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Commissions (DN)  

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Dragon Nest
Commissions are what other games might call Bounties. They are specific tasks posted by the Free Adventurer's League on Commission Boards placed near the entrances to dungeons. Your active Commissions will be listed in your Quest Journal under Side Quests.

Although a Commission can only be started at the Commission Board immediately outside the dungeon it is for, you can turn it in and get your rewards at any Commission Board anywhere in Altera.

Hint Since every Commission awards 2 sizes of bags and bags take space, don't turn in the Commission until you get back to town. That way you can make room and collect them all at once. But be aware that you cannot have two commissions for the same dungeon at the same time.

Gale Woods

Gale Woods Temple

Ancient Temple Excavation Site

Temple Chapel

Catacombs Access

Inner Catacombs

Snowmelt Forest

Arcane Path

Marion's Hall

Orc Camp

Astral Coven Laboratory

Silent Cloister Gate

Silent Cloister Main Hall

Crystal Stream

Raider's Rock

Assassin's Den

Marauder's Lair

Dead Man's Pass

Valley of Mourning

Dead Man's Road

Ashen Ruins

Lost Sanctuary

Forest Sanctuary

Sanctuary Nexus

Autumn Shore

Dread Forest Pass

Dread Forest

Basin of the Fallen

Forgotten Temple

Temple of the Sleepers

Prayer's Retreat

This page last modified 2011-08-24 21:41:52.