wanderer<s>8
Gift for the Explorer<s>9
Gift for the Journeyman<s>10
Gift for a Home Owner<s>15
Gift for an Adept<s>20
Please help fill in the above table for Level 20 and above!

This page last modified 2010-07-20 13:14:56.