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Druid macros (WoW)  

Druids utilize several different forms, both in and out of combat.

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Travel Macros

/cast [nostance] Travel Form; [stance:1] Travel Form; [stance:3] Dash; [stance:4] Cat Form [1]

/cast [nostance] Travel Form; [stance:1] Travel Form; [stance:3] Cat Form /cast Dash [2]

/cast [nostance] Travel Form; [stance:1] Travel Form; [stance:3] Dash; [stance:4] Cat Form /cast [stance:3] Travel Form [3]

Combat Macros

Enrage Bash and Regrowth or Wrath

    • /castsequence Enrage,Bash(Rank 3)
    • /cast [help] Regrowth(Rank xx); [harm] Wrath(Rank xx)

Healing Macros

Cast innervate without changing target

    • /cast [target=player] Innervate


  1. ^ (doesn't work if dash is on cooldown)
  2. ^ (doesn't dash and kicks into caster form)
  3. ^ (shifts well between cat and travel form, but still no dash)

Some of these macros were found at WoWWiki in the Druid section, available here.


World of Warcraft

This page last modified 2008-05-26 15:54:37.