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Dirge (EQ2 Subclass)  

Archetype: Scout
Class: Bard
Arasai, Fae, Dark Elf, Wood Elf, Gnome, Ratonga, Halfling, Human, Kerra, Half Elf
Alignment: Neutral
Combat Arts Armor Weapons Shields
Epic Weapon Quest Series

From the Everquest 2 player manual: The Dirge is an ideal profession for those who desire to use songs of misery and sorrow to inspire intense battle rage in their allies and despair in their enemies. The Dirge best serves his party behind the frontlines where he can play mournful songs behind the protection of his allies. The Dirge’s songs inspire bold feats in allies, boosting their attributes and skills, and demoralize enemies, diminishing their strength in battle.

Primary Stats

  • Agility (primary) - determines your max power, increases your damage (including spells/poison if you have them), and improves your chance to avoid melee attacks (adds a crit mit bonus).
  • Wisdom - improves your resists against spell damage.
  • Strength - determines how much you can carry.

Class Armor

Class Hat

Epic Weapon

This page last modified 2010-04-20 15:11:30.