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EQ:Necromancer Epic 1.0  


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Symbol of the Serpent

  1. Talk to Venenzi Oberzendi (Nektulos Forest)
    • Conversation:
    • You say Hail, Venenzi Oberzendi
    • Venenzi Oberzendi says 'What is it you want! Can't you see I am gathering reagents for my (master)? If I don't get them for him quickly he might punish me.'
    • You say 'master'
    • Venenzi Oberzendi says 'You do not know of my teacher? The great Kazen Fe'cae! I am one of his illustrious apprentices! If you fancy yourself a necromancer, travel to Lake Rathetear and tell Kazen you wish to study the dark arts.'

  1. Talk to Kazen Fecae (Lake Rathetear)
    • Conversation:
    • You say 'Hail, Kazen Fecae'
    • Kazen Fecae's eyes seem to glow as he turns to you and says, 'Leave me be if you have no reason to be here, mortal!'
    • You say 'i wish to study the dark arts'
    • Kazen Fecae looks you up and down, his eyes glowing with a soft red light. After a moment he begins to speak though his lips do not move. 'You wish to study under me? Perhaps, if you prove yourself to follow the twisted path.
    • If you prove to be as coldhearted as I then I will let you become my servant.'
    • You say 'how can i prove myself'
    • Kazen Fecae says 'The wandering "knight" Sir Edwin Motte recently slew one of my lesser servants. This foolish knave travles from town to town pretending to be "good". Separate his head from his body and return it to me so I may work my magics upon it. This fool will become another plaything for me, even in death.'

  1. Goto East Freeport; Kill Sir Edwin Motte
  2. Give Head of Sir Edwin Motte to Kazen Fecae
  3. Give Symbol of the Apprentice to Venenzi Oberzendi
  4. Get Flowing Black Robe from Najena (Najena)
  5. Give Flowing Black Robe to Venenzi Oberzendi
  6. Talk to Emkel Kabae (Lake Rathetear)

Symbol of Testing

  1. Talk to Ssessthrass (Swamp of No Hope)
  2. Goto Chardok; Kill Grand Herbalist Mak'Ha
    • Loot {{eq1_item|n=Manisi Herb|id=25136
  3. Give Manisi Herb to Ssessthrass
  4. Goto Emkel Kabae (Lake Rathetear)

Scythe of the Shadowed Soul

  1. Goto Kazen Fecae (Lake Rathetear)
  2. Kill wave spawns
    1. a bone golem
    2. a failed apprentice
    3. a tortured soul
  3. Talk to Kazen Fecae (Lake Rathetear)
    • Conversation:
  4. Goto Drendico Metalbones (Timorous Deep)
  5. Goto Plane of Hate
  6. Goto Plane of Fear
  7. Talk to Jzil GSiz (Plane of Sky - Efreeti Room)
  8. Goto Jzil GSiz (Plane of Sky - Efreeti Room)
  9. Goto Drendico Metalbones (Timorous Deep)
  10. Goto Kazen Fecae (Lake Rathetear)
  11. Talk to a thunder spirit princess (Plane of Sky - port-up isle)
    • Conversation:
    • Give 10 Gold
  12. Talk to Ghzzallk (Plane of Sky - Third isle)
  13. Goto Kazen Fecae (Lake Rathetear)

This page last modified 2015-01-29 17:52:30.