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EQ2 Quest:Let Sleeping Kromzek Lie  

Speak to Provocateur Bas Darkfrost at 1191, -457, 644 above the pub of Thurgadin Harbor in the Great Divide to begin this quest. You must be at least level 90 and have +10,000 faction with The City of Thurgadin.

Rewards for this quest can vary dependent upon how many mobs you end up killing throughout the quest.

The coldain have perfected a new poison to use against the Kromzek. They think. Tests need to be conducted and I've been asked to volunteer the giants of Iceshard Keep for the study. I've been given two versions of the poison to try out, a liquid soluble to go in their supplies and a powder that will be absorbed into the skin of a sleeping giant. I need to be careful not to awaken them. I also need to avoid the Kromzek officers until my sabotage is complete. I understand that if I kill an unauthorized Kromzek or am seen at all, my reward may suffer.

  1. Step on the portal behind Bas to zone into the solo instance Iceshard Keep: Agent Provocateur. Everything in this zone sees through sneak and invisibility.
  2. Poison Kromzek food supplies in the storeroom.
    • Head up the stairs into the keep. There is one giant that patrols back and forth at the top of the stairs so wait for it to be out of aggro range.
    • Take a hard left (east) and near the corner is a room. This is the storeroom.
    • One giant patrols the storeroom. Cut across diagonally when you can by heading northeast. You'll be by the lift.
    • Click the switch on the lift (southwestern pillar) to bring it down and get on. Keep an eye on the patrolling giant, sometimes he walks nearby!
    • Once you're up top click on the crates at -680, 148, 282 , -658, 148, 299 and -659, 148, 282 .
  3. Dust toxic powder on the Kromzek beds without waking up the sleeping Kromzek.

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This page last modified 2011-05-27 17:30:03.