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Dragonblight (Alliance Quest Guide)  


Dragonblight is one of the two "secondary zones" for Northrend. This zone contains a wide variety of questing hubs and an instance hub known as Azjol-Nerub and several raid instance of which one is Naxxramas and the other is The Obsidian Sanctum.

Dragonblight will be the secondary stop for most people during their leveling expedition, you also have the choice of moving on to Grizzly Hills

Wintergarde Keep

  • Head to Wintergarde Keep on the east end of the zone.
    • Don't forget to pick up the Flightpath!
  • Pick up any quests you can find in town.

World of Warcraft

Wrath of the Lich King

This page last modified 2008-11-15 15:52:37.