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FR Quest:Brawler: Stolen Merchandise  

Trainers • Quests • Series • Collections
Free Realms
To Start: Speak to Seth McGrobie in Stillwater Crossing.
Seth McGrobie says,"I didn't know the headstone was cursed, and now this ghost won't leave me alone!

I'll give Caitlyn a refund, but the Robgoblin Pondblasters stole my merchandise because this ghost distracted me. Get my merchandise back! "

Robgoblin Pondblasters have stolen Seth's merchandise! Seth doesn't really deserve any help getting it back, but he can't pay back Caitlyn if he doesn't have anything to pay her with...
This is a Combat quest.  This quest will advance the Brawler job.

As a brawler, defeat Robgoblin Pondblasters to the east of Seth McGrobie's camp, outside of Stillwater Crossing.
    Those Robgoblins won't give up their ill gotten game without a fight. Knock out a few of them to recover all of Seth McGrobie's merchandise.
  • Return to Seth
    Seth McGrobie says,"Wow, you really came through! Thanks for bringing my stuff back."
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Seth McGrobie is just outside of Stillwater Crossing, to the southeast.

The Robgoblin Pondblasters can be found northwest of Seth.

Brawler: Get McGrobie! Brawler
Quest Series
Brawler: Rightful Owner
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This page last modified 2009-07-14 08:07:34.